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Last active June 27, 2023 20:21
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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2023 Sebastian Sylvan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "stdafx.h"
const float EDGE_CONSTRAINTS_WEIGHT = 5.0f;
const float COVERED_PIXELS_WEIGHT = 1.0f;
const float NONCOVERED_PIXELS_WEIGHT = 0.1f;
const float TOLERANCE = 0.01f;
#define USE_ISPC 0
#define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define min3(x,y,z) min((x), min((y),(z)))
#define max3(x,y,z) max((x), max((y),(z)))
// Convenience for accessing 2D regular data (e.g. images)
template<typename T>
struct array2d
std::unique_ptr<T[]> data;
int width, height;
array2d(int width, int height, T zero = T()) : data(new T[width*height]), width(width), height(height)
for (int i = 0; i < width*height; ++i)
data[i] = zero;
array2d(std::unique_ptr<T[]> data, int width, int height) : data(data.release()), width(width), height(height) {}
T& operator()(int column, int row)
return data[row*width + column];
T operator()(int column, int row) const
return data[row*width + column];
// Dense vector of arbitrary length.
struct VectorX
std::unique_ptr<float[]> vec;
size_t size;
VectorX(const VectorX& other) : vec(new float[other.size]), size(other.size)
memcpy(vec.get(), other.vec.get(), size*sizeof(float));
VectorX(size_t size) : vec(new float[size]), size(size)
memset(vec.get(), 0, sizeof(float)*size);
VectorX& operator=(const VectorX& other)
if (this != &other)
if (size != other.size)
vec.reset(new float[other.size]);
size = other.size;
memcpy(vec.get(), other.vec.get(), size*sizeof(float));
return *this;
__forceinline float operator[](size_t ix) const { return vec[ix]; }
__forceinline float& operator[](size_t ix) { return vec[ix]; }
static void Sub(VectorX& out, const VectorX& x, const VectorX& y)
assert(out.size == x.size);
assert(x.size == y.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size; ++i)
out.vec[i] = x.vec[i] - y.vec[i];
static void Add(VectorX& out, const VectorX& x, const VectorX& y)
assert(out.size == x.size);
assert(x.size == y.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size; ++i)
out.vec[i] = x.vec[i] + y.vec[i];
static void Mul(VectorX& out, const VectorX& x, float s)
assert(out.size == x.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size; ++i)
out.vec[i] = x.vec[i]*s;
static float Dot(const VectorX& a, const VectorX& b)
assert(a.size == b.size);
size_t n = a.size;
if (n > 4000)
const int NumChunks = 4;
int chunkSize = (int)n / NumChunks;
float dotProducts[NumChunks];
concurrency::parallel_for(0, NumChunks, [&](auto i) {
int count = i != NumChunks-1 ? chunkSize : (int)n - chunkSize * (NumChunks - 1); // Treat last chunk separately
size_t start = i*chunkSize;
float* aArray = a.vec.get() + start;
float* bArray = b.vec.get() + start;
dotProducts[i] = ispc::dot(aArray, bArray, count);
float sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j)
sum += aArray[j] * bArray[j];
dotProducts[i] = sum;
float finalSum = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < NumChunks; ++i)
finalSum += dotProducts[i];
return finalSum;
float sum = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sum += a[i] * b[i];
return sum;
// Returns v*a + b
static void MulAdd(VectorX& out, const VectorX& v, float a, const VectorX& b)
assert(out.size == v.size);
ispc::vmadd(v.vec.get(), a, b.vec.get(), out.vec.get(), (int)v.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size; ++i)
out[i] = v[i] * a + b[i];
// Very basic sparse matrix.
