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Created June 30, 2015 14:31
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Monday, June 22nd, 2015 8 days ago
3:22 PM <MPSimmons> What I'm trying to do is have apache listen on a particular IP, and I'm doing it with ip => "$::fact::ipaddress_eno16780032_1"
3:22 PM <MPSimmons> (using the apache module from puppetforge)
3:22 PM <MPSimmons> facter only shows the first IP of the interface if I don't make it a sub-interface
3:23 PM <Thermi> MPSimmons: Creating a sub interface makes no sense for that
3:23 PM <MPSimmons> Why is that"?
3:23 PM <Thermi> Fix facter then.
3:23 PM <MPSimmons> That facter only shows the first IP is orthogonal to the problem, which is that I don't know how to create a subinterface
3:23 PM <Thermi> Because facter is broken? (Wild guess)
3:24 PM <tigalch> if that IP does not change - why not configure apache to listen to it in the configuration of apache?
3:24 PM <MPSimmons> Because I may need to change it later, and I don't want to do it in a dozen places.
3:25 PM <Thermi> MPSimmons: There are different kinds of subinterfaces - aliases, macvtaps and macvlans
3:25 PM ⇐ Corey84 quit (~Corey84@unaffiliated/corey84) Ping timeout: 252 seconds
3:25 PM <MPSimmons> Interesting.
3:26 PM ⇐ hhee quit ( Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
3:26 PM <MPSimmons> This will be on the same vlan interface (no dot1q) if that matters. I would think alias would be simplest, but I'm not familiar with the others
3:26 PM ⇐ buffffal00 quit (~buffal0@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/buffal0) Quit: Computer has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…
3:26 PM <MPSimmons> Would you agree?
3:26 PM <Thermi> MPSimmons: use ip link
3:27 PM → omarrr joined (
3:27 PM <{ssl}> MPSimmons:
3:27 PM <MPSimmons> K, lemme research that. Thanks
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