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Last active February 20, 2017 15:40
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How Strong Is Your PRNG Generated Key

Generated Password Stengths

This is a list of password strengths, based on generated passwords of various lengths, using different alphabets.

  • The 'alphabet' is what we call the available characters we can use to write our password.
  • The 'length' is the number of those characters we are going to use to create our password.
  • The 'entropy' is the measure of how much randomness we have. High entropy = good. Low entropy = bad.
  • The ** symbol represents 'raised to the power of' as a mathematical expression.

A generated password is only secure if was generated using a PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator). Mashing the keyboard achieves nowhere near the same level of entropy in a password, and thus, is nowhere near as secure.

  • Generated password using PRNG == High entropy.
  • Password generated using any other method == Entropy not high enough.

The remainder of this article explicitly describes the strength of passwords that are generated using a PRNG.

Let's put some basic calculations together.

alphabet=3 len=1 3^1 = 3 combinations.

alphabet=1 len=3 1^3 = 1 combination.

alphabet=2 len=3 2^3 = 8 combinations.

There are 16 characters in the Hexadecimal alphabet. There are 26 characters in the a-z alphabet. There are 62 characters in the a-zA-Z0-9 alphabet. There are 64 characters in the Base64 alphabet. There are 94 printable ASCII characters in the lower ascii alphabet.

62**8 =    218,340,105,584,896 combinations
94**8 =  6,095,689,385,410,816 combinations
62**9 = 13,537,086,546,263,552 combinations
62**14 =    12401769434657526912139264   // "DXzOx4B3nSfSoK"
62**15 =   768909704948766668552634368   // "DXzOx4B3nSfSoK6"
94**14 =  4205231901698742834534301696   // "H;ie")A|p%,$tk"
62**16 = 47672401706823533450263330816   // "DXzOx4B3nSfSoK6C"

So we actually only need to add two or three more characters to our a-zA-Z0-9 password to make it stronger than a randomly generated password that uses the 94 printable characters in the lower ascii range.

For an 8 character random password using a-zA-Z0-9 alphabet, we are looking at 218 Trillion combinations. 1000 attempts/sec would take 218340105584 seconds, or 6923 years to guess all the combinations.

if could could compute 1 million hashes per second (you'd need a BotNet or compute cluster to achieve this), t would still take you nearly 7 years to guess all the combinations, and half of that time again to have just a 50% probability of generating the correct one.

That's an 8 character randomly generated password using a-zA-Z0-9 only.

What happens when we increase that to 16 characters?

62**16 = 47,672,401,706,823,533,450,263,330,816 combinations.

at 1 million attempts per second, it will take us 47,672,401,706,823,533,450,263 seconds to guess them all.

The universe is 13.772 Billion years old. That's 13,772,000,000 years. That's 434,313,792,000,000,000 seconds.

According to "The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information.” by Martin Hilbert and Priscila López. Science, 692-693, Feb. 11, 2011 The current (as of 2011) estimated processing power of all devices on the planet are capable of processing 6.4e18 computational operations per second. // @see // @see

That's 6,400,000,000,000,000,000 operations per second.

If we were to assume that it took 1000 "operations" to calculate a single 16-character a-zA-Z0-9 alphabet password hash (which is way below what it actually takes)

Then that's 6,400,000,000,000,000 hash break attempts per second, by consuming the entirety of the worlds processing power.

So taking our 62**16 password hash, and pitting it against the processing power of "The Earth", we would be able to calculate all possible password combinations in.... drumroll

236 Thousand years. (as of 2011) (Not taking into account Moore's Law)

So how strong is a randomly-generated password that uses only lowercase letters?

So, when using a 26 character alphabet, a 14 character password is marginally stronger than an 11 character password that uses the a-zA-Z0-9 range, and that is approximately the same strength as a 10 character password using the full lower-ascii range of printable characters.

