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Finite is a - Rank 1 Constraint System: (R1CS) That uses Petri-Nets as a means to construct Zero Knowledge Proofs.
MIT License
Finite is a - Rank 1 Constraint System: (R1CS)
That uses Petri-Nets as a means to construct Zero Knowledge Proofs.
The author is planning to deploy using The Factom Blockchain
with the notion that this protocol is useful as an addressing system to index other forms of proofs.
Because Factom can isolate users from the need to own cryptocurrency, it is hoped that adoption can reach outside of
traditional crypto-currency use cases. [ Disclaimer I work for Factom Inc. ]
Symbolic Computation:
Petri-Nets serve as a scaffold for explicitly declaring states of computation using only these operator: [+-*].
These statemachine/ptnets are translated and applied as: Vector Addition Systems (with state).
The input vector delta along with the current an future state are
the inputs data points for the system being recorded and proofed.
Many existing approaches for generic provable computing rely on compiling source code into mathematics.
This approach wields math as a programming language.
The essential aspect of this approach is the use of a linear system solver to calculate a 'witness' vector for
a corresponding secret matrix. A nice feature of this choice is that it ensures exactly one solution exists.
An Inner Product hash of the <public witness>*<solution vector> is used to hide data and produce a unique output.
The inner-product-hash output is converted to a string: by using this yielded decimal value 'x'.
The ouput of: `dot(witness, solution) => x` is then is scaled by 2^n (extracting the mantissa),
and is then base56 encoded (along with adding a prefix to denote negative or positive values.
This base56 encoded string taken along with the corresponding
public witness vector serve as a globally unique hashid that encodes a state-machine transation.
Because we only expose a mathematical fingerprint from our hidden state machine,
it should be very difficult or impossible to guess the protected internal state. (#REVIEW more thought needed here)
To forge an event-proof, a user must know or guess the state or transition vector,
along with the other n-1 random vectors needed to compose the hash. Addtionally,
because we are using a universal hash family as our algorithm this is thought to
be very difficult or impossible to reverse engineer from the output fingerprint.
If the security of this approach is faulty and it allows for successful forgery of a given event,
each value can still be measured for correctness against adjacent events (presumably on a blockchain)
to audit for continuity.
It's notable that only 1/n rows of our secret matrix contain data.
The others are randomly generated values to pad out/construct a square matrix.
These added random vectors can be though of as a type of One-Time-Pad OTP.
This offers protection against statistical attacks, however if we were to re-use
the same hash for every interaction it may be possible to guess the cleartext.
Because the actual hash algorithm is specified at runtime via the witness vector,
we are able to intermingle useful data or identifiers as part of a challenge-response interaction.
Also NOTE: any of the randomly generated vectors in the padded data can be substituted
for meaningful information. Using this feature, it's possible to create multiple fingerprints
of the same data or to correlate identifiers between 2 isolated systems.
The purpose of a ledger (distributed or not) is to collect and aggregate groups of numbers.
This very approach is made useful for general purpose algorithms thanks to the application of
this state-vector style of state machine.
We also avoid the difficulty from previous approaches that sought use a compiler to
convert source code to mathematics whereas this approach seeks to minimize the calculations being witnessed.
By adopting a mathematically rigorous toolkit to build higher-level program logic we can
build very complex processes that can be made "proof-able" without having to deviate from a core protocol.
from baseconv import base56
from numpy import dot, cross, array, linalg, allclose, frexp
from numpy.random import randint, seed
class Finite(object):
""" prefix for positive numbers """
POS = '45'
""" prefix for negative numbers """
NEG = '83'
def encode(n):
""" encode float to user string """
return base56.encode(
("%.54f" % n).replace('-0.', Finite.NEG).replace('0.', Finite.POS)
def decode(s):
""" decode float value from user string """
h = base56.decode(s)
sign = ''
if h[1] == Finite.NEG[1]:
sign = '-'
assert h[0] == Finite.NEG[0]
assert h[0] == Finite.POS[0]
assert h[1] == Finite.POS[1]
return float(sign+'0.'+h[2:])
def scale(x):
this scales the result by the smallest possible exponent 2**exp
Decompose the elements of x into mantissa and twos exponent.
Returns (mantissa, exponent), where x = mantissa * 2**exponent`.
The mantissa is lies in the open interval(-1, 1),
while the twos exponent is a signed integer.
h, _ = array(frexp(x)).tolist()
# ^ NOTE: that we throw away the exp value
# this guarentees that the secret data cannot
# be reverse engineered via brute force
return h
def rand_num(capacity=1e6):
return int(capacity/2 - randint(1, capacity))
# generate a vector of random integers
def rand_vector(capacity):
out = []
i = 0
for _ in capacity:
return out
def vector(capacity, default_scalar):
out = []
