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FM cypress VM
193 nodejs --version
194 which nodejs
196 sudo apt-get remove nodejs
203 google-chrome
205 sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-session ubuntu-desktop
220 sudo reboot
237 sudo systemctl restart lightdm.service
238 sudo systemctl status lightdm.service
243 rm ~/.Xaut*
245 sudo xhost +
248 grep -i x11 /etc/ssh/sshd_config
252 curl -iL -g -6 "http://[fe80::24ef:9eff:fee6:2082%ens18]:3000/"
330 ping6 -I ens18 fe80::7411:1aff:fe39:28a2
353 vim ipv6addr
354 cat ipv6addr
417 sudo ip -6 addr add fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::1/64 dev ens18
418 ip a
419 ping6 fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::2
444 curl -6 'http://[fe80::24ef:9eff:fee6:2082%ens18]:3000'
447 curl -iL -g -6 'http://[fe80::24ef:9eff:fee6:2082%ens18]:3000'
451 vim chromm
vagrant@ubuntu-1604:~$ cat chromm
ssh -L '8080:[fe80::24ef:9eff:fee6:2082%ens18]:3000' localhost
#curl -iL -g -6 'http://[fe80::24ef:9eff:fee6:2082%ens18]:3000'
463 sudo ip -6 addr add fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::1/64 dev ens18
464 ping6 fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::2
469 cd cypress/integration/
471 rm *kibana*
478 curl -iL -g -6 'http://[fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::2]:3000'
479 sudo ip -6 route
480 ping6 fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::2
481 curl -iL -g -6 'http://[fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::2]:3000'
482 curl -iL -g -6 'http://[fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::2]:5601'
483 cat f
484 bash f
485 vim f
486 bash f
vagrant@ubuntu-1604:~$ cat f
CYPRESS_baseUrl=http://[fd89:41e8:b895:2cc6::2]:3000 \
CYPRESS_inventory= \
CYPRESS_login=test@test.test \
CYPRESS_password=testtest \
~/node_modules/.bin/cypress run --browser chrome --headless | tee fm_test.out
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