26**14 = 64509974703297150976
62**11 = 52036560683837093888
94**10 = 53861511409489970176

If you want a longer password than that, a 20 character a-z password is approximately the same strength as:

26**19 =    766467265200361890474622976  //  "krmvjbvvdhzjbszodib"   <-- 19 char a-z
62**15 =    768909704948766668552634368  //  "9WdxxeMPVirwgVA"       <-- 15 char a-zA-Z0-9
94**14 =   4205231901698742834534301696  //  "^/W/*8SmzReyks"        <-- 14 char a-zA-Z0-9 + special chars
26**20 =  19928148895209409152340197376  //  "krmvjbvvdhzjbszodibf"  <-- 20 char a-z
62**16 =  47672401706823533450263330816  //  "9WdxxeMPVirwgVAw"      <-- 16 char a-zA-Z0-9
94**15 = 395291798759681826446224359424  //  "^/W/*8SmzReyks6"       <-- 15 char a-zA-Z0-9 + special chars
26**21 = 518131871275444637960845131776  //  "krmvjbvvdhzjbszodibfx" <-- 21 char a-z


The above calculations ONLY apply to randomly generated passwords. If you have "mash the keyboard" or otherwise tried to invent your own memorable way creating passwords by hand, then it isn't secure, and the above calculations won't take that lack of entropy into account.

Requiring passwords to contain special characters is advice that is ONLY applicable to passwords that you need to type in by hand. If you can copy and paste it, then you don't need special characters. Maximum password length is far more important than the alphabet you're generating it from.

