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Created January 26, 2022 12:54
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spacemacs keybindings that i need to learn



Key Binding Description
SPC < space >
RET < return >
C < ctrl >
M < alt >, M stands for Meta

Note these .... most recently forgotten or frequently required.

Key Binding Description
SPC SPC Execute interactive function (M-x on emacs)
fd Alternative: press the f and d keys together.
If you find yourself in a buffer where Spacemacs (SPC) or Vim keybindings don’t work use this to get back to normal state (for example in “SPC SPC customize” press fd to make SPC b b work again).
SPC s c remove highlight
SPC T s list themes
SPC T n Switch to next theme. Light/Dark.
SPC t w Toggle the display of Tabs and whitespace
SPC w b focus mini-buffer
SPC z x     font size minor mode                                        
SPC z f font zoom/unzoom with + - and 0
SPC S c Spell check the last incorrect word.
SPC j w Avy jump to word
SPC a u Open up undo visulization tree. Session change history.
SPC f f filename create files in non-existing subfolders, like SPC f f my/sub/folder/file.txt RET
or :e ~/dir/ RET
Shift + Insert command to paste into emacs command window. Same as Middle Click

Undo visulization tree commands

Key Binding Description
VIM editing Style
j and k to navigate through the tree up and down.
h and l to switch branches.
Emacs editing style:
n and p to navigate through the tree up and down.
f and b to switch branches.
q or C-g to quit and leave in current state.
C-q to abort changes.
Other useful commands:
d Toggle diff display.
t Toggle display of time-stamps.
s Toggle keyboard selection mode.
, and < Scroll left
. and > Scroll right

Copy Paste from/to host clipboard when editing a document - in Vim Mode

Key Binding Description
"+y Copy to the host clipboard
"+p Paste the text to editor, from the host clipboard.
SPC v i g Select the wolde buffer (for copy paste example)


Spell-checking uses aspell. Make sure aspell and aspell-en are installed.

Key Binding Description
SPC t S toggle spell-check
SPC S c correct word
SPC S n go to next error

Files manipulations key bindings

Files manipulation commands (start with f):

Key Binding Description
SPC f c copy current file to a different location
SPC f C d convert file from unix to dos encoding
SPC f C u convert file from dos to unix encoding
SPC f D delete a file and the associated buffer (ask for confirmation)
SPC f E open a file with elevated privileges (sudo edit)
SPC f f open file with =helm= (or =ido=)
SPC f F try to open the file under point =helm=
SPC f j jump to the current buffer file in dired
SPC f l open file literally in =fundamental mode=
SPC f L Locate a file (using =locate=)
SPC f o open a file using the default external program
SPC f R rename the current file
SPC f s save a file
SPC f S save all files
SPC f r open a recent file with =helm=
SPC f t toggle file tree side bar using [[][NeoTree]]
SPC f v d add a directory variable
SPC f v f add a local variable to the current file
SPC f v p add a local variable to the first line of the current file
SPC f y show current file absolute path in the minibuffer

Emacs and Spacemacs files

Convenient key bindings are located under the prefix SPC f e to quickly navigate between =Emacs= and Spacemacs specific files.

Key Binding Description
SPC f e c open =ido= in the =contrib= folder
SPC f e d open the spacemacs dotfile (=/.spacemacs=)
SPC f e D open =ediff= buffer of =/.spacemacs= and =.spacemacs.template=
SPC f e f discover the =FAQ= using =helm=
SPC f e i open the all mighty =init.el=
SPC f e R resync the dotfile with spacemacs
SPC f e v display and copy the spacemacs version


Key Binding Description
SPC ; comment operator
SPC c y comment and yank
SPC c p comment paragraphs

Find files

Key Binding Description
SPC ff: find files or url
SPC pf: find file in project
SPC ph: search in a project with helm
SPC bb: search in buffers

Search in files

Key Binding Description
SPC ss or /: search with evil


Key Binding Description
SPC w = balance split windows
SPC w c close a window
SPC w c close a window
SPC w C delete another window using ace-delete-window
SPC w d toggle window dedication (dedicated window cannot be reused by a mode)
SPC w [hjkl] move to window
SPC w [HJKL] move the window
SPC w s or SPC w - horizontal split
SPC w S horizontal split and focus new window
SPC w u undo window layout (used to effectively undo a closed window)
SPC w U redo window layout
SPC w v or SPC w / vertical split
SPC w V vertical split and focus new window
SPC w w cycle and focus between windows
SPC w m maximize/minimize a window (maximize is equivalent to delete other windows)
SPC w M maximize/minimize a window, when maximized the buffer is centered


