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Created May 18, 2014 23:16
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Save standuprey/b2a600aba10d957dbaf0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cropme with touch event, unfortunately works only for left and right
angular.module("cropme", ["ngSanitize", "ngTouch"]).directive "cropme", ($swipe, $window, $timeout, $rootScope) ->
minHeight = 100 # if destinationHeight has not been defined, we need a default height for the crop zone
borderSensitivity = 8 # grab area size around the borders in pixels
checkScopeVariables = (scope) ->
if scope.destinationHeight
if scope.ratio
throw "You can't specify both destinationHeight and ratio, destinationHeight = destinationWidth * ratio"
scope.ratio = destinationHeight / destinationWidth
else if scope.ratio
scope.destinationHeight = scope.destinationWidth * scope.ratio
if scope.ratio and scope.height and scope.destinationHeight > scope.height
throw "Can't initialize cropme: destinationWidth x ratio needs to be lower than height"
if scope.destinationWidth > scope.width
throw "Can't initialize cropme: destinationWidth needs to be lower than width"
if scope.ratio and not scope.height
scope.height = scope.destinationHeight
scope.type ||= "png"
offset = (el) ->
offsetTop = 0
offsetLeft = 0
while el
offsetTop += el.offsetTop
offsetLeft += el.offsetLeft
el = el.offsetParent
top: offsetTop
left: offsetLeft
template: """
ng-show="state == 'step-1'"
ng-style="{'width': width + 'px', 'height': height + 'px'}">
<dropbox ng-class="dropClass"></dropbox>
<div class="cropme-error" ng-bind-html="dropError"></div>
<div class="cropme-file-input">
<input type="file"/>
Browse picture
<div class="cropme-or">or</div>
<div class="cropme-label" ng-class="iconClass">{{dropText}}</div>
ng-show="state == 'step-2'"
ng-style="{'width': width + 'px'}"
ng-class="{'col-resize': colResizePointer}">
<img ng-src="{{imgSrc}}" ng-style="{'width': width + 'px'}"/>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'width': xCropZone + 'px', 'height': yCropZone + 'px'}"></div>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': 0, 'left': xCropZone + 'px', 'width': widthCropZone + 'px', 'height': yCropZone + 'px'}"></div>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': 0, 'left': xCropZone + widthCropZone + 'px', 'right': 0, 'height': yCropZone + 'px'}"></div>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': yCropZone + 'px', 'left': xCropZone + widthCropZone + 'px', 'right': 0, 'height': heightCropZone + 'px'}"></div>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': yCropZone + heightCropZone + 'px', 'left': xCropZone + widthCropZone + 'px', 'right': 0, 'bottom': 0}"></div>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': yCropZone + heightCropZone + 'px', 'left': xCropZone + 'px', 'width': widthCropZone + 'px', 'bottom': 0}"></div>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': yCropZone + heightCropZone + 'px', 'left': 0, 'width': xCropZone + 'px', 'bottom': 0}"></div>
<div class="overlay-tile" ng-style="{'top': yCropZone + 'px', 'left': 0, 'width': xCropZone + 'px', 'height': heightCropZone + 'px'}"></div>
<div class="overlay-border" ng-style="{'top': (yCropZone - 2) + 'px', 'left': (xCropZone - 2) + 'px', 'width': widthCropZone + 'px', 'height': heightCropZone + 'px'}"></div>
<div class="cropme-actions" ng-show="state == 'step-2'">
<button id="cropme-cancel" ng-click="cancel($event)">Cancel</button>
<button id="cropme-ok" ng-click="ok($event)">Ok</button>
ng-style="{'width': destinationWidth + 'px', 'height': destinationHeight + 'px'}">
restrict: "E"
width: "="
destinationWidth: "="
height: "=?"
destinationHeight: "=?"
iconClass: "=?"
ratio: "=?"
type: "=?"
link: (scope, element, attributes) ->
scope.dropText = "Drop picture here"
scope.state = "step-1"
draggingFn = null
grabbedBorder = null
heightWithImage = null
zoom = null
elOffset = null
imageEl = element.find('img')[0]
canvasEl = element.find("canvas")[0]
ctx = canvasEl.getContext "2d"
startCropping = (imageWidth, imageHeight) ->
zoom = scope.width / imageWidth
heightWithImage = imageHeight * zoom
scope.widthCropZone = Math.round scope.destinationWidth * zoom
scope.heightCropZone = Math.round (scope.destinationHeight || minHeight) * zoom
scope.xCropZone = Math.round (scope.width - scope.widthCropZone) / 2
scope.yCropZone = Math.round (scope.height - scope.heightCropZone) / 2
$timeout -> elOffset = offset imageAreaEl
imageAreaEl = element[0].getElementsByClassName("step-2")[0]
checkScopeVariables scope
$input = element.find("input")
$input.bind "change", ->
file = @files[0]
scope.$apply -> scope.setFiles file
$input.bind "click", (e) ->
$input.val ""
scope.browseFiles = -> $input[0].click()
scope.setFiles = (file) ->
unless file.type.match /^image\//
return scope.dropError = "Wrong file type, please select an image."
