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Created April 26, 2020 09:04
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Example of creating a simple terminal emulator widget from a QTextEdit
"""Primitive terminal emulator example made from a PyQt QTextEdit widget."""
import fcntl, locale, os, pty, struct, sys, termios
import subprocess # nosec
# Quick hack to limit the scope of the PyLint warning disabler
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSocketNotifier # type: ignore
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QPalette, QTextCursor # type: ignore
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QStyle, QTextEdit # type: ignore
except ImportError:
# It's good practice to put these sorts of things in constants at the top
# rather than embedding them in your code
DEFAULT_TTY_CMD = ['/bin/bash']
# NOTE: You can use any QColor instance, not just the predefined ones.
DEFAULT_TTY_FONT = QFont('Noto', 16)
DEFAULT_TTY_FG = Qt.lightGray
# The character to use as a reference point when converting between pixel and
# character cell dimensions in the presence of a non-fixed-width font
class PrimitiveTerminalWidget(QTextEdit):
"""Simple TERM=tty terminal emulator widget
(Uses QTextEdit rather than QPlainTextEdit to leave the capability open to
support colors.)
# Used to block the user from backspacing more characters than they
# typed since last pressing Enter
backspace_budget = 0
# Persistent handle for the master side of the PTY and its QSocketNotifier
pty_m = None
subproc = None
notifier = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PrimitiveTerminalWidget, self).__init__(*args, *kwargs)
# Do due diligence to figure out what character coding child
# applications will expect to speak
self.codec = locale.getpreferredencoding()
# Customize the look and feel
pal = self.palette()
pal.setColor(QPalette.Base, DEFAULT_TTY_BG)
pal.setColor(QPalette.Text, DEFAULT_TTY_FG)
# Disable the widget's built-in editing support rather than looking
# into how to constrain it. (Quick hack which means we have to provide
# our own visible cursor if we want one)
def cb_echo(self, pty_m):
"""Display output that arrives from the PTY"""
# Read pending data or assume the child exited if we can't
# (Not technically the proper way to detect child exit, but it works)
# Use 'replace' as a not-ideal-but-better-than-nothing way to deal
# with bytes that aren't valid in the chosen encoding.
child_output =, 1024).decode(
self.codec, 'replace')
except OSError:
# Ask the event loop to exit and then return to it
# Insert the output at the end and scroll to the bottom
scroller = self.verticalScrollBar()
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
"""Handler for all key presses delivered while the widget has focus"""
char = event.text()
# Move the cursor to the end
cursor = self.textCursor()
# If the character isn't a control code of some sort,
# then echo it to the terminal screen.
# (The length check is necessary to ignore empty strings which
# count as printable but break backspace_budget)
# FIXME: I'm almost certain backspace_budget will break here if you
# feed in multi-codepoint grapheme clusters.
if char and (char.isprintable() or char == '\r'):
self.backspace_budget += len(char)
# Implement backspacing characters we typed
if char == '\x08' and self.backspace_budget > 0: # Backspace
self.backspace_budget -= 1
elif char == '\r': # Enter
self.backspace_budget = 0
# Regardless of what we do, send the character to the PTY
# (Let the kernel's PTY implementation do most of the heavy lifting)
os.write(self.pty_m, char.encode(self.codec))
# Scroll to the bottom on keypress, but only after modifying the
# contents to make sure we don't scroll to where the bottom was before
# word-wrap potentially added more lines
scroller = self.verticalScrollBar()
def resizeEvent(self, event):
"""Handler to announce terminal size changes to child processes"""
# Call Qt's built-in resize event handler
super(PrimitiveTerminalWidget, self).resizeEvent(event)
fontMetrics = self.fontMetrics()
win_size_px = self.size()
char_width = fontMetrics.boundingRect(REFERENCE_CHAR).width()
# Subtract the space a scrollbar will take from the usable width
usable_width = (win_size_px.width() - QApplication.instance().style()
# Use integer division (rounding down in this case) to find dimensions
cols = usable_width // char_width
rows = win_size_px.height() // fontMetrics.height()
# Announce the change to the PTY
fcntl.ioctl(self.pty_m, termios.TIOCSWINSZ,
struct.pack("HHHH", rows, cols, 0, 0))
# As a quick hack, scroll to the bottom on resize
# (The proper solution would be to preserve scroll position no matter
# what it is)
scroller = self.verticalScrollBar()
def spawn(self, argv):
"""Launch a child process in the terminal"""
# Clean up after any previous spawn() runs
# TODO: Need to reap zombie children
# XXX: Kill existing children if spawn is called a second time?
if self.pty_m:
if self.notifier:
# Create a new PTY with both ends open
self.pty_m, pty_s = pty.openpty()
# Reset this, since it's PTY-specific
self.backspace_budget = 0
# Stop the PTY from echoing back what we type on this end
term_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(pty_s)
term_attrs[3] &= ~termios.ECHO
termios.tcsetattr(pty_s, termios.TCSANOW, term_attrs)
# Tell child processes that we're a dumb terminal that doesn't
# understand colour or cursor movement escape sequences
# (This will prevent well-behaved processes from emitting colour codes
# and will cause things which *require* cursor control like mutt and
# ncdu to error out on startup with "Error opening terminal: tty")
child_env = os.environ.copy()
child_env['TERM'] = 'tty'
# Launch the subprocess
# FIXME: Keep a reference so we can reap zombie processes
subprocess.Popen(argv, # nosec
stdin=pty_s, stdout=pty_s, stderr=pty_s,
# Close the child side of the PTY so that we can detect when to exit
# Hook up an event handler for data waiting on the PTY
# (Because I didn't feel like looking into whether QProcess can be
# integrated with PTYs as a subprocess.Popen alternative)
self.notifier = QSocketNotifier(
self.pty_m, QSocketNotifier.Read, self)
# Run this code if the file is launched from the command line but not if
# it is `import`ed as a dependency.
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
mainwin = PrimitiveTerminalWidget()
# Cheap hack to estimate what 80x25 should be in pixels and resize to it
fontMetrics = mainwin.fontMetrics()
target_width = (fontMetrics.boundingRect(
).width() +
mainwin.resize(target_width, fontMetrics.height() * DEFAULT_ROWS)
# Launch DEFAULT_TTY_CMD in the terminal
# Take advantage of how Qt lets any widget be a top-level window
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Perfect primitive terminal, I'll work on a windows version with pywinpty, and colorize the terminal based on its output

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