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Created November 4, 2017 16:21
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import { types as t, flow, getEnv, getType } from 'mobx-state-tree';
it('eagerly loads referenced objects', async () => {
const Author = t.model('Author', {
id: t.identifier(t.string),
name: t.string,
const Post = t.model('Post', {
id: t.identifier(t.string),
author: t.reference(Author),
text: t.string,
const Store = createAPIStore('Store', {
authors: {
type: Author,
fetch: (self, id) => getEnv(self).api.fetchAuthor(id),
posts: {
type: Post,
fetch: (self, id) => getEnv(self).api.fetchPost(id),
Store now has the following signature:
authors: t.optional(, {}),
posts: t.optional(, {}),
and actions:
fetchFromApi(type, id) => return promise to MST node of type `type`
fetchAuthor(id) => return promise to MST node of type `Author`
fetchPost(id) => return promise to MST node of type `Post`
you can enhance the store using `.props`, `.views`, `.actions` or `.extend`
// provide the actual api in the env, so it's easily testable
const store = Store.create(
api: {
fetchPost: async id => await data().posts[id],
fetchAuthor: async id => await data().authors[id],
// fetch an object, after the promise resolves, all references are in the MST
const post = await store.fetchPost('post1');
expect('Isaac Newton');
returns an (opionated) MST root object based on an api description
references to all types in the api description are automatically
fetched by the provided api callback functions
function createAPIStore(name, apiDescription) {
return (
// create the t.model with `t.optional(<type>), {})` for each
// provided type in the apiDescription
Object.keys(apiDescription).reduce((props, propertyName) => {
const { type } = apiDescription[propertyName];
props[propertyName] = t.optional(, {});
return props;
}, {})
// add actions for fetching data for each provided type, using the
// `fetch` functions in the apiDescription
.actions(self => {
function getReferenceProperties(type) {
// fetches all direct descendant t.reference properties from a type
// does not respect decorators like t.maybe and t.refinement
// returns list of [propertyKey, referenceType]
const { properties } = type;
return Object.keys(properties)
.filter(key => properties[key].name.match(/reference\((\w+)\)/))
(map, key) => map.concat([[key, properties[key].targetType]]),
function parseReferenceFromError(e) {
// parses reference Id from error
const resolveReferenceErrorRexeg = /Failed to resolve reference of type \w+: '(\w+)' \(in:/;
return (e.message.match(resolveReferenceErrorRexeg) || [])[1];
// transform the description to be able to use as a key
const apiMap = Object.keys(
).reduce((map, propertyName) => {
const { type, fetch } = apiDescription[propertyName];
map[] = { type, propertyName, fetch };
return map;
}, {});
return {
...Object.keys(apiMap).reduce((fetches, typeName) => {
fetches[`fetch${typeName}`] = id =>
self.fetchFromApi(apiMap[typeName].type, id);
return fetches;
}, {}),
fetchFromApi: flow(function* fetchFromApi(type, id) {
const { propertyName, fetch } = apiMap[];
// short circuit if we already have the data
if (self[propertyName].has(id)) {
return self[propertyName].get(id);
// assign with a POJO
self[propertyName].set(id, yield fetch(self, id));
// get back an MST node
const node = self[propertyName].get(id);
// wait for loading all referenced objects
yield Promise.all(
// find all reference errors
.map(([key, type]) => {
try {
node[key]; // just access the property, if it's an error we'll catch it
} catch (e) {
return [type, parseReferenceFromError(e)];
// filter all empty references
.filter(t => !!t && !!t[1])
// fetch the references
.map(([type, reference]) => self.fetchFromApi(type, reference))
return node;
// put data in a function so it can be moved to the end of the script
function data() {
return {
authors: {
isaac: {
id: 'isaac',
name: 'Isaac Newton',
albert: {
id: 'albert',
name: 'Albert Einstein',
posts: {
post1: {
id: 'post1',
author: 'isaac',
text: 'Apples fall due to gravity!',
post2: {
id: 'post2',
author: 'albert',
text: 'Lightspeed is constant!',
post3: {
id: 'post3',
author: 'albert',
text: 'Gravity bends spacetime!',
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