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WordPress Custom Meta Box that can used only on certain post types, pages, etc.
//// Load scripts and styles for Meta box */
// enqueue scripts and styles, but only if is_admin
if(is_admin()) {
wp_enqueue_script('custom-js', get_template_directory_uri().'/library/metaboxes/js/custom-js.js');
wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-custom', get_template_directory_uri().'/library/metaboxes/css/jquery-ui-custom.css');
// add some custom js to the head of the page
function add_custom_scripts() {
global $home_custom_meta_fields, $post;
$output = '<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function() {';
foreach ($home_custom_meta_fields as $field) { // loop through the fields looking for certain types
// date
if($field['type'] == 'date')
$output .= 'jQuery(".datepicker").datepicker();';
// slider
if ($field['type'] == 'slider') {
$value = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field['id'], true);
if ($value == '') $value = $field['min'];
$output .= '
jQuery( "#'.$field['id'].'-slider" ).slider({
value: '.$value.',
min: '.$field['min'].',
max: '.$field['max'].',
step: '.$field['step'].',
slide: function( event, ui ) {
jQuery( "#'.$field['id'].'" ).val( ui.value );
$output .= '});
echo $output;
// Get all categories from WP and create a dropdown
$categories = get_categories('hide_empty=0&orderby=name');
$wp_cats = array();
foreach ($categories as $category_list ) {
$wp_cats[$category_list->cat_ID] = $category_list->cat_name;
array_unshift($wp_cats, "Choose a category");
// Wrap all categories in a function
function wcat2() {
$out = array();
$categories = get_categories();
foreach( $categories as $category ) {
$out[$category->term_id] = array(
'label' => $category->slug,
'value' => $category->term_id
//return array('options'=>$out);
return $out;
//// Metaboxes homepage */
// Check if is page-homepage.php template
$post_id = (isset($_GET['post'])) ? $_GET['post'] : ((isset($_POST['post_ID'])) ? $_POST['post_ID'] : false);
if ($post_id) :
$post_template = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wp_page_template', true);
if ($post_template == 'page-homepage.php') {
// Add the Meta Box
function home_custom_meta_box() {
'home_meta_box', // $id
'Homepage options', // $title
'home_show_custom_meta_box', // $callback
'page', // $page
'normal', // $context
'high'); // $priority
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'home_custom_meta_box');
// Field Array
$prefix = 'home_';
$home_custom_meta_fields = array(
'label' => 'Slider On/Off',
'desc' => 'Tick here if you would like a slider on this page (This will override the theme settings).',
'id' => $prefix.'slider_default_onoff',
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array (
'select' => array (
'label' => 'Select one',
'value' => 'none'
'one' => array (
'label' => 'On',
'value' => 'one'
'two' => array (
'label' => 'Off',
'value' => 'two'
'label' => 'Short code for slider',
'desc' => 'Something like this: [rev_slider slider3]',
'id' => $prefix.'slider_code',
'type' => 'text'
// The Callback
function home_show_custom_meta_box() {
global $home_custom_meta_fields, $post;
// Use nonce for verification
echo '<input type="hidden" name="custom_meta_box_nonce" value="'.wp_create_nonce(basename(__FILE__)).'" />';
// Begin the field table and loop
echo '<table class="form-table">';
foreach ($home_custom_meta_fields as $field) {
// get value of this field if it exists for this post
$meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field['id'], true);
// begin a table row with
echo '<tr>
<th><label for="'.$field['id'].'">'.$field['label'].'</label></th>
switch($field['type']) {
// text
case 'text':
echo '<input type="text" name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'" value="'.$meta.'" size="30" />
<br /><span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// textarea
case 'textarea':
echo '<textarea name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'" cols="60" rows="4">'.$meta.'</textarea>
<br /><span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// checkbox
case 'checkbox':
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'" ',$meta ? ' checked="checked"' : '','/>
<label for="'.$field['id'].'">'.$field['desc'].'</label>';
// select
case 'select':
echo '<select name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'">';
foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
echo '<option', $meta == $option['value'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ' value="'.$option['value'].'">'.$option['label'].'</option>';
echo '</select><br /><span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// radio
case 'radio':
foreach ( $field['options'] as $option ) {
