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Last active January 10, 2018 02:24
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Use Array objects to store/retrieve information.

Ruby: Arrays

Concept Description
Array An object that represents a collection of objects
Access To access an element at a particular index, pass the index inside square brackets like array_name[0]. Use negative numbers to retrieve elements from the right to the left starting at -1
Insertion To add an element to an existing Array object using methods like push, <<, unshift, insert
Removal To remove elements from an Array object using methods like pop, shift, clear, delete
Sorting We can sort a collection by calling the sort method on an Array object
Ranges Use ranges to return numbers between start and end like (start..end)


  • Define the Array data type in Ruby.
  • Demonstrate how to access elements in an Array.
  • Demonstrate how to modify elements in an Array.
  • Demonstrate how to use Range.

Creating Arrays in Ruby

favorite_colors = ["Blue", "Red"] # initializing and storing in variable
[1,2,3] #initializing and returning without storing
top_languages = #initializes an empty array
favorite_food =, "pizza") #initializes array with 5 elements, each storing "pizza"

Accessing Array Elements


  • To retrieve an element, use the same syntax that specifies a character in a string [].
  • Like string indexes, the index count for an array starts at 0.
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

#=> "apple"

#=> "orange"

**Simple Array Methods:

  • Return first or last element in array:
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

#=> "orange"

#=> "apple"
  • Find the array's length:
#=> 3
  • Join Elements in an Array:
    • If we call it with no arguments, it will squish the elements together.
    • If you pass an argument to it, it will be used as a separator between the elements.
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
p fruits.join #=> "applebananaorange"
p fruits.join(', ') #=> "apple, banana, orange"


  • push or <<
    • The push method (or << shovel operator when passing only one object) will **add any comma seperated arguments passed to it to the end of the array in the order they are passed.
grocery_list = ["milk"]
grocery_list.push("corn flakes", "coffee")
grocery_list << "creamer"
p grocery_list # ["milk", "corn flakes", "coffee", "creamer"]
  • upshift
    • Add an element to the beginning of the array.
p grocery_list # ["mug", "milk", "corn flakes", "coffee", "creamer"]
  • insert
    • Insert an element into a specific position in the array.
    • The first argument is the index at which we need the insertion to take place
    • The second argument will be the object or objects we are going to insert.
grocery_list.insert(1, "stirrer")
p grocery_list # ["mug", "stirrer", "milk", "corn flakes", "coffee", "creamer"]
  • include?
    • Insert an object conditionally based on whether or not it's already in the array.
    • The include? method uses an argument and it returns as true if the item is found in the collection, or it returns as false if it's not found.
    • We use the include? method in a conditional expression to determine whether to add the item to the list or not.
if grocery_list.include?("milk") #we already have milk in the list
  "Milk is already on the list."
else # milk wasn't on the list, let's add it


  • pop
    • Remove an element from the end of an array.
    • The ‘pop’ method will remove the last element from the Array, and it will also return it in case we want to store it.
theater_queue = ["Bob", "Marcy", "Michael"]
next_customer = theater_queue.pop
p next_customer # returns "Michael"
p theater_queue # returns ["Bob", "Marcy"]
  • shift
    • Remove element from start of an array and return it.
theater_queue = ["Bob", "Marcy"]
next_customer = theater_queue.shift
p next_customer # returns "Bob"
p theater_queue # returns ["Marcy"]
  • clear
    • Empty contents of an array.
p theater_queue.empty? # returns true
  • delete
    • The delete method takes an argument to look for in the array and deletes/returns it if found.
    • If the argument is not found, it will return nil
suitcase = ["toothbrush", "toothpaste", "shoes", "shirts", "pants", "bathing suit"]
storming = true

if storming #it's storming where we're headed, leave the bathing suit home
  suitcase.delete("bathing suit")

p suitcase # returns ["toothbrush", "toothpaste", "shoes", "shirts", "pants"]
  • delete_at
    • Takes an integer as an argument and deletes/returns any element at that index.
numbers = [1,2,3,3,4]
numbers.delete_at(2) # deletes and returns the element at index of 2


  • sort method to rearrange the order of elements in the array.
    • If sort is called with no arguments, it will arrange the elemenets in ascending order.
    • If there are strings it will sort them based on their ASCII code.
    • This method returns a new array! The array that the sort method is called on remains unchanged.
names = ["Chrono", "Marle", "Robo", "Magus", "agnes", "bill", "charlie"]
names.sort # returns ["Chrono", "Magus", "Marle", "Robo", "agnes", "bill", "charlie"]
  • Mutator Versions of Mehtods:
    • The mutator version of a method will alter the object it's called on.
    • This means that the colelction will be sorted in place and no new array will be created.
    • These methods will end with the bang operator - !. Programmer-defined methods will use ! in the method definition.
names = ["Chrono", "Marle", "Robo", "Magus", "agnes", "bill", "charlie"]
names.sort! # returns ["Chrono", "Magus", "Marle", "Robo", "agnes", "bill", "charlie"]
p names  # returns ["Chrono", "Magus", "Marle", "Robo", "agnes", "bill", "charlie"]

%w Syntax

  • Percent Strings, like %w, are followed with opening and closing symbols (usually {}, but others like [] or !! will work).
  • The Strings inside the Percent Strings are delimited with a space:
fruits = %w{apple banana orange}
# => ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
  • This syntax only creates Strings, not numbers or other types, inside the Array.
integers = [1, 2, 3]
#=> [1, 2, 3]
strings = ["1", "2", "3"]
#=> ["1", "2", "3"]
integers_or_strings = %w{1 2 3}
#=> ["1", "2", "3"]
  • Capitolization Matters!
    • When capitalized, %W processes interpolation:
%w{10 20 #{10+20}}
#=> ["10", "20", "\#{10+20}"]
%W{10 20 #{10+20}}
#=> ["10", "20", "30"]

