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Created April 12, 2016 04:46
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Save stahnma/262d00e5176202d0df0a2c976180a8ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Loading consul
Loading web_ui
Executing 'rm -rf /etc/consul /opt/consul && pkg install -y rsync git gmake coreutils bash && chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash' on 'root@fb1'
Warning: Permanently added 'fb1,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The most recent version of packages are already installed
chsh: user information updated
Executing 'mktemp -d -p /var/tmp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'tmp'' on 'root@fb1'
Warning: Permanently added 'fb1,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Target is fb1
Downloading file '' from url ''
Verifying file: against sum: 'a336895f0b2d9c4679524f0c9896e1ec'
Moving file 'default.json' to workdir
Moving file 'consul.service' to workdir
Downloading file '' from url ''
Verifying file: against sum: 'f2b17fd7d9cf8dd00c4ab3aa674d33ca'
Generated: /tmp/d20160412-14205-1wwkft4/Makefile
Warning: Permanently added 'fb1,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Executing '(cd /tmp/tmp.8kTeGZ3Q; /usr/local/bin/gmake)' on 'root@fb1'
Warning: Permanently added 'fb1,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
(find -L "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" 2>/dev/null || find "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" -follow 2>/dev/null) | sort | uniq > file-list-before-build
mkdir -p '/opt/consul'
mkdir -p '/usr/local/bin'
echo > '/opt/consul/VERSION'
: && unzip '' || 7za x -r -tzip -o'consul_0.6.3_linux_amd64' ''
extracting: consul
touch consul-unpack
touch consul-patch
[ -d consul_0.6.3_linux_amd64 ] || mkdir -p consul_0.6.3_linux_amd64
touch consul-configure
touch consul-build
touch consul-check
cd consul_0.6.3_linux_amd64 && \
: && \
mkdir -p /opt/consul && \
mkdir -p /opt/consul/bin && \
mkdir -p /opt/consul/etc && \
mkdir -p /opt/consul/lib && \
cp -pr ../consul /opt/consul/bin && \
cp -pr ../default.json /opt/consul/etc && \
install -d '/usr/local/bin' && \
([[ '/usr/local/bin/consul' -ef '/opt/consul/bin/consul' ]] || ln -s '/opt/consul/bin/consul' '/usr/local/bin/consul')
touch consul-install
: && unzip '' || 7za x -r -tzip -o'consul_0.6.3_web_ui' ''
extracting: index.html
d static
extracting: static/application.min.js
extracting: static/base.css
extracting: static/
extracting: static/bootstrap.min.css
extracting: static/consul-logo.png
extracting: static/favicon.png
extracting: static/loading-cylon-purple.svg
touch web_ui-unpack
touch web_ui-patch
[ -d consul_0.6.3_web_ui ] || mkdir -p consul_0.6.3_web_ui
touch web_ui-configure
touch web_ui-build
touch web_ui-check
cd consul_0.6.3_web_ui && \
: && \
mkdir -p /opt/consul/share/ui && \
cp -pr ../index* /opt/consul/share/ui && \
cp -pr ../static /opt/consul/share/ui
touch web_ui-install
(find -L "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" 2>/dev/null || find "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" -follow 2>/dev/null) | sort | uniq > file-list-after-build
touch consul-project
comm -23 file-list-after-build file-list-before-build > file-list
comm -23 file-list-after-build file-list-before-build | sed -e 's/\(^.*[[:space:]].*$\)/"\1"/g' > file-list-for-rpm
mkdir -p 'consul-'
'tar' -cf - -T "file-list" "bill-of-materials" "/opt/consul/VERSION" "/usr/local/bin/consul" | ( cd 'consul-'; 'tar' xfp -)
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
'tar' -cf - consul- | gzip -9c > consul-
mkdir -p output/pkg/
mkdir -p /tmp/tmp.rc74fE3B/consul-
cp consul- /tmp/tmp.rc74fE3B/consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426.orig.tar.gz
cat file-list >> freebsd/install
cp -pr freebsd /tmp/tmp.rc74fE3B/consul-
gunzip -c consul- | 'tar' -C '/tmp/tmp.rc74fE3B/consul-' --strip-components 1 -xf -
sed -i 's/ /?/g' /tmp/tmp.rc74fE3B/consul-
Makefile:10: recipe for target 'consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426-1_amd64.pkg' failed
sed: 1: "/tmp/tmp.rc74fE3B/consu ...": undefined label 'mp.rc74fE3B/consul-'
gmake: *** [consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426-1_amd64.pkg] Error 1
An error was encountered evaluating block. Retrying..