for _ in capacity:
return out
def proof(capacity, data, nonce, witness=None):
generates a random proof used to demonstrate
that we know a matrix 'm' where:
m[0] vector contains our target data
and: dot(m, soln) = witness
k = len(data)
if k < 3:
raise Exception('state must have at least 3 places')
allzeros = True
for s in data:
if s != 0:
allzeros = False
if allzeros:
raise Exception('secret data must not be all zeros')
m = [data] # add target data
# append random vectors to make it square
while len(m) < k:
if not witness:
witness = Finite.rand_vector(capacity)
soln = None
# solve the system for a private solution to secret + witness
soln = linalg.solve(m, witness)
assert allclose(dot(m, soln), witness) # assert math works
except linalg.LinAlgError as err:
# since our matrix is randomly generated there is no guarenteed a solution exists
# rotate the nonce and try again
return proof(capacity, data, randint(1,1e6), witness=witness)
return nonce, m, witness, soln, Finite.scale(dot(witness, soln))
class AuctionContract(object):
Execute an auction contract building upon
state machine ruleset
Program states are used to construct Zero-Knowledge Proofs for the given event stream.
places = [
# initial state for the places labeled above
state = array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0])
# set place value limits
capacity = [10000, 1, 1, 1, 1] # NOTE price field has a max of 10k
transitions = {
"EXEC": [0,-1,1,0,0],
"SOLD": [0,0,-1,1,0],
"HALT": [0,0,-1,0,1],
"BID": [1,0,0,0,0],
# guards and conditions contain transition vectors for
# inspecting/testing the state of the system
# these serve as conditional tools
# or in petri-net terms these are called 'inhibitor arcs'
# see also: Dual Petri-Nets or Fuzzy Nets
guards = [] # inhibit action based on identity
conditions = [] # inhibit redemption based on state
# trigger state machine transformation
# and construct corresponding proofs
def commit(self, delta, nonce):
output = array(self.state) + delta
i = 0
# enforce state machine rules
while i < len(output):
assert output[i] >= 0 # state allows uint only
assert output[i] <= AuctionContract.capacity[i]
i += 1
# create input proof
n0, m0, w0, s0, h0 = Finite.proof(self.capacity, self.state, nonce)
# transform state
self.state = output
# create output proof
n1, m1, w1, s1, h1 = Finite.proof(self.capacity, self.state, nonce)
return {
"priv": {
"input": {
"nonce": n0,
"data": m0[0].tolist(),
"witness": s0.tolist()
"output": {
"nonce": n1,
"data": m1[0].tolist(),
"witness": s1.tolist()
"pub": {
"witness": w0,
"input": Finite.encode(h0),
"ouput": Finite.encode(h1)
# generate a sequence of events with accompanying proofs
if __name__ == '__main__':
m = AuctionContract()
def action(label, mult=1):
nonce = randint(1,1e6)
soln = m.commit(array(m.transitions[label])*mult, nonce)
print(' %s => %s' % (label, soln['priv']['output']['data']))
print(' private:\n input: %s\n output: %s' % (soln['priv']['input'], soln['priv']['output']))
print(' public: %s' % soln['pub'])
action('BID', mult=123)
EXEC => [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
input: {'nonce': 798933, 'data': [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], 'witness': [294838.7162005816, 200019.99999999994, -204496.34792476898, -366889.7632200806, -497189.0879542028]}
output: {'nonce': 798933, 'data': [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], 'witness': [-288390.6725547537, -195638.199531369, 200019.99999999994, 358874.50410049077, 486313.87333379756]}
public: {'witness': [200020, -147004, 414188, -333807, -141101], 'input': 'X8gskgzDFtBgz7aAmZqFFvYitYNCgTiC', 'ouput': 'xjivERMJJzTmH9mAsa4XBZmExfCmM9YW'}
BID => [123, 0, 1, 0, 0]
input: {'nonce': 454076, 'data': [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], 'witness': [2220140.4765694416, 69854.1761815485, 493146.99999999994, -1845234.2059134028, -592862.4298040231]}
output: {'nonce': 454076, 'data': [123, 0, 1, 0, 0], 'witness': [4002.0940952935302, 126.05021754519018, 889.4262788957474, -3326.5992578905184, -1068.0196395516398]}
public: {'witness': [493147, 235233, -173565, 15223, -218558], 'input': 'X99iGqduZWrL4UkqudQ8iHtuZVJTaqHW', 'ouput': 'XQfjVA5UTMTwkMwZMMH5fr4fNnzEhiWY'}
SOLD => [123, 0, 0, 1, 0]
input: {'nonce': 114746, 'data': [123, 0, 1, 0, 0], 'witness': [3046.262180108822, 1737.3193113698476, -325.248153385134, 2097.462174976482, 1336.1617062360576]}
output: {'nonce': 114746, 'data': [123, 0, 0, 1, 0], 'witness': [3026.6750325135613, 1726.1351630260967, -323.16203032250644, 2083.9710008318716, 1327.5567412804123]}
public: {'witness': [374365, -222092, 244549, -44439, -35165], 'input': 'XSUMup6yPgxzafubB2mypbNZpQsQxgNQ', 'ouput': 'XSFWUqF5ApfBrUAk9y3CVdJcze63MPbs'}
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stackdump commented Mar 1, 2019

One other interesting thought about using a finite-state machine to define a process is that the resulting labels of the system
form a regular language:

Kleene's theorem

A [regular language](
can be defined as a language recognized by a finite automaton.

Some of my previous thoughts about Petri-Nets can be found here

This figure shows a graphical petri-net that matches the rules from the example code above. (NOTE: it also has some transitions marked with '?' which are meant to be eventually used via guards & roles)
Auction Petri-Net w/ added '?' guards

Learn More about the Factom Blockchain

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