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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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  • Save sstorie/7ac04dd30a823257fb9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sstorie/7ac04dd30a823257fb9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple class to expose the compiled attributes created by GitVersionTask easier to consume in .NET code.
namespace GitVersionInfo
/// <summary>
/// A simple wrapper to make the compiled GitVersionTask variables easily accessible.
/// Here is an example set of values
/// {
/// "Major":1,
/// "Minor":3,
/// "Patch":0,
/// "PreReleaseTag":"unstable.7",
/// "PreReleaseTagWithDash":"-unstable.7",
/// "BuildMetaData":7,
/// "FullBuildMetaData":"7.Branch.develop.Sha.52efa3f2fcd6fac8d4eade31992ea770380ac1d6",
/// "MajorMinorPatch":"1.3.0",
/// "SemVer":"1.3.0-unstable.7",
/// "LegacySemVer":"1.3.0-unstable7",
/// "LegacySemVerPadded":"1.3.0-unstable0007",
/// "AssemblySemVer":"",
/// "FullSemVer":"1.3.0-unstable.7",
/// "InformationalVersion":"1.3.0-unstable.7+Branch.develop.Sha.52efa3f2fcd6fac8d4eade31992ea770380ac1d6",
/// "BranchName":"develop",
/// "Sha":"52efa3f2fcd6fac8d4eade31992ea770380ac1d6",
/// "NuGetVersionV2":"1.3.0-unstable0007",
/// "NuGetVersion":"1.3.0-unstable0007",
/// "CommitDate":"2015-08-18"
/// </summary>
public class GitVersionInfo
/// <summary>
/// The Major version
/// </summary>
public string Major { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The Minor version
/// </summary>
public string Minor { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The Patch version
/// </summary>
public string Patch { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The pre-release tag
/// </summary>
public string PreReleaseTag { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The pre-release tag with a dash
/// </summary>
public string PreReleaseTagWithDash { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The build meta data value (should be the number of commits ahead of the branch creation)
/// </summary>
public string BuildMetaData { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The full build meta data string (includes the Sha)
/// </summary>
public string FullBuildMetaData { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The Major.Minor.Patch value
/// </summary>
public string MajorMinorPatch { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The semver value
/// </summary>
public string SemVer { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The legacy semver value
/// </summary>
public string LegacySemVer { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The legacy semver value with padded zeros before the metadata value
/// </summary>
public string LegacySemVerPadded { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The Assembly semver value
/// </summary>
public string AssemblySemVer { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The full semver value
/// </summary>
public string FullSemVer { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The full length version that includes all available metadata
/// </summary>
public string InformationalVersion { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The name of the branch the version was generated from
/// </summary>
public string BranchName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The full length Sha
/// </summary>
public string Sha { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The Nuget version designed to meet the needs of NuGet v2
/// </summary>
public string NuGetVersionV2 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The nuget version designed to meet the needs of NuGet v3
/// </summary>
public string NuGetVersion { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The date the last committ occurred
/// </summary>
public string CommitDate { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the full semver with the short git hash appended. For example: 1.3.0-unstable.7+12.52efa3f
/// </summary>
public string FullSemVerWithShortHash
return string.Format("{0}.{1}", FullSemVer, Sha.Substring(0, 7));
/// <summary>
/// A collection of extensions to help populating a GitVersionInfo instance
/// </summary>
public static class GitVersionInfoExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Populate all fields from the currently executing assembly.
/// </summary>
public static GitVersionInfo PopulateFromExecutingAssembly(this GitVersionInfo instance)
// This approach has been taken from the GitVersion docs for their
// NuGet package
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
return instance.PopulateFromAssembly(assembly);
/// <summary>
/// Populate all fields from an existing assembly. Note, this assembly
/// must have been built using GitVersionTask!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instance"></param>
/// <param name="assembly"></param>
public static GitVersionInfo PopulateFromAssembly(this GitVersionInfo instance, Assembly assembly)
// This approach has been taken from the GitVersion docs for their
// NuGet package
var assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name;
var gitVersionInformationType = assembly.GetType(assemblyName + ".GitVersionInformation");
instance.Major = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("Major").GetValue(null);
instance.Minor = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("Minor").GetValue(null);
instance.Patch = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("Patch").GetValue(null);
instance.PreReleaseTag = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("PreReleaseTag").GetValue(null);
instance.PreReleaseTagWithDash = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("PreReleaseTagWithDash").GetValue(null);
instance.BuildMetaData = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("BuildMetaData").GetValue(null);
instance.FullBuildMetaData = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("FullBuildMetaData").GetValue(null);
instance.MajorMinorPatch = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("MajorMinorPatch").GetValue(null);
instance.SemVer = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("SemVer").GetValue(null);
instance.LegacySemVer = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("LegacySemVer").GetValue(null);
instance.LegacySemVerPadded = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("LegacySemVerPadded").GetValue(null);
instance.AssemblySemVer = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("AssemblySemVer").GetValue(null);
instance.FullSemVer = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("FullSemVer").GetValue(null);
instance.InformationalVersion = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("InformationalVersion").GetValue(null);
instance.BranchName = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("BranchName").GetValue(null);
instance.Sha = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("Sha").GetValue(null);
instance.NuGetVersionV2 = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("NuGetVersionV2").GetValue(null);
instance.NuGetVersion = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("NuGetVersion").GetValue(null);
instance.CommitDate = (string)gitVersionInformationType.GetField("CommitDate").GetValue(null);
return instance;
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