Executing '(cd /tmp/tmp.8kTeGZ3Q; /usr/local/bin/gmake)' on 'root@fb1'
Warning: Permanently added 'fb1,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
mkdir -p '/usr/local/bin'
(find -L "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" 2>/dev/null || find "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" -follow 2>/dev/null) | sort | uniq > file-list-after-build
touch consul-project
comm -23 file-list-after-build file-list-before-build > file-list
comm -23 file-list-after-build file-list-before-build | sed -e 's/\(^.*[[:space:]].*$\)/"\1"/g' > file-list-for-rpm
mkdir -p 'consul-'
'tar' -cf - -T "file-list" "bill-of-materials" "/opt/consul/VERSION" "/usr/local/bin/consul" | ( cd 'consul-'; 'tar' xfp -)
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
'tar' -cf - consul- | gzip -9c > consul-
mkdir -p output/pkg/
mkdir -p /tmp/tmp.sNBowdyF/consul-
cp consul- /tmp/tmp.sNBowdyF/consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426.orig.tar.gz
cat file-list >> freebsd/install
cp -pr freebsd /tmp/tmp.sNBowdyF/consul-
gunzip -c consul- | 'tar' -C '/tmp/tmp.sNBowdyF/consul-' --strip-components 1 -xf -
sed -i 's/ /?/g' /tmp/tmp.sNBowdyF/consul-
Makefile:10: recipe for target 'consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426-1_amd64.pkg' failed
sed: 1: "/tmp/tmp.sNBowdyF/consu ...": undefined label 'mp.sNBowdyF/consul-'
gmake: *** [consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426-1_amd64.pkg] Error 1
An error was encountered evaluating block. Retrying..
Executing '(cd /tmp/tmp.8kTeGZ3Q; /usr/local/bin/gmake)' on 'root@fb1'
Warning: Permanently added 'fb1,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
mkdir -p '/usr/local/bin'
(find -L "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" 2>/dev/null || find "/opt/consul" "/usr/local/bin" -follow 2>/dev/null) | sort | uniq > file-list-after-build
touch consul-project
comm -23 file-list-after-build file-list-before-build > file-list
comm -23 file-list-after-build file-list-before-build | sed -e 's/\(^.*[[:space:]].*$\)/"\1"/g' > file-list-for-rpm
mkdir -p 'consul-'
'tar' -cf - -T "file-list" "bill-of-materials" "/opt/consul/VERSION" "/usr/local/bin/consul" | ( cd 'consul-'; 'tar' xfp -)
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
'tar' -cf - consul- | gzip -9c > consul-
mkdir -p output/pkg/
mkdir -p /tmp/tmp.iX1gOeF1/consul-
cp consul- /tmp/tmp.iX1gOeF1/consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426.orig.tar.gz
cat file-list >> freebsd/install
cp -pr freebsd /tmp/tmp.iX1gOeF1/consul-
gunzip -c consul- | 'tar' -C '/tmp/tmp.iX1gOeF1/consul-' --strip-components 1 -xf -
sed -i 's/ /?/g' /tmp/tmp.iX1gOeF1/consul-
Makefile:10: recipe for target 'consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426-1_amd64.pkg' failed
sed: 1: "/tmp/tmp.iX1gOeF1/consu ...": undefined label 'mp.iX1gOeF1/consul-'
gmake: *** [consul_0.0.0.4.g1c1b426-1_amd64.pkg] Error 1
An error was encountered evaluating block. Retrying..
/home/stahnma/vanagon/lib/vanagon/utilities.rb:143:in `retry_with_timeout': Block failed maximum of 3 tries. Exiting.. (Vanagon::Error)
from /home/stahnma/vanagon/lib/vanagon/driver.rb:124:in `retry_task'
from /home/stahnma/vanagon/lib/vanagon/driver.rb:85:in `run'
from /home/stahnma/vanagon/bin/build:32:in `block in <top (required)>'
from /home/stahnma/vanagon/bin/build:25:in `each'
from /home/stahnma/vanagon/bin/build:25:in `<top (required)>'
from /home/stahnma/.gem/ruby/bin/build:23:in `load'
from /home/stahnma/.gem/ruby/bin/build:23:in `<main>'
Block failed maximum of 3 tries. Exiting..
/home/stahnma/vanagon/lib/vanagon/utilities.rb:143:in `retry_with_timeout'
/home/stahnma/vanagon/lib/vanagon/driver.rb:124:in `retry_task'
/home/stahnma/vanagon/lib/vanagon/driver.rb:85:in `run'
/home/stahnma/vanagon/bin/build:32:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/stahnma/vanagon/bin/build:25:in `each'
/home/stahnma/vanagon/bin/build:25:in `<top (required)>'
/home/stahnma/.gem/ruby/bin/build:23:in `load'
/home/stahnma/.gem/ruby/bin/build:23:in `<main>'
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