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Created July 3, 2015 01:04
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(defn CHECKEDGES [G S unexpl BACKTRACK ORDERLIST] ;aux function checking all edges outgoing from vector S
(if (= (G S) [])
(if (= BACKTRACK [])
[G nil BACKTRACK ORDERLIST] ;nowhere to backtrack anymore new S is nil
(recur G (peek BACKTRACK) unexpl (pop BACKTRACK) (conj ORDERLIST S))) ;no more edges to verify, need to backtrack, add S to orderlist
; now if (G S) edges are not empty, check all vertices
(let [V (peek (G S))
newedges (pop (G S))
newG (assoc G S newedges)] ;new edges are without V anymore
(if (unexpl V)
[newG V (conj BACKTRACK S) ORDERLIST] ; return V as new S, add S to backtracklist and don't change orderlist
(recur newG S unexpl BACKTRACK ORDERLIST)))))
(defn DFS2 [G S START unexpl BACKTRACK ORDERLIST] ;main DFS returning modified unexplored list and orderlist for FIRST and SECONDLOOP
(if (= S nil)
[(conj ORDERLIST START) unexpl] ; returns orderlist and unexplored list
(let[newunexplored (assoc unexpl S false)]
(let [
(recur newG V START newunexplored newBACKTRACK newORDERLIST)))))
(defn DFS [ G S unexplored]
(DFS2 G S S unexplored [] []))
(defn firstloop [G UNEXPLORED n mainorderlist] ;returns orderlist in which second loop process graph
(if (= n (count G)) mainorderlist
(if (not (UNEXPLORED n)) (recur G UNEXPLORED (inc n) mainorderlist)
(let [ [ temporder newunexplored] (DFS G n UNEXPLORED)]
(recur G newunexplored (inc n) (into mainorderlist temporder))))))
(defn secondloop [G UNEXPLORED LEADERS ORDERLIST] ;returns [size of SCCs, leaders of SCCs]
(if (= ORDERLIST []) LEADERS ; end of story
(let [S (peek ORDERLIST)] ; use orderlist to select node for DFS
(if (not (UNEXPLORED S)) (recur G UNEXPLORED LEADERS (pop ORDERLIST)) ; already checked S
(let [[temporder newunexplored] (DFS G S UNEXPLORED)]
(recur G newunexplored (conj LEADERS [(count temporder) S]) (pop ORDERLIST)))))))
(defn SCC [graph largestnode]
(let [_ (print " converts to GREV ")
GREV (time (v2gr2 graph (inc largestnode)))
_ (print " converts to G ")
G (time (v2g2 graph (inc largestnode)))
_ (print " creates unexplored list ")
unexplored (time (createexplored (inc largestnode) []))]
(let [_ (print " FIRSTLOOP: ")
orderlist (time (firstloop GREV unexplored 1 []))]
(print "SECONDLOOP")
(time (secondloop G unexplored [] orderlist)))))
;; below is code to converting input of [[head tail] [head tail2] [head2 tail3] ...] into graph and revesed graph
;; of format: [[] [tail tail2] [tail3]] where graph idexes are heads of vectors
;; and extra boolean vector to keep track of checked nodes
(defn v2graph2 [v array]
(if (= (count v) 0) array
(let [index (first (peek v))
tail (second (peek v))]
(let [extras (array index)]
(recur (pop v) (assoc array index (conj extras tail)))))))
(defn v2graphreverse2 [v array]
(if (= (count v) 0) array
(let [index (second (peek v))
tail (first (peek v))]
(let [extras (array index)]
(if (= tail index)
(recur (pop v) array)
(recur (pop v) (assoc array index (conj extras tail))))))))
(defn createarray1 [n to acc]
(if (= n to) acc
(recur (inc n) to (conj acc []))))
(defn empytvector [n]
(createarray1 0 n []))
(defn v2g2 [v n]
(v2graph2 v (empytvector n)))
(defn v2gr2 [v n]
(v2graphreverse2 v (empytvector n)))
(defn createexplored [n acc]
(if (= n 0) acc
(recur (dec n) (conj acc true))))
;; here is example graph:
(def t [ [1 7] [2 5] [3 9] [4 1] [5 8] [6 3][6 8][7 9] [7 4] [8 2] [9 6]])
(SCC t 9)
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