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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Save standage/10765999 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Given TransDecoder output from two samples, identify instances where CDS starts and stops match but translation is different.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import getopt, os, re, sys
class Seq:
def __init__(self, defline, seq):
self.defline = defline
self.seq = seq
match = re.match("^>(\S+)", defline) =
def print_usage(outstream):
usage = ("\nUsage: tdc-diff s1.cds.gff3 s1.pep.fa s2.cds.gff3 s2.pep.fa\n"
" Options:\n"
" -h|--help: print this help message and exit\n"
" -o|--out: FILE file to which output will be printed;\n"
" default is terminal (stdout)\n")
print >> outstream, usage
def parse_fasta(fp):
Stolen shamelessly from
name, seq = None, []
for line in fp:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith(">"):
if name: yield (name, ''.join(seq))
name, seq = line, []
if name: yield (name, ''.join(seq))
def parse_options(argv):
params = {
'outstream': sys.stdout,
optstr = "ho:"
longopts = ["help", "out"]
(options, args) = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], optstr, longopts)
for key, value in options:
if key in ('-h', '--help'):
elif key in ('-o', '--out'):
params['outstream'] = open(value, 'w')
assert False, "unsupported option '%s'" % key
if len(args) != 4:
assert False, "expected 4 arguments, %d provided" % len(args)
params['gff1'] = os.path.abspath(args[0])
params['fa1'] = os.path.abspath(args[1])
params['gff2'] = os.path.abspath(args[2])
params['fa2'] = os.path.abspath(args[3])
return params
def fasta_to_dict(filename):
Input: filname of Fasta file
Returns a dictionary with sequence IDs as keys and sequence records as values
fasta_lookup = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
for defline, seq in parse_fasta(fp):
record = Seq(defline, seq)
fasta_lookup[] = record
return fasta_lookup
def cds_ranges(filename):
Input: filename of a GFF3 file
Returns a dictionary with genomic ranges as keys and a list of mRNA IDs as values
starts = {}
stops = {}
gff3 = open(filename, 'r')
for line in gff3:
if line == "" or line.startswith("#"):
line = line.rstrip()
fields = line.split('\t')
matches ="Parent=([^;]+)", fields[8])
if fields[2] == "start_codon":
starts[] = fields
if fields[2] == "stop_codon":
stops[] = fields
ranges = {}
for mrnaid in starts.keys():
start = starts[mrnaid]
stop = stops[mrnaid]
rng = "%s_%s-%s" % (start[0], start[3], stop[4])
if start[6] == "-":
rng = "%s_%s-%s" % (start[0], stop[3], start[4])
if rng not in ranges:
ranges[rng] = []
return ranges
def unmatched_pairs(list1, seqs1, list2, seqs2):
Input: lists of IDs of CDSs from two samples (list1 and list2) and corresponding sequences (seqs1 and seqs2)
Returns a list of all pairs of CDSs from the two samples that do not have a match in the other sample
matched1 = {}
matched2 = {}
for id1 in list1:
for id2 in list2:
seq1 = seqs1["cds."+ id1]
seq2 = seqs2["cds."+ id2]
if seq1.seq == seq2.seq:
matched1[id1] = 1
matched2[id2] = 1
unmatched1 = []
for id1 in list1:
if id1 not in matched1:
unmatched2 = []
for id2 in list2:
if id2 not in matched2:
pairs = []
for id1 in unmatched1:
for id2 in unmatched2:
pairs.append(["cds."+ id1, "cds."+ id2])
return pairs
if __name__ =='__main__':
params = parse_options(sys.argv)
seqs1 = fasta_to_dict(params['fa1'])
seqs2 = fasta_to_dict(params['fa2'])
ranges1 = cds_ranges(params['gff1'])
ranges2 = cds_ranges(params['gff2'])
for rng in ranges1:
if rng in ranges2:
list1 = ranges1[rng]
list2 = ranges2[rng]
pairs = unmatched_pairs(list1, seqs1, list2, seqs2)
for pair in pairs:
record1 = seqs1[pair[0]]
record2 = seqs2[pair[1]]
print "%s\t%s\t%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (rng, pair[0], pair[1], record1.seq, record2.seq)
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