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Created September 7, 2016 14:50
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FSWV = 1.7.0
clean: www
@rm -rf www/* 2>/dev/null && \
docker stop `docker ps -lq` || true && \
docker rm `docker ps -lq` || true && \
docker rmi `docker images -qa` || true
install-dev: .
mkdir -p ./dev && cd dev && \
curl -L -k${FSWV}/fswatch-${FSWV}.tar.gz | tar zx -C fswatch && \
cd fswatch && ./configure && make && make install && cd ../../ && \
npm install -g browser-sync || sudo npm install -g browser-sync || true
dev-start: dev-fswatch
dev-fswatch: dev-browsersync
fswatch -Ie ".*\.css$$" ./content | (while read; do make build; done)
dev-browsersync: dev-server
browser-sync start --proxy="" --files="www/**" &
dev-server: www/index.html
@docker-compose up -d www
dev-server-stop: www/index.html
@docker-compose kill www
update-modules: .gitmodules
@cd static-transformer && \
git fetch --all && \
git reset --hard origin/master && \
git commit -am 'Update submodules' && \
git push origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
build: docker-compose.yml
@mkdir -p ./www && mkdir -p ./content/posts && \
if [ ${INDEX_README} ]; then \
(rm -rf ./content/posts/ && cp ./content/posts/; \
fi; \
docker-compose build --no-cache static-transformer && \
docker-compose run static-transformer build
publish-gh-pages: docker-compose.yml
@git config "Travis CI" && \
git config "" && \
git branch -D gh-pages 2>/dev/null || true && \
git branch -D draft 2>/dev/null || true && \
git checkout -b draft && \
cp CNAME www/CNAME && \
git add -f www && \
git commit -am "Deploy on gh-pages" && \
git subtree split --prefix www -b gh-pages && \
git push --force "https://${GH_TOKEN}@${GH_REF}.git" gh-pages:gh-pages > /dev/null 2>&1
stop: docker-compose.yml
@docker-compose kill && \
docker-compose rm -f
.PHONY: dev
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