$out = [
"10**3" => "1000",
"10**4" => "10000",
"10**5" => "100000",
"10**6" => "1000000",
"10**7" => "10000000",
"10**8" => "100000000",
"10**9" => "1000000000",
"10**10" => "10000000000",
"10**11" => "100000000000",
"10**12" => "1000000000000",
"10**13" => "10000000000000",
"10**14" => "100000000000000",
"10**15" => "1000000000000000",
"10**16" => "10000000000000000",
"10**17" => "100000000000000000",
"10**18" => "1000000000000000000",
"10**19" => "10000000000000000000",
"10**20" => "100000000000000000000",
"10**21" => "1000000000000000000000",
"10**22" => "10000000000000000000000",
"10**23" => "100000000000000000000000",
"10**24" => "1000000000000000000000000",
"10**25" => "10000000000000000000000000",
"10**26" => "100000000000000000000000000",
"10**27" => "1000000000000000000000000000",
"10**28" => "10000000000000000000000000000",
"10**29" => "100000000000000000000000000000",
"10**30" => "1000000000000000000000000000000",
"10**31" => "10000000000000000000000000000000",
"16**3" => "4096",
"16**4" => "65536",
"16**5" => "1048576",
"16**6" => "16777216",
"16**7" => "268435456",
"16**8" => "4294967296",
"16**9" => "68719476736",
"16**10" => "1099511627776",
"16**11" => "17592186044416",
"16**12" => "281474976710656",
"16**13" => "4503599627370496",
"16**14" => "72057594037927936",
"16**15" => "1152921504606846976",
"16**16" => "18446744073709551616",
"16**17" => "295147905179352825856",
"16**18" => "4722366482869645213696",
"16**19" => "75557863725914323419136",
"16**20" => "1208925819614629174706176",
"16**21" => "19342813113834066795298816",
"16**22" => "309485009821345068724781056",
"16**23" => "4951760157141521099596496896",
"16**24" => "79228162514264337593543950336",
"16**25" => "1267650600228229401496703205376",
"16**26" => "20282409603651670423947251286016",
"16**27" => "324518553658426726783156020576256",
"16**28" => "5192296858534827628530496329220096",
"16**29" => "83076749736557242056487941267521536",
"16**30" => "1329227995784915872903807060280344576",
"16**31" => "21267647932558653966460912964485513216",
"26**3" => "17576",
"26**4" => "456976",
"26**5" => "11881376",
"26**6" => "308915776",
"26**7" => "8031810176",
"26**8" => "208827064576",
"26**9" => "5429503678976",
"26**10" => "141167095653376",
"26**11" => "3670344486987776",
"26**12" => "95428956661682176",
"26**13" => "2481152873203736576",
"26**14" => "64509974703297150976",
"26**15" => "1677259342285725925376",
"26**16" => "43608742899428874059776",
"26**17" => "1133827315385150725554176",
"26**18" => "29479510200013918864408576",
"26**19" => "766467265200361890474622976",
"26**20" => "19928148895209409152340197376",
"26**21" => "518131871275444637960845131776",
"26**22" => "13471428653161560586981973426176",
"26**23" => "350257144982200575261531309080576",
"26**24" => "9106685769537214956799814036094976",
"26**25" => "236773830007967588876795164938469376",
"26**26" => "6156119580207157310796674288400203776",
"26**27" => "160059109085386090080713531498405298176",
"26**28" => "4161536836220038342098551818958537752576",
"26**29" => "108199957741720996894562347292921981566976",
"26**30" => "2813198901284745919258621029615971520741376",
"26**31" => "73143171433403393900724146770015259539275776",
"62**3" => "238328",
"62**4" => "14776336",
"62**5" => "916132832",
"62**6" => "56800235584",
"62**7" => "3521614606208",
"62**8" => "218340105584896",
"62**9" => "13537086546263552",
"62**10" => "839299365868340224",
"62**11" => "52036560683837093888",
"62**12" => "3226266762397899821056",
"62**13" => "200028539268669788905472",
"62**14" => "12401769434657526912139264",
"62**15" => "768909704948766668552634368",
"62**16" => "47672401706823533450263330816",
"62**17" => "2955688905823059073916326510592",
"62**18" => "183252712161029662582812243656704",
"62**19" => "11361668153983839080134359106715648",
"62**20" => "704423425546998022968330264616370176",
"62**21" => "43674252383913877424036476406214950912",
"62**22" => "2707803647802660400290261537185326956544",
"62**23" => "167883826163764944817996215305490271305728",
"62**24" => "10408797222153426578715765348940396820955136",
"62**25" => "645345427773512447880377451634304602899218432",
"62**26" => "40011416521957771768583402001326885379751542784",
"62**27" => "2480707824361381849652170924082266893544595652608",
"62**28" => "153803885110405674678434597293100547399764930461696",
"62**29" => "9535840876845151830062945032172233938785425688625152",
"62**30" => "591222134364399413463902591994678504204696392694759424",
"62**31" => "36655772330592763634761960703670067260691176347075084288",
