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Created August 19, 2020 11:11
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Find which points are exposed depending on the tide height and a DEM. This code is part of a larger project and is provided as an example only.
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point
def main():
poi = get_poi_csv()
# print(poi)
points_centroid = get_centre_of_points(poi)
# print(points_centroid)
# create dummy data for tide_height variable, set at Mean Sea Level:
tide_height = 0
# load dummy dataset for dem_data_extent
dem_data_extent_shapefile_path = Path('DATA/NIdem_data_extent.shp')
dem_data_extent = gpd.read_file(dem_data_extent_shapefile_path, crs={'init': 'epsg:3577'})
# load dummy data for extent of submerged part of intertidal zone,
# given a tide height of 0m above Mean Sea Level:
submerged_extent_shapefile_path = Path('DATA/submerged_extent.shp')
submerged_extent = gpd.read_file(submerged_extent_shapefile_path, crs={'init': 'epsg:3577'})
poi = buffer_poi(poi, 1)
analysis_poi = create_analysis_poi(poi, dem_data_extent)
submerged_poi = find_submerged_poi(analysis_poi, submerged_extent)
analysis_poi_50m = buffer_poi(analysis_poi, 50)
exposed_poi = find_exposed_poi(analysis_poi_50m, submerged_extent)
def get_poi_csv():
# read poi csv file into a GeoDataFrame. Reproject into GDA94 Australian Albers coordinate system.
poi_path = input("Please specify the path of your Points of Interest file. \n"
"This should be a .csv file, with three columns with the following headers: \n"
"name, lat, lon. Please ensure the coordinates are in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system. \n"
"Lat and lon values should be in decimal degrees.\n"
"Enter your filepath here:")
poi_path = Path(poi_path)
except IOError as error_details:
print('IOError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except ValueError as error_details:
print('ValueError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except TypeError as error_details:
print('TypeError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
# read the csv into a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame object.
csv_df = pd.read_csv(poi_path)
geometry = [Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(csv_df.lon,]
# csv_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(csv_df)
csv_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(csv_df, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'})
csv_gdf = csv_gdf.set_geometry(geometry)
csv_gdf_reproject = csv_gdf.to_crs(crs={'init': 'epsg:3577'})
csv_gdf2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(csv_gdf_reproject) = {'init': 'epsg:3577'}
return csv_gdf2
except IOError as error_details:
print('IOError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
# informs user to check how they have named the columns in their poi csv file:
except AttributeError as error_details:
print('Possible column naming error in csv file, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
def get_centre_of_points(gdf):
# gets the center of the points of interest, to help choose an appropriate tide measurement station.
allpoints = gdf.unary_union
centroid_x = allpoints.centroid.x
centroid_y = allpoints.centroid.y
return (centroid_x, centroid_y)
def buffer_poi(poi, m):
# creates a very small buffer around pois to facilitate overlay analysis
poi['geometry'] = poi.geometry.buffer(m)
return poi
def create_analysis_poi(poi, extent):
# checks the poi for points outside of the intertidal zone as specified by the NIdem dataset.
count_poi = poi.count()['geometry']
analysis_poi = gpd.overlay(poi, extent, how='intersection')
count_analysis_poi = analysis_poi.count()['geometry']
if count_poi != count_analysis_poi:
print("Of your {} total points of interest, only {} fall within the intertidal \n"
"zone as defined by the NIdem dataset. Points that fall outside the \n"
"intertidal zone will be excluded from analysis.".format(count_poi, count_analysis_poi))
print("All {} points of interest fall within the intertidal zone as defined by the NIdem dataset.\n"
"All points included in analysis.".format(count_poi))
return analysis_poi
def find_submerged_poi(poi, extent):
# finds which poi will be submerged at time of analysis.
count_poi = poi.count()['geometry']
submerged_poi = gpd.overlay(poi, extent, how='intersection')
count_submerged_poi = submerged_poi.count()['geometry']
print("Of the {} points in the analysis, {} fall within the currently submerged part \n"
"of the intertidal zone.".format(count_poi, count_submerged_poi))
return submerged_poi
def find_exposed_poi(poi, extent):
# finds which points will be exposed and accessible at time of analysis.
count_poi = poi.count()['geometry']
exposed_poi = gpd.overlay(poi, extent, how='difference')
count_exposed_poi = exposed_poi.count()['geometry']
print("Of the {} points in the analysis, {} fall within the currently exposed part \n"
"of the intertidal zone.".format(count_poi, count_exposed_poi))
return exposed_poi
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