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Created August 19, 2020 10:22
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Bearing Class, stores a bearing in degrees. Has a method to return the bearing in DMS format!
class Bearing:
"""Class with one variable - angle. Intended to store bearings in degrees.
Values must be between 0 and 360 inclusive. Included methods - dd2dms(object).
Will return the degrees minutes seconds value of the bearing stored in the object.
Syntax - Bearing.dd2dms(my_bearing)"""
def __init__(self, angle=360):
# underscore(_) is used to denote private members
self._angle = angle
# This is the getter. Use: my_bearing.angle
def angle(self):
return self._angle
# This the setter. Use: my_bearing.angle = 33
# Demands input to be a number (integer or float) between 0 and 360 inclusive.
def angle(self, angle):
if float(angle) >= 0 and float(angle) <= 360:
print("Yes input string is a number between 0 and 360 inclusive.")
print("Writing value to Bearing object...")
self._angle = angle
print("That's not a number between 0 and 360")
print("No changes made.")
except IOError as error_details:
print(error_details, '\nIOError, No changes made.\n')
except ValueError as error_details:
print(error_details, '\nValueError, No changes made.\n')
except TypeError as error_details:
print(error_details, '\nTypeError, No changes made.\n')
# This prints the output nicely
# Use: print(my_bearing)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Bearing({})'.format(self._angle)
# This is the equals method, returns true if the objects
# have equal values in each member.
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._angle == other.angle
# Converts bearing from decimal degrees (DD) to degrees minutes seconds (DMS)
# and returns a formatted answer.
def dd2dms(self):
dd = self._angle
is_positive = dd >= 0
dd = abs(dd)
minutes, seconds = divmod(dd * 3600, 60)
degrees, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
degrees = degrees if is_positive else -degrees
# the next line formats the returned value for display
return str(int(degrees)) + u"\u00b0" + str(int(minutes)) + "'" + str(format(seconds, '.1f'))
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