struct SparseMat
SparseMat(int numRows, int numCols) : rows(new Row[numRows]), numRows(numRows), numCols(numCols) {}
float& operator()(size_t row, size_t column)
assert(row < numRows); assert(row >= 0);
assert(column < numCols); assert(column >= 0);
return rows[(int)row][(int)column];
static void Mul(VectorX& out, const SparseMat& A, const VectorX& x)
assert(out.size == A.numRows);
assert(x.size == A.numCols);
concurrency::parallel_for<size_t>(0, A.numRows, [&](auto r) {
out[r] = Dot(x, A.rows[r]);
}, concurrency::simple_partitioner(100));
struct Row
template<typename T>
struct AlignedDeleter
void operator()(T* ptr) { _aligned_free(ptr); }
size_t n = 0;
int capacity = 0;
std::unique_ptr<float[], AlignedDeleter<float>> coeffs;
std::unique_ptr<int[], AlignedDeleter<int>> indices;
float& operator[](int column)
// Find the element
size_t index = findClosestIndex(column);
if (n == 0 || indices[index] != column) // Add new element
if (n == capacity)
// Put the new element in the right place, and shift existing elements down by one.
float prevCoeff = 0;
int prevIndex = column;
for (size_t i = index; i < n; ++i)
float tmpCoeff = coeffs[i];
int tmpIndex = indices[i];
coeffs[i] = prevCoeff;
indices[i] = prevIndex;
prevCoeff = tmpCoeff;
prevIndex = tmpIndex;
return coeffs[index];
void grow()
capacity = capacity == 0 ? 16 : capacity + capacity/2;
float* newCoeffs = (float*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(float)*capacity, 32);
int* newIndices = (int*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(int)*capacity, 32);
// Copy existing data over
memcpy(newCoeffs, coeffs.get(), n*sizeof(float));
memcpy(newIndices, indices.get(), n*sizeof(int));
size_t findClosestIndex(int columnIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (indices[i] >= columnIndex)
return i;
return n;
std::unique_ptr<Row[]> rows;
int numRows, numCols;
static float Dot(const VectorX& x, const Row& row)
float sum = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < row.n; ++i)
sum += x[row.indices[i]]*row.coeffs[i];
return sum;
struct Vec3
float x, y, z;
bool operator==(const Vec3& other) const
return other.x == x && other.y == y && other.z == z;
bool operator!=(const Vec3& other) const
return !(*this == other);
Vec3 operator-(const Vec3& other) const
return Vec3{ x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z };
Vec3 operator+(const Vec3& other) const
return Vec3{ x + other.x, y + other.y, z + other.z };
void operator+=(const Vec3& other)
*this = *this + other;
Vec3 operator*(const float& s) const
return Vec3{ x*s, y*s, z*s };
Vec3 operator/(const float& s) const
return *this * (1.0f / s);
struct Vec2
float u, v;
bool operator==(const Vec2& other) const
return other.u == u && other.v == v;
bool operator!=(const Vec2& other) const
return !(*this == other);
Vec2 operator-(const Vec2& other) const
return Vec2{ u - other.u, v - other.v };
Vec2 operator+(const Vec2& other) const
return Vec2{ u + other.u, v + other.v };
void operator+=(const Vec2& other)
u += other.u; v += other.v;
Vec2 operator*(const float& s) const
return Vec2{u*s, v*s};
Vec2 operator/(const float& s) const
return *this * (1.0f / s);
float Length() const
return sqrtf(u*u + v*v);
Vec2 operator*(float s, const Vec2& x)
return x*s;
struct Face
int v0, v1, v2, uv0, uv1, uv2;
struct HalfEdge
Vec2 a, b;
Vec2 UVToScreen(Vec2 in, int W, int H)
in.v = 1.0f - in.v;
in.u *= W; in.v *= H;
return in - Vec2{ 0.5f, 0.5f };
// Do a modulo operation with the assumption that it's usually a no-op
// Note: this guarantees positive return values
int WrapCoordinate(int x, int size)
// Branch predictor will hopefully skip these two loops most of the time
while (x < 0)
x += size;
while (x >= size)
x -= size;
return x;
struct SeamEdge
// The two half edges representing this edge (each half edge is in a different UV chart)
HalfEdge edges[2];
int numSamples(int W, int H) const
Vec2 e0 = UVToScreen(edges[0].b, W, H) - UVToScreen(edges[0].a, W, H);
Vec2 e1 = UVToScreen(edges[1].b, W, H) - UVToScreen(edges[1].a, W, H);
float len = max3(2, e0.Length(), e1.Length());
return (int)(len * 3);
struct Mesh
std::vector<Face> faces;
std::vector<Vec3> verts;
std::vector<Vec2> uvs;
// TODO: Write mesh loader that isn't awful.
