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Last active December 3, 2020 02:23
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(defn create-int-computer [program]
{:memory program
:pc 0})
(defn current-instruction [computer]
(nth (:memory computer) (:pc computer)))
(defn first-arg [computer]
(nth (:memory computer) (+ (:pc computer) 1)))
(defn second-arg [computer]
(nth (:memory computer) (+ (:pc computer) 2)))
(defn third-arg [computer]
(nth (:memory computer) (+ (:pc computer) 3)))
(defn set-memory [computer address value]
(assoc-in computer [:memory address] value))
(defn get-memory [computer address]
(nth (:memory computer) address))
(defn increment-pc [computer n]
(assoc computer :pc (+ (:pc computer) n)))
(def ADD 1)
(def MUL 2)
(def HALT 99)
(defn execute [int-computer]
(loop [ic int-computer]
(condp = (current-instruction ic)
ADD (let [a (first-arg ic) b (second-arg ic) dst (third-arg ic)]
(let [ic (set-memory ic dst (+ (get-memory ic a) (get-memory ic b)))]
(recur (increment-pc ic 4))))
MUL (let [a (first-arg ic) b (second-arg ic) dst (third-arg ic)]
(let [ic (set-memory ic dst (* (get-memory ic a) (get-memory ic b)))]
(recur (increment-pc ic 4))))
HALT ic)))
(def program [1 0 0 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 1 5 0 3 2 1 6 19 1 19 5 23 2 13
23 27 1 10 27 31 2 6 31 35 1 9 35 39 2 10 39 43 1 43 9
47 1 47 9 51 2 10 51 55 1 55 9 59 1 59 5 63 1 63 6 67 2
6 67 71 2 10 71 75 1 75 5 79 1 9 79 83 2 83 10 87 1 87 6
91 1 13 91 95 2 10 95 99 1 99 6 103 2 13 103 107 1 107 2
111 1 111 9 0 99 2 14 0 0])
(defn run-program [program a b]
(-> (create-int-computer program)
(set-memory 1 a)
(set-memory 2 b)
(get-memory 0)))
(defn part1 []
(run-program program 12 2))
(defn calculate-answer [[a b]]
(+ (* 100 a) b))
(defn part2 []
(->> (combo/permuted-combinations (range 100) 2)
(filter #(= 19690720 (run-program program (first %) (second %))))
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