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Last active September 13, 2015 09:34
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Full Autocompleter in Cycle.js
/** @jsx hJSX */
import {Rx, run} from '@cycle/core'
import {hJSX, makeDOMDriver} from '@cycle/dom'
import {makeJSONPDriver} from '@cycle/jsonp'
import Immutable from 'immutable'
import mergeObjects from 'lodash/object/assign'
const containerStyle = {
background: '#EFEFEF',
padding: '5px',
const sectionStyle = {
marginBottom: '10px',
const searchLabelStyle = {
display: 'inline-block',
width: '100px',
textAlign: 'right',
const comboBoxStyle = {
position: 'relative',
display: 'inline-block',
width: '300px',
const inputTextStyle = {
padding: '5px',
const autocompleteableStyle = mergeObjects({
width: '100%',
boxSizing: 'border-box'},
const autocompleteMenuStyle = {
position: 'absolute',
left: '0px',
right: '0px',
top: '25px',
zIndex: '999',
listStyle: 'none',
backgroundColor: 'white',
margin: '0',
padding: '0',
borderTop: '1px solid #ccc',
borderLeft: '1px solid #ccc',
borderRight: '1px solid #ccc',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
boxShadow: '0px 4px 4px rgb(220,220,220)',
userSelect: 'none',
'-moz-box-sizing': 'border-box',
'-webkit-box-sizing': 'border-box',
'-webkit-user-select': 'none',
'-moz-user-select': 'none',
const autocompleteItemStyle = {
cursor: 'pointer',
listStyle: 'none',
padding: '3px 0 3px 8px',
margin: '0',
borderBottom: '1px solid #ccc',
const LIGHT_GREEN = '#8FE8B4'
function ControlledInputHook(injectedText) {
this.injectedText = injectedText
ControlledInputHook.prototype.hook = function hook(element) {
if (this.injectedText !== null) {
element.value = this.injectedText
Rx.Observable.prototype.between = function between(first, second) {
return this.window(first, () => second).switch()
Rx.Observable.prototype.notBetween = function notBetween(first, second) {
return Rx.Observable.merge(
first.flatMapLatest(() => this.skipUntil(second))
function intent(DOM) {
const UP_KEYCODE = 38
const DOWN_KEYCODE = 40
const ENTER_KEYCODE = 13
const TAB_KEYCODE = 9
const input$ = DOM.get('.autocompleteable', 'input')
const keydown$ = DOM.get('.autocompleteable', 'keydown')
const itemHover$ = DOM.get('.autocomplete-item', 'mouseenter')
const itemMouseDown$ = DOM.get('.autocomplete-item', 'mousedown')
const itemMouseUp$ = DOM.get('.autocomplete-item', 'mouseup')
const inputFocus$ = DOM.get('.autocompleteable', 'focus')
const inputBlur$ = DOM.get('.autocompleteable', 'blur')
const enterPressed$ = keydown$.filter(({keyCode}) => keyCode === ENTER_KEYCODE)
const tabPressed$ = keydown$.filter(({keyCode}) => keyCode === TAB_KEYCODE)
const clearField$ = input$.filter(ev => === 0)
const inputBlurToItem$ = inputBlur$.between(itemMouseDown$, itemMouseUp$)
const inputBlurToElsewhere$ = inputBlur$.notBetween(itemMouseDown$, itemMouseUp$)
const itemMouseClick$ = itemMouseDown$.flatMapLatest(mousedown =>
itemMouseUp$.filter(mouseup => ===
return {
search$: input$
.between(inputFocus$, inputBlur$)
.map(ev =>
.filter(query => query.length > 0),
moveHighlight$: keydown$
.map(({keyCode}) => { switch (keyCode) {
case UP_KEYCODE: return -1
case DOWN_KEYCODE: return +1
default: return 0
.filter(delta => delta !== 0),
setHighlight$: itemHover$
.map(ev => parseInt(,
keepFocusOnInput$: Rx.Observable
.merge(inputBlurToItem$, enterPressed$, tabPressed$),
selectHighlighted$: Rx.Observable
.merge(itemMouseClick$, enterPressed$, tabPressed$),
wantsSuggestions$: Rx.Observable.merge(
inputFocus$.map(() => true),
inputBlur$.map(() => false)
quitAutocomplete$: Rx.Observable
.merge(clearField$, inputBlurToElsewhere$),
function modifications(actions) {
const moveHighlightMod$ = actions.moveHighlight$
.map(delta => function (state) {
const suggestions = state.get('suggestions')
