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Created April 24, 2014 19:25
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Trigger deadlock in waitForVisible
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
GLAutoDrawable contextOwner = GLUtils.newOffscreenDrawable( GLProfile.GL2GL3 );
GLContext context = contextOwner.getContext( );
final JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane( );
JFrame frame = FrameUtils.newFrame( "AWT Deadlock Example", tabbedPane, JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
FrameUtils.showFrameCentered( frame );
for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
final String tabName = "" + i;
final NewtSwingGlimpseCanvas canvas = new NewtSwingGlimpseCanvas( context );
Plot2D plot = new Plot2D( "" );
plot.getLayoutCenter( ).addPainter( new BackgroundPainter( ) );
plot.getLayoutCenter( ).addPainter( new GridPainter( ) );
plot.getLayoutCenter( ).addPainter( new GlimpseDataPainter2D( )
public void paintTo( GL2 gl, GlimpseBounds bounds, Axis2D axis )
// This runs in canvas's animator thread
// At this point, the animator thread holds the GlimpseLayout lock
// getScreenResolution() involves grabbing the AWT lock
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit( ).getScreenResolution( );
} );
plot.getLayoutCenter( ).addPainter( new BorderPainter( ) );
canvas.addLayout( plot );
GLUtils.startFpsAnimator( 1000, canvas );
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable( )
public void run( )
// This causes the JOGL event thread to wait for canvas's peer to become visible
// While it's waiting, the event thread holds the AWT lock
// Also while waiting, the event thread occasionally wakes up to dispatch input events
// If it has to dispatch a mouse event, Glimpse tries to figure out which layout the mouse is in
// That involves grabbing the GlimpseLayout lock
// So ... if you move your mouse around on an existing canvas while
// a new canvas is being made visible, it can deadlock
tabbedPane.add( tabName, canvas );
} );
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