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Last active November 19, 2018 22:38
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Hardware Clock Drift Measurement with Python + NTP

Hardware Clock Drift Measurement with Python + NTP

I've been tinkering with microcontroller code and have learned about "real time clocks" and how computers attempt to keep accurate time.

More recently, I've become loosely familiar with NTP at the UDP level and realized that I could measure the clock drift over time just by repeatedly fetching hardware time and NTP time and comparing their differences over time.

I found that my desktop machine's RTC drifted by about 6 seconds in 33 hours. This kind of error is acceptable for some applications and unacceptable for others.

I did this on a Windows 10 machine, but I first

  • Turned off the automatic system clock update. Presumably, this is periodically fetching NTP to stay accurate.
  • Set the machie to never turn off

The scripts require numpy, matplotlib, and ntplib. To measure your own setup, simply run


And you can visualize the data recorded to a .npy or .bin file by running

python clock_drift_0123456789ABCDEF.bin

Here's an example plot generated by these scripts measured clock drift

import os, sys, time, uuid, matplotlib
from numpy import array, zeros, frombuffer, save, load, reshape, diff
from os.path import isfile, isdir, join
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, grid, show, subplots
matplotlib.rc('font', family='sans-serif', weight='bold', size=22)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(f"Intended usage:\n > python drift.npy")
if not isfile(sys.argv[1]):
print(f"First argument is not a file. First argument is\n > {sys.argv[1]}")
fpath = sys.argv[1]
if fpath.endswith("npy"):
a = load(fpath)
elif fpath.endswith("bin"):
f = open(fpath, "rb")
a = frombuffer(, dtype='float64')
a = reshape(a, (int(len(a)/2), 2))
da = a - a[0, :] # a - first time stamp of a
dda = diff(da, axis=1)
t = a[:, 1] # Let's plot against NTP time on x-axis
t = t-t[0]
year70 = 2208988800
plot(array(t)/3600, dda, "o", linewidth=5, markersize=10)
xlabel("test time [hour]")
ylabel("error [sec] (ntp - hw)")
title(f"RTC clock drift from\n{time.ctime(a[0,1]-year70)} to {time.ctime(a[-1, 1]-year70)}")
import ntplib, uuid
import time
from numpy import ndarray, zeros, frombuffer, float64, concatenate, save
# make a prefix for saving files
prefix = f"clock_drift_{uuid.uuid1()}"
f=open(f"{prefix}.bin", "wb")
# make an array with two columns of data
a=zeros((0,2), dtype=float64)
c = ntplib.NTPClient()
start_time = time.time()
while True:
# capture both times sequentially
hwsec = float64(time.time())
ntpr = c.request('')
n += 1
# interpret ntp time to float64 seconds
intsec = float64( frombuffer( ntpr.to_data()[40:44], dtype='uint32' ).byteswap()[0] )
fracsec = float64(frombuffer( ntpr.to_data()[44:48], dtype='uint32' ).byteswap()[0])/(2**32)
ntpsec = intsec + fracsec
# save to file and flush so we don't lose results if something goes wrong
arow = zeros((1,2), dtype='float64')
arow[0,0] = hwsec
arow[0,1] = ntpsec
a = concatenate((a, arow))
print(f"\nStarted @ {time.ctime(start_time)}")
print(f" > {int(hwsec-start_time)} seconds later, took a measurement @ {time.ctime(hwsec)}")
if a.shape[0] >= 2:
hwdiff = a[-1, 0] - a[0,0]
ntpdiff = a[-1, 1] - a[0,1]
ntpdiff_hwdiff = ntpdiff - hwdiff
print(f"TOTAL: hwdiff = {hwdiff}, ntpdiff = {ntpdiff}")
print(f"TOTAL: ntpdiff - hwdiff = {ntpdiff_hwdiff}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except ntplib.NTPException:
# end while True
# save the array, a, to the file, f
save(f"{prefix}", a)
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