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Created April 9, 2015 07:18
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package com.heluna.maildrop.util
* common com.heluna.maildrop
* User: markbe
* Date: 9/10/14
* Time: 9:39 AM
object AltInbox {
val modifier = BigInt(MailDropConfig.getLong("").getOrElse(0L).toString)
val prefix = MailDropConfig("").getOrElse("D-")
def fromShort(shortId: String) = BigInt(shortId, 36)
// Simple algorithm to determine alt inbox.
// Warning -- this won't stop any dedicated attackers at all.
// - Strip non alpha-numeric characters
// - Convert the regular inbox to a long
// - Reverse the digits and prepend a 1
// - Add the private modifier
// - Convert back to base36
// - Prepend prefix
def getAltInbox(regularInbox: String): String = {
//val regularBigInt = fromShort(regularInbox.toLowerCase.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", ""))
val regularBigInt = fromShort(regularInbox)
prefix + (BigInt("1" + regularBigInt.toString().reverse) + modifier).toString(36)
// Simple algorithm to determine regular inbox.
// - Strip prefix
// - Convert the alt inbox to a long
// - Subtract the private modifier
// - Remove the 1 prefix and reverse the digits
// - Convert back to base36
def getRegularInbox(altInbox: String): String = {
//val altBigInt = fromShort(altInbox.toLowerCase.replaceFirst(prefix.toLowerCase, ""))
val altBigInt = fromShort(altInbox.replaceFirst(prefix, ""))
BigInt((altBigInt - modifier).toString().substring(1).reverse).toString(36)
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