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Last active September 22, 2017 16:22
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Deriving insertion sort by proof
- Definition of insertion sort.
- Copyright Siva Somayyajula, 2017
namespace list
universe u
variable {α : Type u}
-- Permutation equivalence of lists
protected def equiv (l₁ l₂ : list α) := l₁ ⊆ l₂ ∧ l₂ ⊆ l₁
infix ` ≃ `:50 := list.equiv
-- Permutation equivalence is an equivalence relation
@[refl, simp] lemma equiv.refl (l : list α) : l ≃ l :=
⟨by simp, by simp⟩
@[symm] lemma equiv.symm {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ ≃ l₂ → l₂ ≃ l₁ :=
@[trans] lemma equiv.trans {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α} : l₁ ≃ l₂ → l₂ ≃ l₃ → l₁ ≃ l₃
| ⟨x, y⟩ ⟨z, w⟩ := ⟨subset.trans x z, subset.trans w y⟩
-- Permutation equivalence is invariant under cons
lemma cons_equiv_cons {l₁ l₂} (a : α) : l₁ ≃ l₂ → a :: l₁ ≃ a :: l₂
| ⟨x, y⟩ := ⟨cons_subset_cons a x, cons_subset_cons a y⟩
-- The subset relation is invariant under permutation
lemma cons_subset_comm {a b : α} {l₁ l₂} :
l₁ ⊆ l₂ → a :: b :: l₁ ⊆ b :: a :: l₂ :=
λ h _ m, match m with
| or.inl is_a := or.inr (or.inl is_a)
| or.inr (or.inl is_b) := or.inl is_b
| or.inr (or.inr in_l₁) := or.inr (or.inr (h in_l₁))
-- Permutation equivalence is, naturally, invariant under permutation
lemma cons_equiv_comm {a b : α} {l₁ l₂} :
l₁ ≃ l₂ → a :: b :: l₁ ≃ b :: a :: l₂
| ⟨x, y⟩ := ⟨cons_subset_comm x, cons_subset_comm y⟩
-- A list is sorted iff it is a chain under some ordering
def sorted [has_le α] : list α → Prop
| (a :: b :: t) := a ≤ b ∧ sorted (b :: t)
| _ := true
-- The tail of any sorted list is sorted
lemma sorted_tl [has_le α] {h : α} {t} : sorted (h :: t) → sorted t :=
λ s, by {cases t, trivial, exact s.right}
-- A list sorted by a weak order means its head is its least element
lemma sorted_least_elem [weak_order α] {h : α} {t} :
sorted (h :: t) → ∀ {a}, a ∈ t → h ≤ a :=
-- By induction, we repeatedly apply transitivity
intros s _ m,
induction t with h' t' ih generalizing h,
exact absurd m (not_mem_nil a),
cases m with is_h' in_t',
rw is_h', exact s.left,
exact le_trans s.left (ih in_t' s.right)
-- Given a sorted list, consing an element preserves sorting if it is the least element
lemma sorted_cons [has_le α] {h : α} {t} :
sorted t → (∀ {a}, a ∈ t → h ≤ a) → sorted (h :: t) :=
intros _ f,
cases t,
apply and.intro,
exact f (or.inl (by refl)),
-- One can insert an element into a list sorted by a linear weak order and keep it sorted
def insert_le [decidable_linear_order α] (a : α) (l₁) :
sorted l₁ → {l₂ // a :: l₁ ≃ l₂ ∧ sorted l₂} :=
intro s₁,
induction l₁ with h t₁ ih,
existsi ([a]), simp,
by_cases a ≤ h with hleq,
-- If a ≤ h, then a :: h :: t₁ is the result
existsi a :: h :: t₁, exact ⟨by refl, hleq, s₁⟩,
-- Else, insert a by recursion
cases ih (sorted_tl s₁) with t₂ p, cases p with e s₂,
existsi h :: t₂, apply and.intro,
a :: h :: t₁ ≃ h :: a :: t₁ : cons_equiv_comm (by refl)
... ≃ h :: t₂ : cons_equiv_cons h e,
-- Show that h :: t₂ is sorted by noting h is its least element
exact sorted_cons s₂ (λ _ m,
match e.right m with
| or.inl is_a := by {rw is_a, exact le_of_not_le hleq}
| or.inr in_t₁ := sorted_least_elem s₁ in_t₁
-- For any list, there always exists an equivalent list sorted by a linear weak order
-- This is precisely insertion sort
def insertion_sort [decidable_linear_order α] (l₁ : list α) :
{l₂ // l₁ ≃ l₂ ∧ sorted l₂} :=
induction l₁ with h t₁ ih,
-- Nil is always sorted
existsi nil, simp,
-- If the tail is sorted, then insert the head while preserving order
cases ih with t₂ ih, cases ih with e s,
cases (insert_le h t₂ s) with l₂ pf, cases pf with _ _,
existsi l₂, apply and.intro,
h :: t₁ ≃ h :: t₂ : cons_equiv_cons h e
... ≃ l₂ : by assumption,
end list
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