scope.dropError = ""
reader = new FileReader
reader.onload = (e) ->
imageEl.onload = ->
width = imageEl.naturalWidth
height = imageEl.naturalHeight
errors = []
if width < scope.width
errors.push "The image you dropped has a width of #{width}, but the minimum is #{scope.width}."
if scope.height and height < scope.height
errors.push "The image you dropped has a height of #{height}, but the minimum is #{scope.height}."
if scope.ratio and scope.destinationHeight > height
errors.push "The image you dropped has a height of #{height}, but the minimum is #{scope.destinationHeight}."
scope.$apply ->
if errors.length
scope.dropError = errors.join "<br/>"
$rootScope.$broadcast "cropme:loaded", width, height
scope.state = "step-2"
startCropping width, height
scope.$apply -> scope.imgSrc =
moveCropZone = (coords) ->
scope.xCropZone = coords.x - elOffset.left - scope.widthCropZone / 2
scope.yCropZone = coords.y - - scope.heightCropZone / 2
moveBorders =
top: (coords) ->
y = coords.y -
scope.heightCropZone += scope.yCropZone - y
scope.yCropZone = y
right: (coords) ->
x = coords.x - elOffset.left
scope.widthCropZone = x - scope.xCropZone
bottom: (coords) ->
y = coords.y -
console.log y, coords.y,
scope.heightCropZone = y - scope.yCropZone
left: (coords) ->
x = coords.x - elOffset.left
scope.widthCropZone += scope.xCropZone - x
scope.xCropZone = x
checkHRatio = -> scope.heightCropZone = scope.widthCropZone * scope.ratio if scope.ratio
checkVRatio = -> scope.widthCropZone = scope.heightCropZone / scope.ratio if scope.ratio
checkBounds = ->
scope.xCropZone = 0 if scope.xCropZone < 0
scope.yCropZone = 0 if scope.yCropZone < 0
if scope.widthCropZone < scope.destinationWidth * zoom
scope.widthCropZone = scope.destinationWidth * zoom
else if scope.destinationHeight and scope.heightCropZone < scope.destinationHeight * zoom
scope.heightCropZone = scope.destinationHeight * zoom
if scope.xCropZone + scope.widthCropZone > scope.width
scope.xCropZone = scope.width - scope.widthCropZone
if scope.xCropZone < 0
scope.widthCropZone = scope.width
scope.xCropZone = 0
if scope.yCropZone + scope.heightCropZone > heightWithImage
scope.yCropZone = heightWithImage - scope.heightCropZone
if scope.yCropZone < 0
scope.heightCropZone = heightWithImage
scope.yCropZone = 0
isNearBorders = (coords) ->
x = scope.xCropZone + elOffset.left
y = scope.yCropZone +
w = scope.widthCropZone
h = scope.heightCropZone
topLeft = { x: x, y: y }
topRight = { x: x + w, y: y }
bottomLeft = { x: x, y: y + h }
bottomRight = { x: x + w, y: y + h }
nearHSegment(coords, x, w, y, "top") or nearVSegment(coords, y, h, x + w, "right") or nearHSegment(coords, x, w, y + h, "bottom") or nearVSegment(coords, y, h, x, "left")
nearHSegment = (coords, x, w, y, borderName) ->
borderName if coords.x >= x and coords.x <= x + w and Math.abs(coords.y - y) <= borderSensitivity
nearVSegment = (coords, y, h, x, borderName) ->
borderName if coords.y >= y and coords.y <= y + h and Math.abs(coords.x - x) <= borderSensitivity
dragIt = (coords) ->
if draggingFn
scope.$apply -> draggingFn(coords)
scope.mousemove = (e) ->
scope.colResizePointer = isNearBorders({x: e.pageX, y:e.pageY})
$swipe.bind angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('step-2')[0]),
'start': (coords) ->
grabbedBorder = isNearBorders coords
if grabbedBorder
draggingFn = moveBorders[grabbedBorder]
else draggingFn = moveCropZone
dragIt coords
'move': (coords) ->
dragIt coords
'end': (coords) ->
dragIt coords
draggingFn = null
scope.deselect = -> draggingFn = null
scope.cancel = ($event) ->
$event.preventDefault() if $event
scope.dropText = "Drop files here"
scope.dropClass = ""
scope.state = "step-1"
scope.ok = ($event) ->
$event.preventDefault() if $event