bool LoadMesh(const char* fname, Mesh& mesh)
FILE* f;
if (fopen_s(&f, fname, "r"))
return false;
char buf[4096];
while (!feof(f))
float x, y, z;
int tri0, uv0, tri1, uv1, tri2, uv2;
if (nullptr == fgets(buf, _countof(buf), f))
if (sscanf_s(buf, "v %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z) == 3)
mesh.verts.push_back(Vec3{ x,y,z });
else if (sscanf_s(buf, "vt %f %f", &x, &y) == 2)
mesh.uvs.push_back(Vec2{ x,y });
else if (sscanf_s(buf, "f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d", &tri0,&uv0, &tri1,&uv1, &tri2,&uv2) == 6)
// TODO: Pretty sure OBJ has some weird "index from the back" thing too with negative indices.
assert(tri0 > 0); assert(uv0 > 0);
assert(tri1 > 0); assert(uv1 > 0);
assert(tri2 > 0); assert(uv2 > 0);
mesh.faces.push_back(Face{ tri0-1, tri1-1, tri2-1, uv0-1, uv1-1, uv2-1 });
//printf("INFO: Ignoring line: %s", buf);
return true;
void FindSeamEdges(const Mesh& mesh, std::vector<SeamEdge>& seamEdges, int W, int H)
using namespace std;
struct tupleHasher // Hash pairs of vectors
hash<float> h;
size_t operator ()(const tuple<Vec3, Vec3> x) const
Vec3 a = std::get<0>(x), b = std::get<1>(x);
return h(a.x) + 1733 * h(a.y) + 43 * h(a.z) + 3257 * h(b.x) + 1091 * h(b.y) + 557 * h(b.z);
unordered_map<tuple<Vec3, Vec3>, tuple<Vec2, Vec2>, tupleHasher> edgeMap;
for (const auto& f : mesh.faces)
// Need to loop through the edges of this face, so make a list of all the edges, including their UVs
tuple<int, int, int, int> edges[] = {
make_tuple(f.v0, f.v1, f.uv0, f.uv1),
make_tuple(f.v1, f.v2, f.uv1, f.uv2),
make_tuple(f.v2, f.v0, f.uv2, f.uv0)
for (const auto& e : edges)
// Grab the actual verts and UVs. The mesh may not have been "welded" properly, so we have to check
// the actual coordinates rather than just indices.
Vec3 v0 = mesh.verts[get<0>(e)], v1 = mesh.verts[get<1>(e)];
Vec2 uv0 = mesh.uvs[get<2>(e)], uv1 = mesh.uvs[get<3>(e)];
// Try to find the "opposite" edge (note: reversing the order of verts here)
auto otherEdge = edgeMap.find(make_tuple(v1, v0));
if (otherEdge == edgeMap.end())
// First time we're seeing this edge, so add it to the map
edgeMap[make_tuple(v0, v1)] = make_tuple(uv0, uv1);
// This edge has already been added once, so we have enough information to see if it's a normal edge, or a "seam edge".
