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Last active October 5, 2021 00:57
간단한(버그투성이) 패턴매칭 클로저 매크로
(defn process-vars
(letfn [(process-var [var]
(if-not (symbol? var)
(gensym "ocr-")
(vec (map process-var vars))))
(defn make-default-match [vars cs]
(let [cs (partition 2 cs)
[p a] (last cs) ;; 심볼의 경우 p를 a에 바인딩하는 기능 추가 필요.
last-match (vec (repeat (count vars) '_))]
(if (= p :else)
(conj (vec (butlast cs)) [last-match a])
(throw (RuntimeException. "last match must be an :else")))))
(defn make-pattern-let-binding
"let 바인딩을 위한 자료구조 생성"
[vs vars]
(interleave vs vars))
(defn make-cond
"cond predicate을 만들기 위한 비교문"
[vs cls]
(map (fn [v c]
`(= ~v ~c)) vs cls))
(def backtrack-exception (Exception. "BackTrack!"))
(defn catch-error
"예외를 잡는 자료구조 추가"
[& body]
`(catch Exception e#
(if (identical? e# ~'backtrack-exception)
(throw e#))))
(defn compile-rec
"재귀적으로 try문 안에 있는 비교문을 생성."
[cnds return]
(let [cnd (first cnds)
[v c] (vec (rest cnd))] ;; c가 심볼인 경우 v를 바인딩하도록 해야함.
(if (seq cnd)
(symbol? c) `(let [~c ~v] (do ~(compile-rec (rest cnds) return)))
(= '_ c) `(do ~(compile-rec (rest cnds) return))
:else `(do (cond ~cnd ~(compile-rec (rest cnds) return)
:else ~'(throw backtrack-exception))))
(defn match-compile
(let [[cnds return] (first conds+return)
cnd (first cnds)
[v c] (vec (rest cnd))] ;; c가 심볼인 경우 v를 바인딩하도록 해야함.
(if (seq cnd)
(symbol? c) `(let [~c ~v] (try ~(compile-rec (rest cnds) return)
~(catch-error (match-compile (rest conds+return)))))
(= '_ c) `(try ~(compile-rec (rest cnds) return)
~(catch-error (match-compile (rest conds+return))))
:else `(try (cond ~cnd ~(compile-rec (rest cnds) return)
:else ~'(throw backtrack-exception))
~(catch-error (match-compile (rest conds+return)))))
(defmacro my-match
"간단한(버그투성이) 패턴매칭 프로토타입."
[vars & clauses]
(let [vs (process-vars vars)
cs (make-default-match vars clauses)
pattern-let-binding (vec (make-pattern-let-binding vs vars))
conds (map (fn [c] [(make-cond vs (first c)) (second c)]) cs)]
`(let ~pattern-let-binding
~(match-compile conds))))
(doseq [n (range 1 101)]
(my-match [(mod n 3) (mod n 5)]
[0 0] (str "FizzBuzz with n=" n)
[0 a] (str "Fizz with a=" a ", n=" n)
[b 0] (str "Buzz with b=" b ", n=" n)
:else n)))
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