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Last active January 5, 2020 09:01
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Downloads all public videos of a user
# 2019-23-11 - Added Powershell Script. See the other file.
# download all PlaysTv videos of a user
# To find the user id, navigate to the your profile while logged in (IMPORTANT!)
# View source of the page, In the <html> tag there's data-conf attribute.
# The json in there will have the user id under []
from re import sub
from json import load
from urllib.request import urlretrieve, urlopen
def safe_title(index, title):
only_chars = sub(r'[^\w]+', '_', title).strip("_")
return f"{index} - {only_chars[:30]}.mp4"
def get_playstv_videos(user_id):
last_id = ""
items = []
while last_id != None:
batch = load(urlopen(
last_id = batch["lastId"]
for index, item in enumerate(items, start=1):
filename, url = safe_title(
index, item["description"]), item["downloadUrl"]
print(f"Downloading {filename} from {url}")
urlretrieve(url, filename)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error downloading {filename} from {url}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
get_playstv_videos("<playstv userid>")
# Copy and paste this in a Powershell window. Enter the userId at the prompt. Follow instruction below to get your userId
# download all PlaysTv videos of a user
# To find the user id, navigate to the your profile while logged in (IMPORTANT!)
# View source of the page, In the <html> tag there's data-conf attribute.
# The json in there will have the user id under []
function Safe-Title {
param (
$CreatedDate = (Get-Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z") + ([TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($EpochMilliseconds / 1000))
$Title = $Description -replace "[^\w]+", "_"
$Title = $Title.Substring(0, [System.Math]::Min(30, $Title.Length))
return (get-date $CreatedDate -uformat "%Y-%m-%d") + " - " + $Title + ".mp4"
$userId = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter UserID"
$lastId = ""
while ($null -ne $lastId) {
$page = Invoke-RestMethod "$userId/uploaded?limit=20&filter=&lastId=$lastId"
$videos = $page.items | Select-Object downloadUrl, @{Name = 'fileName'; Expression = { Safe-Title $_.description $_.created } }
$videos | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "Downloading $($_.fileName)"; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.downloadUrl -OutFile $_.fileName; Write-Host "Downloaded $($_.fileName)" }
$lastId = $page.lastId
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st0le commented Dec 2, 2019

Ah not sure. Sorry. The API I used didn't return the unlisted videos either.

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Unlisted shouldn't be returned unless you're logged in since they're private. I was talking about the Videos of you which are public.

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st0le commented Dec 3, 2019

I'm aware. I was trying to say the API I'm using in the script is limited.

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