Vec2 otheruv0 = get<0>(otherEdge->second), otheruv1 = get<1>(otherEdge->second);
if (otheruv0 != uv1 || otheruv1 != uv0)
// UV don't match, so we have a seam
SeamEdge s = SeamEdge{ HalfEdge{ uv0, uv1 }, HalfEdge{ otheruv1, otheruv0 } };
edgeMap.erase(otherEdge); // No longer need this edge, remove it to keep storage low
struct RGB
unsigned char R, G, B;
unsigned char& operator[](size_t ix)
return ((unsigned char*)this)[ix];
float clamp(float x, float lo, float hi)
return min(hi, max(lo, x));
__forceinline Vec3 RGBToYCoCg(RGB color)
return Vec3{
color.R * 0.25f + color.G*0.5f + color.B*0.25f,
-color.R * 0.25f + color.G*0.5f - color.B*0.25f,
color.R * 0.5f - color.B*0.5f
__forceinline RGB YCoCgToRGB(Vec3 color)
float r = clamp(color.x - color.y + color.z , 0, 255);
float g = clamp(color.x + color.y , 0, 255);
float b = clamp(color.x - color.y - color.z , 0, 255);
return RGB{ (unsigned char)roundf(r),(unsigned char)roundf(g),(unsigned char)roundf(b) };
bool isInside(int x, int y, Vec2 ea, Vec2 eb)
return (float)x*(eb.v - ea.v) - (float)y*(eb.u - ea.u) - ea.u*eb.v + ea.v*eb.u >= 0;
void RasterizeFace(Vec2 uv0, Vec2 uv1, Vec2 uv2, array2d<uint8_t>& coverageBuf)
uv0 = UVToScreen(uv0, coverageBuf.width, coverageBuf.height);
uv1 = UVToScreen(uv1, coverageBuf.width, coverageBuf.height);
uv2 = UVToScreen(uv2, coverageBuf.width, coverageBuf.height);
// Axis aligned bounds of the triangle
int minx = (int)min3(uv0.u, uv1.u, uv2.u);
int maxx = (int)max3(uv0.u, uv1.u, uv2.u) + 1;
int miny = (int)min3(uv0.v, uv1.v, uv2.v);
int maxy = (int)max3(uv0.v, uv1.v, uv2.v) + 1;
// The three edges we will test
Vec2 e0a = uv0, e0b = uv1;
Vec2 e1a = uv1, e1b = uv2;
Vec2 e2a = uv2, e2b = uv0;
// Now just loop over a screen aligned bounding box around the triangle, and test each pixel against all three edges
for (int y = miny; y <= maxy; ++y)
for (int x = minx; x <= maxx; ++x)
if (isInside(x, y, e0a, e0b) & isInside(x, y, e1a, e1b) & isInside(x, y, e2a, e2b))
coverageBuf(WrapCoordinate(x, coverageBuf.width), WrapCoordinate(y, coverageBuf.height)) = 1;
RGB DilatePixel(int centerx, int centery, const array2d<RGB>& image, const array2d<uint8_t>& coverageBuf)
int numPixels = 0;
Vec3 sum = Vec3{ 0,0,0 };
for (int yix = centery - 1; yix <= centery + 1; ++yix)
for (int xix = centerx - 1; xix <= centerx + 1; ++xix)
int x = WrapCoordinate(xix, image.width);
int y = WrapCoordinate(yix, image.height);
if (coverageBuf(x,y))
RGB c = image(x,y);
sum += Vec3{ (float)c.R, (float)c.G, (float)c.B };
if (numPixels > 0)
sum = sum / (float)numPixels;
sum.x = min(255.0f, roundf(sum.x));
sum.y = min(255.0f, roundf(sum.y));
sum.z = min(255.0f, roundf(sum.z));
return RGB{ (unsigned char)sum.x, (unsigned char)sum.y, (unsigned char)sum.z };
return RGB{ 0,0,0 };
// Given a fractional sample location, compute the four integer sample locations and their weights
void CalculateSamplesAndWeights(const array2d<int>& pixelMap, Vec2 &sample, int *__restrict outIxs, float *__restrict outWeights)
