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Created August 18, 2020 22:32
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from dydx.client import Client
import dydx.constants as consts
import dydx.util as utils
# create a new Python client with a private key (string or bytearray)
# Only one Python client is needed for both Solo and Perpetual API
client = Client(
markets = client.get_perpetual_markets()
syms = []
rates = []
for m in markets['markets']:
if m['market'] == 'WETH-PUSD':
rate = round(float(m['fundingRate']) * 8*60*60*100*3 * 10000)/ 10000
# print(m['market'] + ' daily funding rate: ' + str(rate) + '%')
t = 0
c = 0
for r in rates:
t = t + r
c = c + 1
avg = t / c
#print('avg opp: ' + str(avg) + '%')
percs = {}
c = -1
for r in rates:
c = c + 1
percs[syms[c]] = round((r/t*100)*10000)/10000
#print('\npercents of opps out of total opps:')
pairs = client.get_pairs()
for m in pairs['markets']:
if m == 'WETH-USDC':
def get_bbo(market):
orderbook = client.get_orderbook(
hb = 0
la = 9999999999999999
for bid in orderbook['bids']:
if float(bid['price']) > hb:
hb = float(bid['price'])
for ask in orderbook['asks']:
if float(ask['price']) < la:
la = float(ask['price'])
bbo = {'ask': la * 10 ** 12, 'bid': hb * 10 ** 12, 'mid': (la * 10 ** 12 + hb * 10 ** 12) / 2}
spot = get_bbo('WETH-USDC')['mid']
perp = get_bbo('WETH-PUSD')['mid']
arb = (perp / spot - 1) * 100
arb=(round(arb* 10000)/ 10000)
print('Eth Perp Funding: ' + str(avg) + '%')
print('Eth Perp Premium vs Spot: ' + str(arb) + '%')
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