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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save stackedsax/8889227 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stackedsax/8889227 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Steps to get a reach dev environment up as of 2/8/2014
  1. Pray to the gods.
  2. You probably have everything in here: + rvm/rbenv. If not, run/curl the script and get all the tools + rvm/rbenv:
  3. curl -s | bash * note: I didn't actually need to run this so I haven't tested it.
  4. \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
  5. git clone
  • Reach team members can give you access if you don't have it
  1. cd reach/reach-vm/
  2. make update
  3. vagrant up
  • usually not necessary, but first time around, you need to create the VM
  1. make morning
  2. You may need to upgrade the ./reach-chef/cookbooks/reach/recipes/dev.rb cassandra from 2.0.4 -> 2.0.5 and run make morning again
  3. vim ./reach-chef/cookbooks/reach/recipes/dev.rb ## and up the cassandra version to 2.0.5
  4. make morning ## again
  5. Inside the vagrant image:
    1. cd /data/ck
    2. rm /data/ck/cloudkick/webapp/authentication/models.pyc
    • I had to do this; some magic number problem with that file.
    1. scons --clear_all
    2. scons --js_minify
    3. sudo sv restart /service/*
    4. rscreen
  6. Back in mac OS, reach directory:
    1. foreman start
  7. In a browser, go to:
    1. http://localhost:8001
  8. Thank the gods profusely:
    1. ./
\curl -s | bash
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
git clone
cd reach/reach-vm/
make update
vagrant up
make morning
## Now inside the vagrant image:
vim ./reach-chef/cookbooks/reach/recipes/dev.rb ## and up the cassandra version to 2.0.5
cd /data/ck
rm /data/ck/cloudkick/webapp/authentication/models.pyc
scons --clear_all
scons --js_minify
sudo sv restart /service/*
## Now back in mac OS, reach directory:
foreman start
## Now in a browser:
## Now in a non-denominational place of worship of your choice:
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