int truncu = (int)sample.u;
int truncv = (int)sample.v;
const int xs[] = { truncu, truncu + 1, truncu + 1, truncu };
const int ys[] = { truncv, truncv, truncv + 1, truncv + 1 };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
int x = WrapCoordinate(xs[i], pixelMap.width);
int y = WrapCoordinate(ys[i], pixelMap.height);
outIxs[i] = pixelMap(x,y);
float fracX = sample.u - truncu;
float fracY = sample.v - truncv;
outWeights[0] = (1.0f - fracX)*(1.0f - fracY);
outWeights[1] = fracX*(1.0f - fracY);
outWeights[2] = fracX*fracY;
outWeights[3] = (1.0f - fracX)*fracY;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
__forceinline float rcp(float x)
__m128 tmp = _mm_load_ss(&x);
tmp = _mm_rcp_ss(tmp);
_mm_store_ss(&x, tmp);
return x;
void ConjugateGradientOptimize(VectorX& out, SparseMat& A, const VectorX& guess, const VectorX& b, int numIterations, float tolerance)
size_t n = guess.size;
VectorX p(n), r(n), Ap(n), tmp(n);
VectorX& x = out;
// r = b - A*x;
SparseMat::Mul(tmp, A, x);
VectorX::Sub(r, b, tmp);
p = r;
float rsq = VectorX::Dot(r,r);
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; ++i)
SparseMat::Mul(Ap, A, p);
float alpha = rsq / VectorX::Dot(p,Ap);
VectorX::MulAdd(x, p, alpha, x); // x = x + alpha*p
VectorX::MulAdd(r, Ap ,-alpha, r); // r = r - alpha*Ap
float rsqnew = VectorX::Dot(r,r);
if (fabs(rsqnew-rsq) < tolerance*n)
float beta = rsqnew / rsq;
VectorX::MulAdd(p, p, beta, r);// p = r + beta*p
rsq = rsqnew;
struct PixelInfo
int x, y;
bool isCovered;
Vec3 colorYCoCg;
void ComputePixelInfo(const std::vector<SeamEdge>& seamEdges, const array2d<uint8_t>& coverageBuf, const array2d<RGB>& image, std::vector<PixelInfo>& pixelInfo, array2d<int>& pixelToPixelInfoMap)
// Find the pixels we will optimize for. Use a 2D map so that we can find a unique set of
// pixels that we need to optimize for, and a quick way to find the index of it given an (x,y) position.
int W = coverageBuf.width;
int H = coverageBuf.height;
for (const auto&s : seamEdges)
// TODO: this is overkill.. Could do conservative rasterization instead of brute force sampling
// 3x per pixel and take the union of the 2x2 sampling neighborhoods.
int numSamples = s.numSamples(W, H);
for (const auto& e : s.edges)
Vec2 e0 = UVToScreen(e.a, W, H);
Vec2 e1 = UVToScreen(e.b, W, H);
Vec2 dt = (e1 - e0) / (float)(numSamples-1);
Vec2 samplePoint = e0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i, samplePoint += dt)
// Go through the four bilinear sample taps
int xs[] = { (int)samplePoint.u, xs[0] + 1, xs[0] + 1, xs[0] };
int ys[] = { (int)samplePoint.v, ys[0] , ys[0] + 1, ys[0] + 1 };
for (int tap = 0; tap < 4; ++tap)
int x = WrapCoordinate(xs[tap], W);
int y = WrapCoordinate(ys[tap], H);
// If we haven't already seen this pixel, make sure we take this pixel into account when optimizing
if (pixelToPixelInfoMap(x,y) == -1)
bool isCovered = !!coverageBuf(x,y);
Vec3 colorYCoCg;
if (isCovered)
colorYCoCg = RGBToYCoCg(image(x,y));
// Do dilation...