Key Binding Description
SPC TAB switch to alternate buffer in the current window (switch back and forth)
SPC b b switch to a buffer using helm
SPC b d kill the current buffer (does not delete the visited file)
SPC b e erase the content of the buffer (ask for confirmation)
SPC b h open spacemacs home buffer
SPC b k kill a buffer
SPC b K kill all buffers except the current one


=projectile= commands start with p:

Key Binding Description
SPC p ! run shell command in root
SPC p & run async shell command in root
SPC p a toggle between implementation and test
SPC p b switch to project buffer
SPC p c compile project using =projectile=
SPC p d find directory
SPC p D open project root in =dired=
SPC p f find file
SPC p G regenerate the project's =etags= / =gtags=
SPC p h find file using =helm=
SPC p I invalidate the projectile cache
SPC p k kill all project buffers
SPC p o run =multi-occur=
SPC p p switch project
SPC p r open a recent file
SPC p R replace a string
SPC p s see [[Searching in a project][search in project]]
SPC p t open =NeoTree= in =projectile= root
SPC p T find test files
SPC p v open project root in =vc-dir= or =magit=
SPC p y find tags
SPC / search in project with the best search tool available
SPC s a p run =ag=
SPC s g p run =grep=
SPC s k p run =ack=
SPC s t p run =pt=


Key Binding Description
SPC e n go to the next error
SPC e p go to the previous error


Key Binding Description
SPC q q Quit Emacs and kill the server, prompt for changed buffers to save
SPC q Q Quit Emacs and kill the server, lose all unsaved changes.
SPC q r Restart both Emacs and the server, prompting to save any changed buffers
SPC q s Save the buffers, quit Emacs and kill the server
SPC q z Kill the current frame

GIT Commands

Git commands (start with g):

Key Binding Description
SPC g b open a =magit= blame
SPC g B quit =magit= blame
SPC g c commit changes
SPC g C checkout branches
SPC g d show diff prompt
SPC g D show diff against current head
SPC g e show ediff comparison
SPC g E show ediff against current head
SPC g f show fetch prompt
SPC g F show pull prompt
SPC g H c clear highlights
SPC g H h highlight regions by age of commits
SPC g H t highlight regions by last updated time
SPC g i git init a given directory
SPC g I open =helm-gitignore=
SPC g l open a =magit= log
SPC g L display the log for a file
SPC g P show push prompt
SPC g s open a =magit= status window
SPC g S stage current file
SPC g m display the last commit message of the current line
SPC g t launch the git time machine
SPC g U unstage current file

SPC t w Show whitespace SPC : type tabify spaces to tabs SPC : type untabify convert tabs to spaces Getting help

Help opens up with SPC h

Key Binding Description
SPC h m describe the current mode

Registers Key Binding Description |-------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | SPC r e | show evil yank and named registers| | SPC r m | show marks register| | SPC r r | show helm register |


Key Bindings Description
SPC f t Open/Close NeoTree in current directory
SPC p t Open/Close NeoTree in project root
** hjkl ** navigate
** H ** Up

Jumps j

Key Bindings Description
SPC j l Jump to line with avy
SPC j b Jump back
SPC j w Avy jump word

Jumps j

Key Bindings Description
SPC j l Jump to line with avy
SPC j b Jump back
SPC j w Avy jump word

Searching and replacing

Key Bindings Description
\ Search symbol below cursor
SPC s a a Ag this file
/ Search in file
SPC / Helm Ag search in project

Substitute works as in Vim

Replaces all foo with bar


Replace but ask first


Replace all matches in project

Search with SPC /
Enter in edit mode C-c C-e
Go to the occurrences and enter in iedit state with SPC s e
Edit and then leave the iedit sate
Exit edit mode C-c C-c


Key Bindings Description
SPC p b Switch to buffer
SPC p p Switch project
SPC p f Find in project
SPC p h File helm
SPC s a f Ag file name in directory

Get help

Key Bindings Description
SPC h T Help Tutor
SPC h d k Describe help key. If you forgot waht ; ford press this followed by ;
SPC ? Search for keybindings ENTER runs the function
SPC h d f Help Describe Function ENTER to describe it
SPC SPC Helm M-x Search for function, ENTER to run it
, or SPC m Major mode leader. Access to all bindings specific to major mode


Key Bindings Description
SPC ! touch Create new blank org file
C-/ Undo
C-? Redo
SPC SPC occur RET ^*+ RET (space after +) Open navigation pane for org file

Org Mode presentations

Org Mode table calculations

Version control for org files

Assumes setup with magithub. See

Steps for putting files under version crontrol.

