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Last active October 14, 2021 02:25
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The role of "Nothing" when dealing with generics and its use
interface Base<out A> {
fun someMethod(operation: (A) -> String): String
class Impl1<A>(val a: A): Base<A> { // could be a none empty node in linked list
override fun someMethod(operation: (A) -> String): String {
return "impl1 hahaha ${operation.invoke(a)}"
class Impl2: Base<Nothing> { // could be an empty node in linked list
override fun someMethod(operation: (Nothing) -> String): String {
return "impl2 hahaha NOTHING"
* Terminal output:
* $ impl1 hahaha 0
* $ impl2 hahaha NOTHING
fun main() {
val interface1: Base<Int> = Impl1<Int>(0) //intentionally verbose
val interface2: Base<Int> = Impl2()
interface1.someMethod { it.toString() }.also { println(it) }
interface2.someMethod { it.toString() }.also { println(it) }
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