colorYCoCg = RGBToYCoCg(DilatePixel(x, y, image, coverageBuf));
pixelInfo.push_back(PixelInfo{ x,y, isCovered, colorYCoCg });
pixelToPixelInfoMap(x,y) = (int)pixelInfo.size() - 1;
void SetupLeastSquares(std::vector<SeamEdge> &seamEdges, const array2d<int>& pixelToPixelInfoMap, const std::vector<PixelInfo> &pixelInfo, SparseMat& AtA, VectorX &AtbR, VectorX &AtbG, VectorX &AtbB, VectorX& initialGuessR, VectorX& initialGuessG, VectorX& initialGuessB)
int W = pixelToPixelInfoMap.width;
int H = pixelToPixelInfoMap.height;
for (size_t seamIndex = 0; seamIndex < seamEdges.size(); ++seamIndex)
SeamEdge s = seamEdges[seamIndex];
// Step through the samples of this edge, and compute sample locations for each side of the seam
int numSamples = s.numSamples(W, H);
Vec2 firstHalfEdgeStart = UVToScreen(s.edges[0].a, W, H);
Vec2 firstHalfEdgeEnd = UVToScreen(s.edges[0].b, W, H);
Vec2 secondHalfEdgeStart = UVToScreen(s.edges[1].a, W, H);
Vec2 secondHalfEdgeEnd = UVToScreen(s.edges[1].b, W, H);
Vec2 firstHalfEdgeStep = (firstHalfEdgeEnd - firstHalfEdgeStart) / (float)(numSamples-1);
Vec2 secondHalfEdgeStep = (secondHalfEdgeEnd - secondHalfEdgeStart) / (float)(numSamples-1);
Vec2 firstHalfEdgeSample = firstHalfEdgeStart;
Vec2 secondHalfEdgeSample = secondHalfEdgeStart;
for (int sampleIx = 0; sampleIx < numSamples; ++sampleIx, firstHalfEdgeSample += firstHalfEdgeStep, secondHalfEdgeSample += secondHalfEdgeStep)
// Sample locations for the two corresponding sets of sample points
int firstHalfEdge[4], secondHalfEdge[4];
float firstHalfEdgeWeights[4], secondHalfEdgeWeights[4];
CalculateSamplesAndWeights(pixelToPixelInfoMap, firstHalfEdgeSample, firstHalfEdge, firstHalfEdgeWeights);
CalculateSamplesAndWeights(pixelToPixelInfoMap, secondHalfEdgeSample, secondHalfEdge, secondHalfEdgeWeights);
Now, compute the covariance for the difference of these two vectors.
If a is the first vector (first half edge) and b is the second, then we compute the covariance, without
intermediate storage, like so:
(a-b)*(a-b)^t = a*a^t + b*b^t - a*b^t-b*a^t
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
// + a*a^t
AtA(firstHalfEdge[i], firstHalfEdge[j]) += firstHalfEdgeWeights[i] * firstHalfEdgeWeights[j];
// + b*b^t
AtA(secondHalfEdge[i], secondHalfEdge[j]) += secondHalfEdgeWeights[i] * secondHalfEdgeWeights[j];
// - a*b^t
AtA(firstHalfEdge[i], secondHalfEdge[j]) -= firstHalfEdgeWeights[i] * secondHalfEdgeWeights[j];
// - b*a^t
AtA(secondHalfEdge[i], firstHalfEdge[j]) -= secondHalfEdgeWeights[i] * firstHalfEdgeWeights[j];
for (size_t i = 0; i < pixelInfo.size(); ++i)
PixelInfo pi = pixelInfo[i];
// Set up equality cost, trying to keep the pixel at its original value
// Note: for non-covered pixels the weight is much lower, since those are the pixels
// we primarily want to modify (we'll want to keep it >0 though, to reduce the risk
// of extreme values that can't fit in 8 bit color channels)
AtA(i, i) += weight;
// Set up the three right hand sides (one for R, G, and B).
