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Created June 11, 2013 11:25
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Manifest that will use PowerShell and MSIExec to install 7zip on a windows server. It will decide what version of the file to use due to $::architecture which is part of facter
class application_7zip {
case $::architecture {
'x64': {
$file_name = '7z922-x64.msi'
$exe_filepath = 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe'
'x86', default: {
$file_name = '7z922.msi'
$exe_filepath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe'
file { '7zip-msi':
ensure => file,
mode => '0777',
path => "C:\\PuppetScripts\\${file_name}",
source => "puppet:///modules/application_7zip/${file_name}",
require => File['C:\PuppetScripts'],
exec { 'install-7zip':
creates => $exe_filepath,
path => "C:\Windows\sysnative\WindowsPowershell\v1.0;C:\\Windows\\sysnative;${::path}",
command => "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command \"msiexec.exe /i C:\\PuppetScripts\\${file_name} /passive /quiet\"",
logoutput => true,
require => File['7zip-msi']
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