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Review of Galaxy BLAST+ Gigascience paper

Re-review of for the GigaScience journal of the Technical Note "NCBI BLAST+ integrated into Galaxy" submitted 2014-12-31 and revised 2015-04-10.


  • What next?: Accept without revision
  • Level of interest: An article of importance in its field
  • Quality of written English: Acceptable
  • Quality of Figures: Acceptable
  • Statistical review: No, the manuscript does not need to be seen by a statistician.
  • Declaration of competing interests: I declare that I have no competing interests. I follow the main author's Twitter account @pjacock.

The authors has addressed all of my previous revision requests for the manuscript, and hence I have changed my recommendation to "Accept without revision".

The software itself is still unfortunately difficult to configure and use (e.g. with NCBI BlastDB databases), but this is now acknowledged both in documentation and within the manuscript.

The authors have improved the manuscript significantly by including details of the described workflows, which have also been made available in public repositories together with example datasets. I was however unable to independently verify the workflows, as I did not have the required hardware capacity available for the datasets (~50 GB?), and the necessary time for the server setup.

I am also pleased that the manuscript now acknowledges reproducibility challenges for Galaxy BLAST+ workflows, in particular in relation to fluctuating NCBI datasets and software versions. This is a serious concern in our field that is not often recognized.

Peer review for the GigaScience journal of the Technical Note "NCBI BLAST+ integrated into Galaxy" submitted 2014-12-31.


  • What next?: Unable to decide on acceptance or rejection until the authors have responded to the major compulsory revisions
  • Level of interest: An article of importance in its field
  • Quality of written English: Acceptable
  • Quality of Figures: Acceptable
  • Statistical review: No, the manuscript does not need to be seen by a statistician.
  • Declaration of competing interests: I declare that I have no competing interests. I follow the main author's Twitter account @pjacock.

The article describes a mechanism to add the BLAST+ functionality to the Galaxy workflow system. This is a very useful feature, and so in principle I would want to see this article published. I do however have some concerns with the aspects of reproducibility and documentation, which are detailed below.

Major Compulsory Revisions

I am afraid I will have to ask for major compulsory revisions as I was unable to reproduce any the claims of the paper.

1: Docker image is not BLAST enabled


the command docker ... start a BLAST enabled Galaxy instance

I tried the docker image. It starts up fine, and presents a Galaxy that includes a list of BLAST tools - so the BLAST tools have been installed.

The docker instance is however not BLAST enabled, as the BLAST tools requires further configuration/download of the external BLAST reference database to align against. This procedure is loosely documented at - but I was unable to follow through with this installation as it was quite complicated and seems to require manual downloading and configuration of many GB of reference data spread over more than 300 files.

I was assuming that a docker image would be 'usable out of the box' - but this is far from the truth in this case. Accessing "NCBI BLAST+ database info" gives an empty dropdown list in

The article mentions that the public Galaxy instance does not provide the BLAST tools by default due to concerns over computational load - but I am also worried if it could be because configuring the BLAST+ tools is quite a complicated job.

The article does not mention at all the excessive amount of system administraton that is required in order to finalize the BLAST installation, and the docker image does not provide any helper scripts to assist with this.

In fact, the example database configuration files uses a totally different path, e.g. /depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/nt/nt.chunk - while the docker image would require these under /data/nt/nt.chunk.

The article or Docker README does not mention which subset of the databases would commonly need to be downloaded - or even the fact that all of the numbered fragments need to be downloaded.

The dataset referenced from the example configuration, e.g. nt.chunk and wgs.chunk do not exist on - only non-chunk version exist.