"64**3" => "262144",
"64**4" => "16777216",
"64**5" => "1073741824",
"64**6" => "68719476736",
"64**7" => "4398046511104",
"64**8" => "281474976710656",
"64**9" => "18014398509481984",
"64**10" => "1152921504606846976",
"64**11" => "73786976294838206464",
"64**12" => "4722366482869645213696",
"64**13" => "302231454903657293676544",
"64**14" => "19342813113834066795298816",
"64**15" => "1237940039285380274899124224",
"64**16" => "79228162514264337593543950336",
"64**17" => "5070602400912917605986812821504",
"64**18" => "324518553658426726783156020576256",
"64**19" => "20769187434139310514121985316880384",
"64**20" => "1329227995784915872903807060280344576",
"64**21" => "85070591730234615865843651857942052864",
"64**22" => "5444517870735015415413993718908291383296",
"64**23" => "348449143727040986586495598010130648530944",
"64**24" => "22300745198530623141535718272648361505980416",
"64**25" => "1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624",
"64**26" => "91343852333181432387730302044767688728495783936",
"64**27" => "5846006549323611672814739330865132078623730171904",
"64**28" => "374144419156711147060143317175368453031918731001856",
"64**29" => "23945242826029513411849172299223580994042798784118784",
"64**30" => "1532495540865888858358347027150309183618739122183602176",
"64**31" => "98079714615416886934934209737619787751599303819750539264",
"94**3" => "830584",
"94**4" => "78074896",
"94**5" => "7339040224",
"94**6" => "689869781056",
"94**7" => "64847759419264",
"94**8" => "6095689385410816",
"94**9" => "572994802228616704",
"94**10" => "53861511409489970176",
"94**11" => "5062982072492057196544",
"94**12" => "475920314814253376475136",
"94**13" => "44736509592539817388662784",
"94**14" => "4205231901698742834534301696",
"94**15" => "395291798759681826446224359424",
"94**16" => "37157429083410091685945089785856",
"94**17" => "3492798333840548618478838439870464",
"94**18" => "328323043381011570137010813347823616",
"94**19" => "30862366077815087592879016454695419904",
"94**20" => "2901062411314618233730627546741369470976",
"94**21" => "272699866663574113970678989393688730271744",
"94**22" => "25633787466375966713243825003006740645543936",
"94**23" => "2409576021839340871044919550282633620681129984",
"94**24" => "226500146052898041878222437726567560344026218496",
"94**25" => "21291013728972415936552909146297350672338464538624",
"94**26" => "2001355290523407098035973459751950963199815666630656",
"94**27" => "188127397309200267215381505216683390540782672663281664",
"94**28" => "17683975347064825118245861490368238710833571230348476416",
"94**29" => "1662293682624093561115110980094614438818355695652756783104",
"94**30" => "156255606166664794744820432128893757248925435391359137611776",
"94**31" => "14688026979666490706013120620116013181398990926787758935506944",
$r = random_bytes(999);
$ex = [
10 => substr(preg_replace('/[0-9]/', '', strtolower(base64_encode($r))), 0, 32),
16 => substr(bin2hex($r), 0, 32),
26 => substr(preg_replace('/[^a-z]/', '', strtolower(base64_encode($r))), 0, 32),
62 => substr(str_replace(['/','+'], ['a','A'], base64_encode($r)), 0, 32),
64 => substr(base64_encode($r), 0, 32),
94 => substr(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x20\x7f-\xff]/', '', $r), 0, 32)
$names = [
10 => "Numerical",
16 => "Hexadecimal",
26 => "Alphabetical",
62 => "a-zA-Z0-9",
64 => "Base64",
94 => "Printable Ascii",
foreach ($out as $k => $o) {
list($alpha, $len) = array_map('intval', explode('**', $k, 2));
echo str_pad($k, 6, ' ') .
" | " . str_pad(substr($ex[$alpha], 0, $len), 31, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) .
" | " . str_pad($names[$alpha], 15, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) .
" | $o \n";
| Example Key | Key Alphabet | Number of Possible Combinations
10**3 | 976 | Numerical | 1000
16**3 | 6d2 | Hexadecimal | 4096
10**4 | 9766 | Numerical | 10000 // eg. Bank Card Pin number
26**3 | bsa | Alphabetical | 17576
16**4 | 6d20 | Hexadecimal | 65536
10**5 | 97667 | Numerical | 100000
62**3 | bSA | a-zA-Z0-9 | 238328
64**3 | bSA | Base64 | 262144
26**4 | bsac | Alphabetical | 456976
94**3 | m-0 | Printable Ascii | 830584
10**6 | 976676 | Numerical | 1000000
16**5 | 6d200 | Hexadecimal | 1048576
10**7 | 9766760 | Numerical | 10000000
26**5 | bsacx | Alphabetical | 11881376
62**4 | bSAC | a-zA-Z0-9 | 14776336
16**6 | 6d2002 | Hexadecimal | 16777216
64**4 | bSAC | Base64 | 16777216
94**4 | m-0N | Printable Ascii | 78074896
10**8 | 97667602 | Numerical | 100000000
16**7 | 6d2002f | Hexadecimal | 268435456
26**6 | bsacxq | Alphabetical | 308915776