const wrapAround = x => (x + suggestions.length) % suggestions.length
return state.update('highlighted', highlighted => {
if (highlighted === null) {
return wrapAround(Math.min(delta, 0))
} else {
return wrapAround(highlighted + delta)
const setHighlightMod$ = actions.setHighlight$
.map(highlighted => function (state) {
return state.set('highlighted', highlighted)
const selectHighlightedMod$ = actions.selectHighlighted$
.flatMap(() => Rx.Observable.from([true, false]))
.map(selected => function (state) {
const suggestions = state.get('suggestions')
const highlighted = state.get('highlighted')
const hasHighlight = highlighted !== null
const isMenuEmpty = suggestions.length === 0
if (selected && hasHighlight && !isMenuEmpty) {
return state
.set('selected', suggestions[highlighted])
.set('suggestions', [])
} else {
return state.set('selected', null)
const hideMod$ = actions.quitAutocomplete$
.map(() => function (state) {
return state.set('suggestions', [])
return Rx.Observable.merge(
moveHighlightMod$, setHighlightMod$, selectHighlightedMod$, hideMod$
function model(suggestionsFromResponse$, actions) {
const mod$ = modifications(actions)
const state$ = suggestionsFromResponse$
(suggestions, accepted) => accepted ? suggestions : []
.map(suggestions => Immutable.Map(
{suggestions, highlighted: null, selected: null}
.flatMapLatest(state => mod$.startWith(state).scan((acc, mod) => mod(acc)))
return state$
function renderAutocompleteMenu({suggestions, highlighted}) {
if (suggestions.length === 0) { return null }
return (
<ul className="autocomplete-menu" style={autocompleteMenuStyle}>
{, index) =>
<li className="autocomplete-item" attributes={{'data-index': index}}
backgroundColor: highlighted === index ? LIGHT_GREEN : null},
function renderComboBox({suggestions, highlighted, selected}) {
return (
<span className="combo-box" style={comboBoxStyle}>
<input className="autocompleteable" type="text"
data-hook={new ControlledInputHook(selected)}
{renderAutocompleteMenu({suggestions, highlighted})}
function view(state$) {
return state$.map(state => {
const suggestions = state.get('suggestions')
const highlighted = state.get('highlighted')
const selected = state.get('selected')
return (
<div className="container" style={containerStyle}>
<section style={sectionStyle}>
<label className="search-label" style={searchLabelStyle}>Query:</label>
{renderComboBox({suggestions, highlighted, selected})}
<section style={sectionStyle}>
<label style={searchLabelStyle}>Some field:</label>
<input type="text" style={inputTextStyle}></input>
const BASE_URL =
const networking = {
processResponses(JSONP) {
return JSONP.filter(res$ => res$.request.indexOf(BASE_URL) === 0)
.map(res => res[1])
generateRequests(searchQuery$) {
return searchQuery$.map(q => BASE_URL + encodeURI(q))
function preventedEvents(actions, state$) {
return actions.keepFocusOnInput$
.withLatestFrom(state$, (event, state) => {
if (state.get('suggestions').length > 0
&& state.get('highlighted') !== null) {
return event
} else {
return null
.filter(ev => ev !== null)
function main(responses) {
const suggestionsFromResponse$ = networking.processResponses(responses.JSONP)
const actions = intent(responses.DOM)
const state$ = model(suggestionsFromResponse$, actions)
const vtree$ = view(state$)
const prevented$ = preventedEvents(actions, state$)
const searchRequest$ = networking.generateRequests($)
return {
DOM: vtree$,
preventDefault: prevented$,
JSONP: searchRequest$,
function preventDefaultSinkDriver(prevented$) {
prevented$.subscribe(ev => {
if (ev.type === 'blur') {
const drivers = {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('.js-container'),
JSONP: makeJSONPDriver(),
preventDefault: preventDefaultSinkDriver,
run(main, drivers)
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