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Search exported ediscovery msg files from exchange compliance center for a string
# ediscovery_search_exported_msg_files.ps1
# Search through exported .msg files from content search (exchange compliance center) and return a spreadsheet of email addresses and matched URLs
# Kill outlook
cmd.exe /c "taskkill /F /IM outlook.exe /T 2> nul"
$scriptPath = $(split-path $myinvocation.mycommand.definition)
$inputPath = "$($scriptPath)\inputMails"
# Find all .msg files recursively
$mails = get-childitem -recurse -Filter *.msg -Path $inputPath
$object = @()
foreach ($mail in $mails) {
try {
$outlook = new-object -ComObject Outlook.application
$msg = $outlook.session.openshareditem($mail.fullname)
# match first URL found
$URLString = ((Select-String '(http[s]?|[s]?ftp[s]?)(:\/\/)([^\s,]+)' -Input $msg.Body).Matches.Value)
write-output "Found String: $URLString"
#match email address found in folder structure
$emailaddress = ((Select-String '(\w+@\w+\.com)' -Input $mail.fullname).Matches.Value)
write-output "$emailaddress"
# Uncomment if you want full body and first last name
#$tempObject = new-object psobject -Property @{body=$URLString;Topic=$msg.ConversationTopic;to=$;fullname=$mail.FullName;timestamp=$msg.SentOn }
$tempObject = new-object psobject -Property @{body=$URLString;to=$emailaddress;timestamp=$msg.SentOn }
$object += $tempObject
catch { write-output "Coulnd't open $($mail.fullname)"}
$object |sort-object timestamp -Descending |select timestamp,body,to
$object |sort-object timestamp -Descending |select timestamp,body,to |export-csv -Path "$($scriptpath)\output.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
write-output "Total count: $($mails.count)"
cmd.exe /c "taskkill /F /IM outlook.exe /T 2> nul"
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