Key Bindings Description
SPC g s Git status
s Select file(s)
c Commit
c New commit
Write in commit message
, , Write editor and finish.
? Show keys
l Log
l Log Action
H Magithub
c Create Repo
u upstream (Push to origin)


Key Bindings Description
x delete char under cursor
X delete char before cursor
A add to end of line
I insert at the beginning of the line
d d delete line
D delete from cursor to end of line
d i ‘ delete text inside single quotes
y y copy line
Y copy from cursor to end of line
c c change line
C change from cusror to end of line
c i t change text inside html tag
c i ‘ change text inside single quotes
c i { change text inside curly brackets.
c i _ .. square brackets etc.
p paste after cursor
P paste before cursor
o add line below
O add line above
r replace character
R replace. (overwrite) (good for columns of text)
J join line (cursor can be anywhere on line)

VIM Key Bindings

Key Bindings Description
0 beginning of line
$ end of line
9 j move down 9 lines
W move ahead word
B move back word
g g first line
G last line
C-u up half page
C-d down half page
f / move forward to first “/” character
; repeat that command again
H head of the screen
M middle of screen
L last of the screen
} move forward by paragraph or block
{ move backwards by paragraph or block
* search for word under the cursor
n search again forward
N search again backwards
# search backwards for word under cursor
/ search forward
? search backward
% find matching brace, paren, etc
m a mark a line in a file with marker a
` a after moving around, go back to the exact
position of marker “a”
‘ a after moving, go back to line of marker a
: marks RET view all the marks
‘ ‘ go to the last mark you were at


Create save web pge to a standalone html file for offline viewing and archiving.

Org with evil-org-mode

Key Binding Description
SPC m org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c
SPC m * org-ctrl-c-star
SPC m RET org-ctrl-c-ret i
SPC m - org-ctrl-c-minus
SPC m '​ org-edit-special
SPC m ^ org-sort
SPC m / org-sparse-tree
SPC m . org-time-stamp
SPC m ! org-time-stamp-inactive
SPC m a org-agenda
SPC m b org-tree-to-indirect-buffer
SPC m s A or , s A org-archive-subtree
SPC m c org-capture
SPC m C evil-org-recompute-clocks
SPC m d org-deadline
SPC m D org-insert-drawer
SPC m e org-export-dispatch
SPC m f org-set-effort
SPC m I org-clock-in
SPC m l org-open-at-point
SPC m n org-narrow-to-subtree
SPC m N widen
SPC m O org-clock-out
SPC m P org-set-property
SPC m q org-clock-cancel
SPC m R org-refile
SPC m s org-schedule
SPC m T org-show-todo-tree
SPC m L org-shiftright
SPC m H org-shiftleft
SPC m K org-shiftup
SPC m J org-shiftdown
SPC m C-S-l org-shiftcontrolright
SPC m C-S-h org-shiftcontrolleft
SPC m C-S-j org-shiftcontroldown
SPC m C-S-k org-shiftcontrolup
SPC s j spacemacs/jump-in-buffer (jump to a heading)

Org Mode Tables

Key Binding Description
SPC m t a Align the table at point by aligning all vertical bars
SPC m t b Blank the current table field or active region
SPC m t c Convert from org-mode table to table.el and back
SPC m t d c Delete a column from the table
SPC m t d r Delete the current row or horizontal line from the table
SPC m t e Replace the table field value at the cursor by the result of a calculation
SPC m t E Export table to a file, with configurable format
SPC m t h Go to the previous field in the table
SPC m t H Move column to the left
SPC m t i c Insert a new column into the table
SPC m t i h Insert a horizontal-line below the current line into the table
SPC m t i H Insert a hline and move to the row below that line
SPC m t i r Insert a new row above the current line into the table
SPC m t I Import a file as a table
SPC m t j Go to the next row (same column) in the current table
SPC m t J Move table row down
SPC m t K Move table row up
SPC m t l Go to the next field in the current table, creating new lines as needed
SPC m t L Move column to the right
SPC m t n Query for a size and insert a table skeleton
SPC m t N Use the table.el package to insert a new table
SPC m t p Plot the table using org-plot/gnuplot
SPC m t r Recalculate the current table line by applying all stored formulas
SPC m t s Sort table lines according to the column at point
SPC m t t f Toggle the formula debugger in tables
SPC m t t o Toggle the display of Row/Column numbers in tables
SPC m t w Wrap several fields in a column like a paragraph

Org Mode Tree

Key Binding Description
SPC m S l org-demote-subtree
SPC m S h org-promote-subtree
SPC m S k org-move-subtree-up
SPC m S j org-move-subtree-down
TAB org-cycle
$ org-end-of-line
^ org-beginning-of-line
< org-metaleft
> org-metaright
gh outline-up-heading
gj org-forward-heading-same-level
gk org-backward-heading-same-level
gl outline-next-visible-heading
t org-todo
T org-insert-todo-heading nil
H org-beginning-of-line
L org-end-of-line
o always-insert-item
O org-open-above
M-l org-metaright
M-h org-metaleft
M-k org-metaup
M-j org-metadown
M-L org-shiftmetaright
M-H org-shiftmetaleft
M-K org-shiftmetaup
M-J org-shiftmetadown
M-o org-insert-heading+org-metaright
M-t org-insert-todo-heading nil+ org-metaright

