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Last active April 14, 2017 21:08
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Framer.js module to open prototypes in Frameless
# Add the following line to your project in Framer Studio.
# `frameless = require "frameless"`
frameless = {}
# Directly opens the prototype in Frameless = ->
intent = "frameless://"
url = intent + + window.location.pathname + "/"
window.location.replace url
# Check if a browser's in fullscreen mode
frameless.isFullscreen = ->
if "standalone" in window.navigator and window.navigator.standalone then true else false
# Opens in Frameless if you're on a mobile device, whether you
# are opening the prototype in Safari or from the homescreen
frameless.redirectMobile = ->
if Utils.isMobile() && (Utils.isSafari() or frameless.isFullscreen()) then
# Only opens in Frameless from mobile Safari
frameless.redirectSafari = ->
if Utils.isMobile() && Utils.isSafari() then
# Only opens in Frameless from the homescreen
frameless.redirectHomescreen = ->
if Utils.isMobile() && frameless.isFullscreen() then
_.extend(exports, frameless)
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