echo '<input type="radio" name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$option['value'].'" value="'.$option['value'].'" ',$meta == $option['value'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' />
<label for="'.$option['value'].'">'.$option['label'].'</label><br />';
echo '<span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// checkbox_group
case 'checkbox_group':
foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
echo '<input type="checkbox" value="'.$option['value'].'" name="'.$field['id'].'[]" id="'.$option['value'].'"',$meta && in_array($option['value'], $meta) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' />
<label for="'.$option['value'].'">'.$option['label'].'</label><br />';
echo '<span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// tax_select
case 'tax_select':
echo '<select name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'">
<option value="">Select One</option>'; // Select One
$terms = get_terms($field['id'], 'get=all');
$selected = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, $field['id']);
foreach ($terms as $term) {
if (!empty($selected) && !strcmp($term->slug, $selected[0]->slug))
echo '<option value="'.$term->slug.'" selected="selected">'.$term->name.'</option>';
echo '<option value="'.$term->slug.'">'.$term->name.'</option>';
$taxonomy = get_taxonomy($field['id']);
echo '</select><br /><span class="description"><a href="'.get_bloginfo('home').'/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy='.$field['id'].'">Manage '.$taxonomy->label.'</a></span>';
// post_list
case 'post_list':
$items = get_posts( array (
'post_type' => $field['post_type'],
'posts_per_page' => -1
echo '<select name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'">
<option value="">Select One</option>'; // Select One
foreach($items as $item) {
echo '<option value="'.$item->ID.'"',$meta == $item->ID ? ' selected="selected"' : '','>'.$item->post_type.': '.$item->post_title.'</option>';
} // end foreach
echo '</select><br /><span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// date
case 'date':
echo '<input type="text" class="datepicker" name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'" value="'.$meta.'" size="30" />
<br /><span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// slider
case 'slider':
$value = $meta != '' ? $meta : '0';
echo '<div id="'.$field['id'].'-slider"></div>
<input type="text" name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'" value="'.$value.'" size="5" />
<br /><span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// image
case 'image':
$image = get_template_directory_uri().'/images/image.png';
echo '<span class="custom_default_image" style="display:none">'.$image.'</span>';
if ($meta) { $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($meta, 'medium'); $image = $image[0]; }
echo '<input name="'.$field['id'].'" type="hidden" class="custom_upload_image" value="'.$meta.'" />
<img src="'.$image.'" class="custom_preview_image" alt="" /><br />
<input class="custom_upload_image_button button" type="button" value="Choose Image" />
<small>&nbsp;<a href="#" class="custom_clear_image_button">Remove Image</a></small>
<br clear="all" /><span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
// repeatable
case 'repeatable':
echo '<a class="repeatable-add button" href="#">+</a>
<ul id="'.$field['id'].'-repeatable" class="custom_repeatable">';
$i = 0;
if ($meta) {
foreach($meta as $row) {
echo '<li><span class="sort hndle">|||</span>
<input type="text" name="'.$field['id'].'['.$i.']" id="'.$field['id'].'" value="'.$row.'" size="30" />
<a class="repeatable-remove button" href="#">-</a></li>';
} else {
echo '<li><span class="sort hndle">|||</span>
<input type="text" name="'.$field['id'].'['.$i.']" id="'.$field['id'].'" value="" size="30" />
<a class="repeatable-remove button" href="#">-</a></li>';
echo '</ul>
<span class="description">'.$field['desc'].'</span>';
} //end switch
echo '</td></tr>';
} // end foreach
echo '</table>'; // end table
// Save the Data
function home_save_custom_meta($post_id) {
global $home_custom_meta_fields;
// verify nonce
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['custom_meta_box_nonce'], basename(__FILE__)))
return $post_id;
// check autosave
return $post_id;
// check permissions
if ('page' == $_POST['post_type']) {
if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id))
return $post_id;
} elseif (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
return $post_id;
// loop through fields and save the data
foreach ($home_custom_meta_fields as $field) {
$old = get_post_meta($post_id, $field['id'], true);
$new = $_POST[$field['id']];
if ($new && $new != $old) {
update_post_meta($post_id, $field['id'], $new);
} elseif ('' == $new && $old) {
delete_post_meta($post_id, $field['id'], $old);
} // enf foreach
add_action('save_post', 'home_save_custom_meta');
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