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Last active April 16, 2016 21:26
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<!-- Example component to get -->
$vars['title'] = $vars[0];
$vars['description'] = $vars[1];
$vars['class'] = $vars[2];
<div class="<?php echo $vars['class']; ?>">
<h1><?php echo $vars['title']; ?></h1>
<p><?php echo $vars['description']; ?></p>
= Add Component =
//Example Use
// get_component([
// 'template' => 'components/page-header',
// 'vars' => [
// 'title Var'
// ]
// ]);
function get_component($files = Array()){
= Varibles =
$styleDir = ''; //where is you css dir (optional)
$compDir = ''; //where are your comps (optional)
$vars = $files['vars']; //gets vars
$return_string = false; //echo by default
$errors = []; //empty error array what be be filled.
if( isset($files['return_string'])){
$return_string = $files['return_string'];
ob_start(); //start object buffer
$component = include(locate_template($compDir.$files['template'].'.php')); //instead of echoing it, its stored
$component = ob_get_clean(); //set var to the stored buffer ( i believe this flats the vars)
= Add Inline Scoped Styles (Optional) =
$files['concatStyles'] = NULL;
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($files['styles']); $i++) {
//add into on string and add to bucket
$files['concatStyles'] .= " ".file_get_contents($styleDir.$files['styles'][$i].'.css');
= Filter out tags you don't want =
if(isset($files['remove_tags']) && sizeof($files['remove_tags']) > 0){
$tags = [];
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($files['remove_tags']); $i++) {
array_push($tags, '<'.$files['remove_tags'][$i].'>');
array_push($tags, '</'.$files['remove_tags'][$i].'>');
$component = str_replace($tags, "", $component);
= Return Comp or Echo Comp =
if(true == $return_string){
return $component; //dont echo it allow it to be returned later;
} else {
echo $component;
unset($files); // unset file array
unset($vars); //unset vars so no population
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stagfoo commented Apr 16, 2016

Working now

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