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Created April 12, 2016 04:24
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class Vanagon
class Platform
class FREEBSD < Vanagon::Platform
# The specific bits used to generate a freebsd package for a given project
# @param project [Vanagon::Project] project to build a freebsd package of
# @return [Array] list of commands required to build a freebsd package for the given project from a tarball
def generate_package(project)
target_dir = project.repo ? output_dir(project.repo) : output_dir
pkg_arch_opt = project.noarch ? "" : "-a#{@architecture}"
["mkdir -p output/#{target_dir}",
"mkdir -p $(tempdir)/#{}-#{project.version}",
"cp #{}-#{project.version}.tar.gz $(tempdir)/#{}_#{project.version}.orig.tar.gz",
"cat file-list >> freebsd/install",
"cp -pr freebsd $(tempdir)/#{}-#{project.version}",
"gunzip -c #{}-#{project.version}.tar.gz | '#{@tar}' -C '$(tempdir)/#{}-#{project.version}' --strip-components 1 -xf -",
"sed -i 's/\ /?/g' $(tempdir)/#{}-#{project.version}/freebsd/install",
"(cd $(tempdir)/#{}-#{project.version}; pkguild --no-lintian #{pkg_arch_opt} -uc -us)",
"cp $(tempdir)/*.pkg ./output/#{target_dir}"]
# Method to generate the files required to build a freebsd package for the project
# @param workdir [String] working directory to stage the evaluated templates in
# @param name [String] name of the project
# @param binding [Binding] binding to use in evaluating the packaging templates
def generate_packaging_artifacts(workdir, name, binding)
pkg_dir = File.join(workdir, "freebsd")
FileUtils.mkdir_p(pkg_dir), "manifest"), "w") { |f| f.puts("blank") }
# Method to derive the package name for the project
# @param project [Vanagon::Project] project to name
# @return [String] name of the freebsd package for this project
def package_name(project)
"#{}_#{project.version}-#{project.release}#{@codename}_#{project.noarch ? 'all' : @architecture}.pkg"
# Get the expected output dir for the freebsd packages. This allows us to
# use some standard tools to ship internally.
# @return [String] relative path to where freebsd packages should be staged
def output_dir(target_repo = "")
File.join("pkg", target_repo)
# Returns the string to add a target repo to the platforms' provisioning
# @param definition [URI] A URI to a pkg or list file
# @return [String] The command to add the repo target to the system
def add_repo_target(definition)
if File.extname(definition.path) == '.pkg'
# repo definition is an pkg (like puppetlabs-release)
"curl -o local.pkg '#{definition}' && dpkg -i local.pkg; rm -f local.pkg"
reponame = "#{SecureRandom.hex}-#{File.basename(definition.path)}"
reponame = "#{reponame}.list" if File.extname(reponame) != '.list'
"curl -o '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/#{reponame}' '#{definition}'"
# Returns the string to add a gpg key to the platforms' provisioning
# @param gpg_key [URI] A URI to the gpg key
# @return [String] The command to add the gpg key to the system
def add_gpg_key(gpg_key)
gpgname = "#{SecureRandom.hex}-#{File.basename(gpg_key.path)}"
gpgname = "#{gpgname}.gpg" if gpgname !~ /\.gpg$/
"curl -o '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/#{gpgname}' '#{gpg_key}'"
# Returns the commands to add a given repo target and optionally a gpg key to the build system
# @param definition [String] URI to the repo (.pkg or .list)
# @param gpg_key [String, nil] URI to a gpg key for the repo
def add_repository(definition, gpg_key = nil)
# i.e., definition =
# parse the definition and gpg_key if set to ensure they are both valid URIs
definition = URI.parse(definition)
gpg_key = URI.parse(gpg_key) if gpg_key
provisioning = ["apt-get -qq update && apt-get -qq install curl"]
if definition.scheme =~ /^(http|ftp)/
provisioning << add_repo_target(definition)
if gpg_key
provisioning << add_gpg_key(gpg_key)
provisioning << "apt-get -qq update"
# Constructor. Sets up some defaults for the freebsd platform and calls the parent constructor
# @param name [String] name of the platform
# @return [Vanagon::Platform::FREEBSD] the pkg derived platform with the given name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
@make = "/usr/local/bin/gmake"
@tar = "tar"
@patch = "/usr/local/bin/gpatch"
@num_cores = "/usr/bin/nproc"
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