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Created July 8, 2020 09:30
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UCAST sequelize
import { createInterpreter, InterpretationContext, Condition, FieldCondition, Comparable, CompoundCondition } from '@ucast/core'
import { MongoQueryParser, allParsingInstructions } from '@ucast/mongo';
import sequelize from 'sequelize';
const seq = new sequelize.Sequelize('sqlite::memory:');
class User extends sequelize.Model {}
firstName: {
type: sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
lastName: {
type: sequelize.DataTypes.STRING
age: {
type: sequelize.DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {
sequelize: seq,
modelName: 'User'
type SeqOperator<C extends Condition> = <T extends typeof sequelize.Model>(condition: C, query: Query<T>, context: InterpretationContext<SeqOperator<C>>) => Query<T>;
class Query<T extends typeof sequelize.Model> {
private _query: any;
private _Model: T;
constructor(Model: T) {
this._query = { where: Object.create(null), include: [] };
this._Model = Model;
set(field: string, value: any) {
// TODO: check if field is of JSON data type or a field of relation
const { where } = this._query;
if (typeof where[field] === 'undefined') {
where[field] = value;
return this;
if (where[field][sequelize.Op.and]) {
} else {
where[field] = {
[sequelize.Op.and]: [where[field], value]
return this;
toJSON() {
return this._query;
const $eq: SeqOperator<FieldCondition> = (condition, query) => {
return query.set(condition.field, condition.value);
const $lt: SeqOperator<FieldCondition<Comparable>> = (condition, query) => {
return query.set(condition.field, { []: condition.value });
const $lte: SeqOperator<FieldCondition<Comparable>> = (condition, query) => {
return query.set(condition.field, { [sequelize.Op.lte]: condition.value });
const $gt: SeqOperator<FieldCondition<Comparable>> = (condition, query) => {
return query.set(condition.field, { []: condition.value });
const $gte: SeqOperator<FieldCondition<Comparable>> = (condition, query) => {
return query.set(condition.field, { [sequelize.Op.gte]: condition.value });
const $and: SeqOperator<CompoundCondition> = (node, query, { interpret }) => {
node.value.forEach(condition => interpret(condition, query));
return query;
const interpret = createInterpreter({
const parser = new MongoQueryParser(allParsingInstructions);
(async () => {
await seq.sync({ force: true });
const ast = parser.parse({
firstName: 'test',
age: { $lt: 10, $gt: 15 },
lastName: { $gt: 'A' }
const query = interpret(ast, new Query(User));
console.dir(query.toJSON(), { depth: null })
await User.findAll({ ...query.toJSON(), logging: console.log });
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