scope.croppedWidth = scope.widthCropZone / zoom
scope.croppedHeight = scope.heightCropZone / zoom
$timeout ->
destinationHeight = scope.destinationHeight || scope.destinationWidth * scope.croppedHeight / scope.croppedWidth
ctx.drawImage imageEl, scope.xCropZone / zoom, scope.yCropZone / zoom, scope.croppedWidth, scope.croppedHeight, 0, 0, scope.destinationWidth, scope.destinationHeight
canvasEl.toBlob (blob) ->
$rootScope.$broadcast "cropme:done", blob
, 'image/' + scope.type
scope.$on "cropme:cancel", scope.cancel
scope.$on "cropme:ok", scope.ok
angular.module("cropme").directive "dropbox", ->
restrict: "E"
link: (scope, element, attributes) ->
dragEnterLeave = (evt) ->
scope.$apply ->
scope.dropText = "Drop files here"
scope.dropClass = ""
dropbox = element[0]
scope.dropText = "Drop files here"
dropbox.addEventListener "dragenter", dragEnterLeave, false
dropbox.addEventListener "dragleave", dragEnterLeave, false
dropbox.addEventListener "dragover", ((evt) ->
ok = evt.dataTransfer and evt.dataTransfer.types and evt.dataTransfer.types.indexOf("Files") >= 0
scope.$apply ->
scope.dropText = (if ok then "Drop now" else "Only files are allowed")
scope.dropClass = (if ok then "over" else "not-available")
), false
dropbox.addEventListener "drop", ((evt) ->
scope.$apply ->
scope.dropText = "Drop files here"
scope.dropClass = ""
files = evt.dataTransfer.files
scope.$apply ->
if files.length > 0
for file in files
if file.type.match /^image\//
scope.dropText = "Loading image..."
scope.dropClass = "loading"
return scope.setFiles(file)
scope.dropError = "Wrong file type, please drop at least an image."
), false
# canvas-toBlob.js
# * A canvas.toBlob() implementation.
# * 2011-07-13
# *
# * By Eli Grey, and Devin Samarin,
# * License: X11/MIT
# * See
#global self
#jslint bitwise: true, regexp: true, confusion: true, es5: true, vars: true, white: true,
# plusplus: true
#! @source
((view) ->
"use strict"
Uint8Array = view.Uint8Array
HTMLCanvasElement = view.HTMLCanvasElement
is_base64_regex = /\s*;\s*base64\s*(?:;|$)/i
base64_ranks = undefined
decode_base64 = (base64) ->
len = base64.length
buffer = new Uint8Array(len / 4 * 3 | 0)
i = 0
outptr = 0
last = [0, 0]
state = 0
save = 0
rank = undefined
code = undefined
undef = undefined
while len--
code = base64.charCodeAt(i++)
rank = base64_ranks[code - 43]
if rank isnt 255 and rank isnt undef
last[1] = last[0]
last[0] = code
save = (save << 6) | rank
if state is 4
buffer[outptr++] = save >>> 16
# padding character
buffer[outptr++] = save >>> 8 if last[1] isnt 61
# padding character
buffer[outptr++] = save if last[0] isnt 61
state = 0
# 2/3 chance there's going to be some null bytes at the end, but that
# doesn't really matter with most image formats.
# If it somehow matters for you, truncate the buffer up outptr.
base64_ranks = new Uint8Array([62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51]) if Uint8Array
if HTMLCanvasElement and not HTMLCanvasElement::toBlob
HTMLCanvasElement::toBlob = (callback, type) -> #, ...args
type = "image/png" unless type
if @mozGetAsFile
callback @mozGetAsFile("canvas", type)
args =, 1)
dataURI = @toDataURL.apply(this, args)
header_end = dataURI.indexOf(",")
data = dataURI.substring(header_end + 1)
is_base64 = is_base64_regex.test(dataURI.substring(0, header_end))
blob = undefined
if Blob.fake
# no reason to decode a data: URI that's just going to become a data URI again
blob = new Blob
if is_base64
blob.encoding = "base64"
blob.encoding = "URI" = data
blob.size = data.length
else if Uint8Array
if is_base64
blob = new Blob([decode_base64(data)],
type: type
blob = new Blob([decodeURIComponent(data)],
type: type
callback blob
) self
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