I tried to download a subset of the datasets from

stain@biggie-utopic:/galaxy_store/data/blast_databases$ ls
human_genomic.00.nhd  nt.00.nhd  refseq_genomic.148.nhr  refseq_protein.15.pnd     wgs.00.nhi
human_genomic.00.nhi  nt.00.nhi  refseq_genomic.148.nin     refseq_protein.00.pnd  refseq_protein.15.pni     wgs.00.nhr
human_genomic.00.nhr  nt.00.nhr  refseq_genomic.148.nnd     refseq_protein.00.pni  refseq_protein.15.pog     wgs.00.nin
human_genomic.00.nin  nt.00.nin  refseq_genomic.148.nni     refseq_protein.00.pog  refseq_protein.15.ppd     wgs.00.nnd
human_genomic.00.nnd  nt.00.nnd  refseq_genomic.148.nog     refseq_protein.00.ppd  refseq_protein.15.ppi     wgs.00.nni
human_genomic.00.nni  nt.00.nni  refseq_genomic.148.nsd     refseq_protein.00.ppi  refseq_protein.15.psd     wgs.00.nog
human_genomic.00.nog  nt.00.nog  refseq_genomic.148.nsi     refseq_protein.00.psd  refseq_protein.15.psi     wgs.00.nsd
human_genomic.00.nsd  nt.00.nsd  refseq_genomic.148.nsq     refseq_protein.00.psi  refseq_protein.15.psq     wgs.00.nsi
human_genomic.00.nsi  nt.00.nsi  refseq_genomic.148.tar.gz  refseq_protein.00.psq  refseq_protein.15.tar.gz  wgs.00.nsq
human_genomic.00.nsq  nt.00.nsq  refseq_genomic.nal	    refseq_protein.15.phr  refseq_protein.pal	     wgs.nal
human_genomic.nal     nt.nal	 refseq_protein.00.phr  wgs.00.nhd

and configured these in blastdb.loc according to the Docker readme. The readme says:

you need to add the paths to your blast databases and they need to look like /export/swissprot/swissprot

but I have followed the instructions three lines above which mounted the datasets at /data - hence I used /data/ instead of /export. Some consistency would help here.

stain@biggie-utopic:/galaxy_store/data/blast_databases$ grep -v ^# /tmp/galaxy/galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb*loc
/tmp/galaxy/galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb.loc:nt_02_Dec_2009		nt 02 Dec 2009		/data/nt
/tmp/galaxy/galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb.loc:wgs_30_Nov_2009	wgs 30 Nov 2009	/data/wgs/wgs
/tmp/galaxy/galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb.loc:refseq_genomic_148	refseq 148	/data/refseq_genomic
/tmp/galaxy/galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb_p.loc:nt_02_Dec_2009		nt 02 Dec 2009		/data/nt
/tmp/galaxy/galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb_p.loc:wgs_30_Nov_2009	wgs 30 Nov 2009	/data/wgs/wgs
/tmp/galaxy/galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb_p.loc:refseq_protein	refseq protein	/data/refseq_genomic

A BLAST Data Manager is available at at - in theory this can download and populate the blastdb data table. This is mentioned as "Future work" in the article, so presumably it is not yet production ready.

This data manager does not appear under Data Libraries in the docker image, and it is not included in the installation at

2: Galaxy Tool Shed not working with the docker image

The article says:

The recently published Galaxy Tool Shed [9] allows anyone hosting a Galaxy instance to install tools and defined dependencies with a few clicks right from the Galaxy web application itself.

I am unable to verify this claim using the provided Docker image.

I am unable to install any tools from the Galaxy Tool Shed from the web interface of the Docker image.

I am logged in as according to the instructions, but if I go to Admin -> Search and browse tool sheds http://localhost:8080/admin_toolshed/browse_tool_sheds and click the dropdown list for "Browse valid sheds", this hangs for a while before failing with "Can't find the server".

On the console I get many error messages like:

URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
tool_shed.util.shed_util_common ERROR 2015-01-19 10:22:08,698 Error attempting to get tool shed status for installed repository ncbi_blast_plus: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lib/tool_shed/util/", line 772, in get_tool_shed_status_for_installed_repository
    encoded_tool_shed_status_dict = common_util.tool_shed_get( app, tool_shed_url, url )
  File "lib/tool_shed/util/", line 345, in tool_shed_get
    response = uri )
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 404, in open
    response = self._open(req, data)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 422, in _open
    '_open', req)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 382, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1214, in http_open
    return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1184, in do_open
    raise URLError(err)

Inspecting the internal frame I see the link is

I somehow feel that will try to connect to my galaxy instance at http://localhost:8080 - which is not going to work.

The actual toolshed site is unavailable

It's not just you! looks down from here. this might be an temporary network problem that is not related to the "localhost" bit. I am nevertheless unable to verify the claim of the ease of using the Tool Shed to install the BLAST+ tool because of this.

If it is true that the Docker image does not work with the Galaxy Tool Shed - which now host most of the tools required in a Galaxy installation, then this should be duely noted in the article and the README of the Docker image.