// Note AtRHS represents the transpose of the system matrix A multiplied by the RHS
AtbR[i] += pi.colorYCoCg.x * weight;
AtbG[i] += pi.colorYCoCg.y * weight;
AtbB[i] += pi.colorYCoCg.z * weight;
// Set up the initial guess for the solution.
initialGuessR[i] = pi.colorYCoCg.x;
initialGuessG[i] = pi.colorYCoCg.y;
initialGuessB[i] = pi.colorYCoCg.z;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if (argc != 4)
printf("Usage: TextureBorderGenerator.exe InputMesh.Obj InputTexture.png OutputTexture.png\n");
return -1;
const char* meshFileName = argv[1];
const char* texFileName = argv[2];
const char* texOutFileName = argv[3];
Mesh mesh;
if (!LoadMesh(meshFileName, mesh))
printf("Error loading OBJ file!\n");
return 1;
int W, H, comp;
RGB* rawImg = (RGB*)stbi_load(texFileName, &W, &H, &comp, 3);
if (rawImg == nullptr)
printf("Failed to load input texture!\n");
return -1;
array2d<RGB> image(std::unique_ptr<RGB[]>(rawImg), W, H);
// Find all edges that have different UVs on the two sides
std::vector<SeamEdge> seamEdges;
FindSeamEdges(mesh, seamEdges, W, H);
// Produce a mask for all valid pixels
array2d<uint8_t> coverageBuf(W, H);
for (const auto& f : mesh.faces)
Vec2 uv0 = mesh.uvs[f.uv0], uv1 = mesh.uvs[f.uv1], uv2 = mesh.uvs[f.uv2];
RasterizeFace(uv0, uv1, uv2, coverageBuf);
#if 0
// Set pixels that aren't covered to an obvious color, so we can see errors
for (int j = 0; j < H; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < W; ++i)
if (!coverageBuf[j*W + i])
outImage[j*W + i] = RGB{ 255,0,255 };
array2d<int> pixelToPixelInfoMap(W, H, -1);
std::vector<PixelInfo> pixelInfo;
ComputePixelInfo(seamEdges, coverageBuf, image, pixelInfo, pixelToPixelInfoMap);
int numPixelsToOptimize = (int)pixelInfo.size();
// Build up all the matrices and vectors we need to solve the problem
SparseMat AtA(numPixelsToOptimize, numPixelsToOptimize);
VectorX AtbR(numPixelsToOptimize), AtbG(numPixelsToOptimize), AtbB(numPixelsToOptimize);
VectorX initialGuessR(numPixelsToOptimize), initialGuessG(numPixelsToOptimize), initialGuessB(numPixelsToOptimize);
SetupLeastSquares(seamEdges, pixelToPixelInfoMap, pixelInfo, AtA, AtbR, AtbG, AtbB, initialGuessR, initialGuessG, initialGuessB);
// Run conjugate gradient optimization one color channel at a time
// (this is just so I don't have to implement sparse Matrix/Matrix multiplication efficiently :-))
VectorX solutionR(numPixelsToOptimize), solutionG(numPixelsToOptimize), solutionB(numPixelsToOptimize);
[&] {ConjugateGradientOptimize(solutionR, AtA, initialGuessR, AtbR, 10000, TOLERANCE); },
[&] {ConjugateGradientOptimize(solutionG, AtA, initialGuessG, AtbG, 10000, TOLERANCE); },
[&] {ConjugateGradientOptimize(solutionB, AtA, initialGuessB, AtbB, 10000, TOLERANCE); }
// Store the resuling optimized pixels and save out
for (int i = 0; i < (int)numPixelsToOptimize; ++i)
PixelInfo pi = pixelInfo[i];
Vec3 colorYCoCg = Vec3{ solutionR[i], solutionG[i], solutionB[i] };
image(pi.x, pi.y) = YCoCgToRGB(colorYCoCg);
if (!stbi_write_png(texOutFileName, W, H, 3,, sizeof(RGB)*W))
printf("Failed to write output file!\n");
return -1;
// Print out benchmarking times
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<float> elapsedSeconds = t1 - t0;
printf("Time: %.4f\n", elapsedSeconds.count());
return 0;
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expenses commented Feb 2, 2023

Oh great, thanks! I made a fork that works on GCC/Clang:

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