62**5 | bSAC9 | a-zA-Z0-9 | 916132832
10**9 | 976676020 | Numerical | 1000000000
64**5 | bSAC9 | Base64 | 1073741824
16**8 | 6d2002f7 | Hexadecimal | 4294967296
94**5 | m-0NP | Printable Ascii | 7339040224
26**7 | bsacxqt | Alphabetical | 8031810176
10**10 | 9766760209 | Numerical | 10000000000
62**6 | bSAC9x | a-zA-Z0-9 | 56800235584
16**9 | 6d2002f71 | Hexadecimal | 68719476736
64**6 | bSAC9x | Base64 | 68719476736
10**11 | 97667602091 | Numerical | 100000000000
26**8 | bsacxqtm | Alphabetical | 208827064576
94**6 | m-0NPP | Printable Ascii | 689869781056
10**12 | 976676020911 | Numerical | 1000000000000
16**10 | 6d2002f714 | Hexadecimal | 1099511627776
62**7 | bSAC9xQ | a-zA-Z0-9 | 3521614606208
64**7 | bSAC9xQ | Base64 | 4398046511104
26**9 | bsacxqtme | Alphabetical | 5429503678976
10**13 | 9766760209113 | Numerical | 10000000000000
16**11 | 6d2002f7142 | Hexadecimal | 17592186044416
94**7 | m-0NPPW | Printable Ascii | 64847759419264
10**14 | 97667602091138 | Numerical | 100000000000000
26**10 | bsacxqtmeu | Alphabetical | 141167095653376
62**8 | bSAC9xQt | a-zA-Z0-9 | 218340105584896
16**12 | 6d2002f7142d | Hexadecimal | 281474976710656
64**8 | bSAC9xQt | Base64 | 281474976710656
10**15 | 976676020911381 | Numerical | 1000000000000000
26**11 | bsacxqtmeuf | Alphabetical | 3670344486987776
16**13 | 6d2002f7142d3 | Hexadecimal | 4503599627370496
94**8 | m-0NPPW; | Printable Ascii | 6095689385410816
10**16 | 9766760209113811 | Numerical | 10000000000000000
62**9 | bSAC9xQtM | a-zA-Z0-9 | 13537086546263552
64**9 | bSAC9xQtM | Base64 | 18014398509481984
16**14 | 6d2002f7142d30 | Hexadecimal | 72057594037927936
26**12 | bsacxqtmeufd | Alphabetical | 95428956661682176
10**17 | 97667602091138114 | Numerical | 100000000000000000
94**9 | m-0NPPW;k | Printable Ascii | 572994802228616704
62**10 | bSAC9xQtME | a-zA-Z0-9 | 839299365868340224
10**18 | 976676020911381149 | Numerical | 1000000000000000000
16**15 | 6d2002f7142d304 | Hexadecimal | 1152921504606846976
64**10 | bSAC9xQtME | Base64 | 1152921504606846976
26**13 | bsacxqtmeufdj | Alphabetical | 2481152873203736576
10**19 | 9766760209113811491 | Numerical | 10000000000000000000
16**16 | 6d2002f7142d304e | Hexadecimal | 18446744073709551616
62**11 | bSAC9xQtME7 | a-zA-Z0-9 | 52036560683837093888
94**10 | m-0NPPW;k. | Printable Ascii | 53861511409489970176
26**14 | bsacxqtmeufdjv | Alphabetical | 64509974703297150976
64**11 | bSAC9xQtME7 | Base64 | 73786976294838206464
10**20 | 97667602091138114915 | Numerical | 100000000000000000000
16**17 | 6d2002f7142d304ef | Hexadecimal | 295147905179352825856
10**21 | 976676020911381149159 | Numerical | 1000000000000000000000
26**15 | bsacxqtmeufdjvw | Alphabetical | 1677259342285725925376
62**12 | bSAC9xQtME76 | a-zA-Z0-9 | 3226266762397899821056
64**12 | bSAC9xQtME76 | Base64 | 4722366482869645213696
16**18 | 6d2002f7142d304efa | Hexadecimal | 4722366482869645213696
94**11 | m-0NPPW;k.0 | Printable Ascii | 5062982072492057196544
10**22 | 9766760209113811491599 | Numerical | 10000000000000000000000
26**16 | bsacxqtmeufdjvwl | Alphabetical | 43608742899428874059776
16**19 | 6d2002f7142d304efa5 | Hexadecimal | 75557863725914323419136
10**23 | 97667602091138114915993 | Numerical | 100000000000000000000000
62**13 | bSAC9xQtME76U | a-zA-Z0-9 | 200028539268669788905472
64**13 | bSAC9xQtME76U | Base64 | 302231454903657293676544
94**12 | m-0NPPW;k.0D | Printable Ascii | 475920314814253376475136
10**24 | 976676020911381149159934 | Numerical | 1000000000000000000000000
26**17 | bsacxqtmeufdjvwlo | Alphabetical | 1133827315385150725554176
16**20 | 6d2002f7142d304efa50 | Hexadecimal | 1208925819614629174706176
10**25 | 9766760209113811491599340 | Numerical | 10000000000000000000000000
62**14 | bSAC9xQtME76UF | a-zA-Z0-9 | 12401769434657526912139264
64**14 | bSAC9xQtME76UF | Base64 | 19342813113834066795298816
16**21 | 6d2002f7142d304efa505 | Hexadecimal | 19342813113834066795298816
26**18 | bsacxqtmeufdjvwlok | Alphabetical | 29479510200013918864408576
94**13 | m-0NPPW;k.0D# | Printable Ascii | 44736509592539817388662784
10**26 | 97667602091138114915993401 | Numerical | 100000000000000000000000000
16**22 | 6d2002f7142d304efa5050 | Hexadecimal | 309485009821345068724781056
26**19 | bsacxqtmeufdjvwloko | Alphabetical | 766467265200361890474622976
62**15 | bSAC9xQtME76UFD | a-zA-Z0-9 | 768909704948766668552634368
10**27 | 976676020911381149159934012 | Numerical | 1000000000000000000000000000
64**15 | bSAC9xQtME76UFD | Base64 | 1237940039285380274899124224
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