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Last active February 20, 2021 19:25
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Jenkins Kubernetes Setup
Configure Global Security
TCP port for inbound agents: 50000
Configure System
Main config
# of executors: 2
Labels: master
Usage: Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node
Jenkins URL: http://name.local:8080/
Kubernetes Cloud
Kubernetes URL: https://localhost:6443
Jenkins URL: <empty>
Jenkins tunnel: <empty>
Kubernetes Pod Template
Name: k8n-jnlp-slave
Labels: k8n-jnlp-slave
Name: jnlp
Docker image: jenkins/jnlp-slave
Working directory: /tmp
Command to run: <empty>
Arguments to pass to the command: <empty>
Name: k8n-jnlp-agent-maven
Labels: k8n-jnlp-agent-maven
Name: busybox
Docker image: jenkins/jnlp-agent-maven
Working directory: /tmp
Command to run: <empty>
Arguments to pass to the command: <empty>
Example pipeline script
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('slave') {
agent { label 'k8n-jnlp-slave' }
steps {
sh 'echo hello jenkins/jnlp-slave!'
stage('maven') {
agent { label 'k8n-jnlp-agent-maven' }
steps {
sh 'echo hello jenkins/jnlp-agent-maven!'
sh 'mvn -version'
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