3: Supporting data has no usage instructions

The article links to as the supporting data - but this website has no instructions on how to install/use with Galaxy or the Galaxy docker image. I could execute .travis.yml "by hand" - but I do not feel this is sufficient documentaton for a supporting data set.

I have therefore not been able to verify that the supporting data actually supports the article, beyond inspecting the Travis-CI build logs at

.. which except for a single error seem to be verifying the tools.

OperationalError: (OperationalError) unable to open database file None None

Minor Essential Revisions

4: Provenance and update issue not addressed

Workflow systems are commonly praised in bioinformatics because they enable reproducibility and sharing of analytical pipelines.

One challenge in this aspect is that the domain of bioinformatics commonly update software tools and reference datasets.

In fact, BLAST+ 2.2.30 was released just 6 weeks ago [ ] and the latest BLAST reference dataset taxdb.tar.gz was updated today [ ].

The blast FTP site does not seem to contain any version number of the dataset, and as datasets are split over multiple files, it would be difficult to know if you have downloaded half an old dataset and half a new dataset. (A new version of the dataset could be released in the middle of your lengthy download). The sanity of the dataset could potentially be verified by downloading the *.md5 files both before and after the large download -- but this should be automated by a script to be done correctly.

I would say the main challenges are in this respect, assuming a successful workflow run using the described Galaxy BLAST tools:

a) Which version of the BLAST tool was used? b) Which reference data set was used? c) Which version? d) Was the install complete/sane? (ref. MD5 files and updates) e) Are there any later versions of tool or reference data set? How do I keep my Galaxy instance up to date? (going through the lengthy database download+config again?) f) How can a Galaxy workflow using BLAST+ be shared with another Galaxy instance (supposedly easily started with Docker), when manual download and configuration of databases are required?

Your article does not mention how the BLAST+ tool for Galaxy addresses any of these concerns. The use of the Galaxy Tool Shed should in theory allow for automatic updating of the tool - and I believe the BLAST tools would output log information that includes at least version number.

I am worried that the dataset description that is entered manually by the system administrator into /galaxy-central/tool-data/blastdb.loc and friends contain an element of "manual versioning", as the example contains

#nt_02_Dec_2009		nt 02 Dec 2009		/depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/nt/nt.chunk
#wgs_30_Nov_2009	wgs 30 Nov 2009	/depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/wgs/wgs.chunk

This sounds very errorprone, and as older datasets not available from NCBI, definitiely not reproducible.

I would expect the article to at least acknowledge these concerns - and ideally for the tooling to support this (e.g. through the BLAST Data Manager and additional provenance output from the BLAST+ tools, e.g. in W3C PROV format).

5: Results workflows unavavailable

We now describe some use-cases and workflows combining these tools within Galaxy.

The first two examples:

  • Assessing a de novo assembly
  • Finding genes of interest in a de novo assembly

do not link to any actual Galaxy workflow descriptions, but are only described as bullet point lists.

The descriptions do not link to any examples for "Upload ** sequence" or of the expected outputs.

"Identifying candidate genes clusters" is described in more detail, but the workflow is only included as a visual Figure, and not in the supporting data or uploaded/linked to an external repository like the mentioned myExperiment.

The citation for this workflow, [22] is not Open Access, and I was required to use the University of Manchester. The article does not mention the word "workflow" once, and do not seem to contain any data citations for the workflow, only for the sequence.

The only supporting information provided at is a PDF with tables, graphs and sequence views. Again the word "workflow" is not mentioned.

A direct link to the workflow definition should be included for all three examples.

Discretionary Revisions

Spelling corrections for product/company names


  • MyExperiment -> myExperiment
  • Amazon Inc. -> Amazon AWS
  • "Cloud Computing" -> Cloud Computing
  • Galaxy "CloudMan" -> Galaxy CloudMan
  • "Galaxy Tool Shed" -> Galaxy Tool Shed


  • "such FASTA format" -> "such as FASTA format"
  • Docker Inc. -> Docker Inc. (
  • Galaxy "CloudMan" -> Galaxy CloudMano

Useful hyperlinks:

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peterjc commented Jan 22, 2015

Thank you Stian! I said this on Twitter too, but we've posted the manuscript as submitted to GigaScience as a preprint on bioRxiv, - and see also peterjc/galaxy_blast#57

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