Org Mode Element insertion

Key Binding Description
SPC m h i org-insert-heading-after-current
SPC m h I org-insert-heading
SPC m h s org-insert-subheading
SPC m i f org-insert-footnote
SPC m i l org-insert-link

Org Mode Links

Key Binding Description
RET org-open-at-point

Org Mode Emphasis

Key Binding Description
SPC m x b make region bold
SPC m x c make region code
SPC m x i make region italic
SPC m x r clear region emphasis
SPC m x s make region strike-through
SPC m x u make region underline
SPC m x v make region verbose

Org Mode Tagging

Key Binding Description
SPC m : org-set-tags

Org Mode Navigating in calendar

Key Binding Description
M-l One day forward
M-h One day backward
M-j One week forward
M-k One week backward
M-L One month forward
M-H One month backward
M-J One year forward
M-K One year backward

Org Mode Capture buffers and src blocks

org-capture-mode and org-src-mode both support the confirm and abort conventions.

Key Binding Description
SPC m confirm in org-capture-mode
SPC m '​ confirm in org-src-mode
SPC m c confirm
SPC m a abort
SPC m k abort
SPC m r org-capture-refile in org-capture-mode

Org agenda Keybindings

The evilified org agenda supports the following bindings:

Key Binding Description
M-SPC or s-M-SPC org-agenda transient state
SPC m : org-agenda-set-tags
SPC m a org-agenda
SPC m d org-agenda-deadline
SPC m f org-agenda-set-effort
SPC m I org-agenda-clock-in
SPC m O org-agenda-clock-out
SPC m p org-pomodoro (if package is used)
SPC m P org-agenda-set-property
SPC m q org-agenda-refile
SPC m Q org-agenda-clock-cancel
SPC m s org-agenda-schedule
M-j next item
M-k previous item
M-h earlier view
M-l later view
gr refresh
gd toggle grid
C-v change view
RET org-agenda-goto
M-RET org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up

Org agenda transient state

Use M-SPC or s-M-SPC in an org agenda buffer to activate its transient state. The transient state aims to list the most useful org agenda commands and visually organize them by category. The commands associated with each binding are listed bellow.


Keybinding Description Command
ht set status org-agenda-todo
hk kill org-agenda-kill
hr refile org-agenda-refile
hA archive org-agenda-archive-default
hT set tags org-agenda-set-tags
hp set priority org-agenda-priority

Visit entry

Keybinding Description Command
SPC in other window org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up
TAB & go to location org-agenda-goto
RET & del other windows org-agenda-switch-to
o link link-hint-open-link


Keybinding Description Command
ft by tag org-agenda-filter-by-tag
fr refine by tag org-agenda-filter-by-tag-refine
fc by category org-agenda-filter-by-category
fh by top headline org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline
fx by regexp org-agenda-filter-by-regexp
fd delete all filters org-agenda-filter-remove-all


Keybinding Description Command
ds schedule org-agenda-schedule
dd set deadline org-agenda-deadline
dt timestamp org-agenda-date-prompt
+ do later org-agenda-do-date-later
- do earlier org-agenda-do-date-earlier


Keybinding Description Command
tf follow org-agenda-follow-mode
tl log org-agenda-log-mode
ta archive org-agenda-archives-mode
tr clock report org-agenda-clockreport-mode
td diaries org-agenda-toggle-diary


Keybinding Description Command
vd day org-agenda-day-view
vw week org-agenda-week-view
vt fortnight org-agenda-fortnight-view
vm month org-agenda-month-view
vy year org-agenda-year-view
vn next span org-agenda-later
vp prev span org-agenda-earlier
vr reset org-agenda-reset-view


Keybinding Description Command
ci in org-agenda-clock-in
co out org-agenda-clock-out
ck cancel org-agenda-clock-cancel
cj jump org-agenda-clock-goto


Keybinding Description Command
gr reload org-agenda-redo
. go to today org-agenda-goto-today
gd go to date org-agenda-goto-date


Key Binding Description
SPC m p starts a pomodoro

Org Presentation

org-present must be activated explicitly by typing: SPC SPC org-present

Key Binding Description
h previous slide
l next slide
q quit


Key Binding Description
SPC m M in message-mode buffers convert into html email
SPC m m send current buffer as HTML email message


Key Binding Description
SPC m i s Take screenshot
SPC m i y Yank image url


Key Binding Description
SPC a o p Capture a TODO for the current project
SPC u SPC a o p Capture a TODO for any given project (choose from list)
SPC p o Go to the TODOs for the current project
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