Negative Indexes

  • Indexes, like 0 and 1, retrieve elements from an Array going from the left to the right.
  • Ruby also supports negative indexes, that retrieve elements from the right to the left.
  • When using negative indexes, counting starts at -1, rather than 0.
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

#=> "orange"

#=> "banana"

#=> "apple"


  • A Range specifies a sequential set of Strings or Integers.
  • We can also index multiple Array elements with a Range.
fictional_cats = ['Cheshire Cat', 'Garfield', 'Catwoman', 'The Cat in the Hat']

#=> ["Garfield", "Catwoman", "The Cat in the Hat"]
  • We can also use negative indexes in Ranges.
fictional_cats = ['Cheshire Cat', 'Garfield', 'Catwoman', 'The Cat in the Hat']

#=> ["Catwoman", "The Cat in the Hat"]
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stacietaylorcima commented Jan 9, 2018

Exercises - Grocery List

  • In this exercise we'll create a program that allows you to manage a grocery list. You'll need to create three methods for this program, each of which is detailed below.

  • add_item

    • The add_item method should take two arguments. The first argument is the item you want to add to the list and the second argument is the array (i.e. list) that the item will be added to. Don't add an item to the list if it already exists in the list. For example, you could start with this:
    • The tricky part is adding the logic to ensure that we're not adding the same item twice. The output of the method should be the list.
def add_item(item, list)
  if list.include?(item) 
  • remove_item
    • The remove_item method should also take two arguments - an item and a list.
    • The implementation is straightforward, simply remove the given item from the given list and return the modified list.
def remove_item(item, list)
  p list
  • full_list
    • The full_list method should take a list of items and return the list sorted alphabetically. If there are two of the same items in the list, remove one of the duplicates so that the list contains unique items only. To get started, define the method:
def full_list(list)
  p list.uniq
  • Note that we also have to remove duplicate items from our list though. Fortunately, Ruby makes that easy as well, with the uniq method:
list = ["apple", "apple", "banana"]
p list.uniq #=> ["apple", "banana"]

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stacietaylorcima commented Jan 9, 2018

Exercises - Array Definition

  • Create a method named new_array. It should use four arguments and return an Array with those same arguments. Start by defining the method structure:
def new_array(a,b,c,d)
  array = [a, b, c, d]

  • Create another method named first_and_last. It should use one argument, an Array, and return a new Array with only the first and last objects of the argument:
def first_and_last(a)
  [a.first, a.last]

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stacietaylorcima commented Jan 9, 2018

Array's slice Method in Ruby

Let's take a look at how to use the slice method in ruby. We'll pretend we're elementary school teachers and we're splitting up the class for a field trip!

slice(index) → obj or nil

  • Returns the element at index


  • We have 10 students.
  • We want to tell the students to form 2 groups.
  • I want to select a team captain, so I choose a random number in my head and find who is at that index in the list.
  • That lucky duck will be a team captain!
class_list = ["Miles", "Jenny", "Mila", "Joan", "Sam", "Alice", "Peter", "Ralph", "Stacie", "Todd"]

# => "Sam"
  • Sam is a team captain! Go, Sam.
  • In this case, you can access an object at a specific index by coding name_of_array.slice(index)
  • Ruby will return the object at that index.

slice(start, length) → new_ary or nil

  • returns a subarray starting at the start index and continuing for length elements


  • We have 10 students. We want to put the students into 2 groups.
  • I want to slice the list in half to get my groups. I know I'll need 2 groups of 5.
class_list = ["Miles", "Jenny", "Mila", "Joan", "Sam", "Alice", "Peter", "Ralph", "Stacie", "Todd"]

group_1 = class_list.slice(0, 5) 
p group_1
#=> ["Miles", "Jenny", "Mila", "Joan", "Sam"]

group_2 = class_list.slice(5, 5) 
p group_2
#=> ["Alice", "Peter", "Ralph", "Stacie", "Todd"]
  • In this example, I can split the lists by using slice(index_where_i'd_like_the_split_to_start, length_of_the_new_array)
  • Since the array index starts at 0, in group_1 I will use the argument (0) for my starting point and (5) for the length because this is how many objects I want in my new array.

slice(range) → new_ary or nil

  • returns a subarray specified by range of indices


  • I don't know how many students we have, but I know I can only handle 7 and I'm going to send the rest with the teacher's aid.
  • To see my list of students, I can use the slice range option.
class_list = ["Miles", "Jenny", "Mila", "Joan", "Sam", "Alice", "Peter", "Ralph", "Stacie", "Todd"]

my_group = class_list.slice(0..6) 
p my_group
#=> ["Miles", "Jenny", "Mila", "Joan", "Sam", "Alice", "Peter"]
  • Since the index starts at 0, and I want to pull 7 students, I'll pass the range (0..6).
  • This will return the list of students I am taking!

Special cases

  • Negative indices count backward from the end of the array (-1 is the last element). For start and range cases the starting index is just before an element.
    • In the example below, I want to get a list of the last 4 students on the list.
    • Since I want to count backward in the array, I'll pass the arguments (-4..-1).
class_list = ["Miles", "Jenny", "Mila", "Joan", "Sam", "Alice", "Peter", "Ralph", "Stacie", "Todd"]

#=> ["Peter", "Ralph", "Stacie", "Todd"]

  • Returns nil if the index (or starting index) are out of range.
    • In the example below, I am trying to access the range 11-16, but since there is no object at index 11, it will return nil.
class_list = ["Miles", "Jenny", "Mila", "Joan", "Sam", "Alice", "Peter", "Ralph", "Stacie", "Todd"]

my_group = class_list.slice(11..16) 
p my_group
#=> nil

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