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Created May 7, 2014 09:16
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import os as os
def listevar(fichier):
datago = Dataset(fichier, 'r')
x = datago.variables.keys()
print x
def extraction(fichier):
datago = Dataset(fichier, 'r')
lg = datago.variables['longitude'][:]
lt = datago.variables['latitude'][:]
ti = datago.variables['time'][:]
atb = datago.variables['ATB'][:,:]
SR = datago.variables['instant_SR'][:,:]
sol_alt = datago.variables['SE'][:]
alt = datago.variables['alt_bound'][:,:]
print np.shape(alt)
u, v = np.shape(alt)
alt_bas = alt[0,:]
alt_haut = alt[1,:]
alt = np.zeros((v,1))
for i in range(0,v):
alt[i] = alt_bas[i]
#alt[v] = alt_haut[v-1]
alt = alt[:,0]
return lg, lt, ti, atb,alt, sol_alt, SR
def affiche(n1,n2,lg,lt,ti,atb,alt,sol_alt):
#lg = lg[n1:n2]
#lt = lt[n1:n2]
ti = ti[n1:n2]
sol_alt = sol_alt[n1:n2]
u,v = np.shape(atb[n1:n2,:])
trait = ti[int (((n2-n1)/2))]
plt.plot ([trait,trait] , [alt[0],alt[-1]],'w--',linewidth=2)
plt.plot(ti, sol_alt,'w',linewidth=2)
#print 'tailles des tableaux',ti.shape, alt.shape, atb.shape
plt.ylim(-1, 16)
plt.xlim(ti[0], ti[-1])
plt.clim(0, 0.03)
plt.ylabel('Altitude [km]')
def lonlat(n1, n2,lg,lt,ti,atb):
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
m = Basemap()
m.plot(lg, lt)
lg = lg[n1:n2]
lt = lt[n1:n2]
m.plot(lg, lt, 'r')
def profil(n1,n2,lg,lt,ti,atb,alt):
#print 'tailles des tableaux',ti.shape, alt.shape, atb.shape
n = int (((n2-n1)/2))
plt.semilogx(atb[n,:], alt)
#plt.xlim(1e-7, 1e-1)
plt.xlabel('ATB [km-1 sr-1]')
plt.ylabel('Altitude [km]')
plt.title('Profil %d' % (n))
def profil_SR(n1,n2,lg,lt,ti,atb,alt,fichier):
#print 'tailles des tableaux',ti.shape, alt.shape, atb.shape
n = int (((n2-n1)/2))
plt.plot(atb[n,:], alt)
plt.xlim(-0.1, 30)
plt.xlabel('ATB [km-1 sr-1]')
plt.ylabel('Altitude [km]')
plt.title('Profil %d' % (n))
path = fichier
path += '.png'
def coord_pole(lg,lt,ti,atb, sol_alt):
idx = ( lt < -60 ) & ( lt >= -90 )
lt6090 = lt[idx]
lg6090 = lg[idx]
ti6090 = ti[idx]
sol_alt = sol_alt[idx]
atb = atb [idx,:]
n = len(lt6090)
return n, lt6090, lg6090, ti6090,atb, sol_alt
def alt_max(SR, alt, n1, n2):
u, v = np.shape(SR)
profil = int (((n2-n1)/2))
#j = -1
#for i in range(0,v):
# if SR[profil,i] < 0.1 :
# if i > 0:
# if ( i - j == 1) :
# h_max = alt[i]
# j = i
j = - 1
i = 0
while SR[profil,i] < 0.01 and i < v and SR[profil,i] > -10:
j = i
i = i + 1
#if SR[profil,i] < 0 : print profil, i,SR[profil,i], alt[i]
return j
def alt_max_orbite():
lg, lt, ti, atb,alt, sol_alt, SR = extraction(fichier3)
p,v = np.shape(atb)
tab1 = np.zeros((p))
tab2 = np.zeros((p))
for o in range (0,p):
j = alt_max(SR,alt,0,2*o)
if j != -1 :
tab1[o] = alt[j]
#if tab1[o] > 5.: print o
else : tab1[o] = -10
tab2[o] = o
tab1 = < 1, tab1)
def alt_max_profil(alt,SR,n1,n2,fichier):
j = alt_max(SR,alt,n1,n2)
s = np.shape(alt)
if j != -1 :alt_ext= alt[j]
else : alt_ext= -10
#for i in range(0,40):
# alt[i] = alt[i] + alt_ext
print alt_ext
def tr_fl(alt,SR,n1,n2):
j = alt_max(SR,alt,n1,n2)
profil = (n2-n1)/2
u = max(np.shape(alt))
if j != -1 :
j = j + 1
b = 0
while j < u :
if SR[profil,j] < 0.01 and SR[profil,j] > -10:
b = b +1
j = j + 1
if b != 0 : print profil , 'faux eteint'
else : print profil,'vrai eteint'
else : print profil,' ????? '
def tr_fl_orbite(alt,SR):
u,v = np.shape(SR)
n1 = 0
for i in range (0,max(u)):
def lecture_dossier(repertoire):
u = np.shape(os.listdir(repertoire))
return u, os.listdir(repertoire)
if __name__=='__main__':
#fichier3="/bdd/CFMIP/CFMIP_OBS_LOCAL/GOCCP/instant_SR_CR_DR/grid_L40/2013/201308/night/"#38418 mid
fichier3="/bdd/CFMIP/CFMIP_OBS_LOCAL/GOCCP/instant_SR_CR_DR/grid_L40/2013/201308/night/" #20632 trop
n1 , n2 = 0 , 20632
lg, lt, ti, atb,alt, sol_alt, SR = extraction(fichier3)
#alt_max(SR, alt, n1,2*n2)
#affiche(n1,n2,lg, lt, ti, SR,alt,sol_alt)
n1 = 0
n2, lt, lg, ti, atb, sol_alt = coord_pole(lg, lt, ti, atb,sol_alt)
alt_max(SR, alt, n1,n2)
affiche(n1,n2,lg, lt, ti, atb,alt,sol_alt)
lonlat(n1, n2,lg, lt, ti, atb)
#lonlat(n1, n2,lg, lt, ti, atb)
#affiche(n1,n2,lg, lt, ti, SR,alt,sol_alt)
dossier = '/bdd/CFMIP/CFMIP_OBS_LOCAL/GOCCP/instant_SR_CR_DR/grid_L40/2013/201308/night/'
nbr_fichier,fichier = lecture_dossier(dossier)
for i in range(0, 12):
n1 , n2 = 0 , 20632
fichier3 = dossier + fichier[i]
if i > 0 :
u,v = np.shape((SR))
SR = np.zeros((u,v))
lg, lt, ti, atb,alt, sol_alt, SR = extraction(fichier3)
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