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Last active April 22, 2023 14:00
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Upgrade interview question: Find the valid 'journeys' for src/dest including connecting flights.
package com.stanlemon;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
A - Fights
SF ---> Washington (9am-->11.30am)
Washington ----> New York (12.30pm -->4.30pm)
SF -----> New York (10am ---> 3pm)
SF -----> Seattle (10.30am ---> 2.30pm)
Seattle -----> New York (1.30pm ---> 4.30pm)
SF -----> New York (12pm ---> 5pm)
findJourneyOptions(flights, SF, New York);
Output -
SF ---> Washington (9am-->11.30am)
Washington ----> New York (12.30pm -->4.30pm)
SF -----> New York (10am ---> 3pm)
SF -----> New York (12pm ---> 5pm)
Scenario: 1 stop (direct flights)
Given: the flights A
When: a user wants to travel from SF to New York
Then: System returns )=
Journey 1 = SF -----> New York (10am ---> 3pm)
Journey 2 = SF -----> New York (12pm ---> 5pm)
class Journey {
List<Flight> flights;
public Journey(final List<Flight> flights){ = Collections.unmodifiableList(flights);
class Flight {
String source;
String dest;
Date startDate;
Date endDate;
String flightNumber;
public Flight(String source, String dest, Date startDate, Date endDate, String flightNumber) {
this.source = source;
this.dest = dest;
this.startDate = startDate;
this.endDate = endDate;
this.flightNumber = flightNumber;
class Solution {
Map<String, List<Flight>> flightSourceMap;
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Flight> allFlights = List.of(
new Flight("SF", "Washington", atTime(9, 0), atTime(11, 30), "1"),
new Flight("Washington", "New York", atTime(12, 30), atTime(12+4, 30), "2"),
new Flight("SF", "New York", atTime(10, 0), atTime(12+3, 0), "3"),
new Flight("SF", "Seattle", atTime(10, 30), atTime(12+2, 30), "4"),
new Flight("Seattle", "New York", atTime(12+1, 30), atTime(12+4, 30), "5"),
new Flight("SF", "New York", atTime(12, 0), atTime(12+5, 0), "6")
Solution solution = new Solution();
// Naive solution that only handles one connection
//List<Journey> journeys = solution.findJourneyOptionsNaive(allFlights, "SF", "New York");
// Solution allows for limitless connections (data set only connects once)
List<Journey> journeys = solution.findJourneyOptions(allFlights, "SF", "New York");
// Solutions allows for up to one connection
//List<Journey> journeys = solution.findJourneyOptions(allFlights, "SF", "New York", 2);
// Use the VM options -ea to enable assertions and run these
assert journeys.size() == 3 : "We should have found three flights";
assert journeys.get(0).flights.size() == 2 : "First journey should have two flights";
assert journeys.get(0).flights.get(0).flightNumber.equals("1") : "First journey, first flight number does not match";
assert journeys.get(0).flights.get(1).flightNumber.equals("2") : "First journey, second flight number does not match";
assert journeys.get(1).flights.size() == 1 : "Second journey should have one flight";
assert journeys.get(1).flights.get(0).flightNumber.equals("3") : "Second journey, first flight number does not match";
assert journeys.get(2).flights.size() == 1 : "Third journey should have one flight";
assert journeys.get(2).flights.get(0).flightNumber.equals("6") : "Third journey, first flight number does not match";
System.out.println("Going from SF to New York:");
public static void printJourney(final Journey journey) {
for (Flight flight: {
"%s -> %s (%s-%s) #%s\n",
flight.source, flight.dest, getTime(flight.startDate), getTime(flight.endDate), flight.flightNumber
public static String getTime(final Date date) {
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mma");
return format.format(date);
private static Date atTime(final int hour, final int minute) {
return Date.from(
// Finding flights that match
// findJourneyOptions(flights, SF, New York);
public List<Journey> findJourneyOptionsNaive(List<Flight> flights, String src, String dest) {
List<Journey> journeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (Flight flight : flights) {
// Does not have the right starting point, skip over it
if (!flight.source.equals(src)) {
// Destination is our ending point, this is a direct flight
if (flight.dest.equals(dest)) {
new Journey(List.of(flight))
for (Flight connection: flights) {
// If this flight is not starting where we've arrived it cannot be a connection
if (!flight.dest.equals(connection.source)) {
new Journey(List.of(flight, connection))
return journeys;
// Finding flights that match
// findJourneyOptions(flights, SF, New York);
public List<Journey> findJourneyOptions(List<Flight> flights, String src, String dest) {
return findJourneyOptions(flights, src, dest, null);
public List<Journey> findJourneyOptions(List<Flight> flights, String src, String dest, Integer limit) {
List<Journey> journeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (Flight flight: flights) {
// This flight is starting at the right place, find all the connections to the end
if (!flight.source.equals(src)) {
// Flight has the right starting point, let's get all the connections.
List<Flight> found = new ArrayList<>();
findFlights(flight, flights, found);
if (found.isEmpty()) {
// If this exceeds the number of connections, skip it
if (limit != null && found.size() > limit) {
Flight last = found.get(found.size() - 1);
// If the final destination is our destination, this was a valid route and we add it to our list of journeys
if (last.dest.equals(dest)) {
journeys.add(new Journey(found));
return journeys;
public void findFlights(Flight src, List<Flight> flights, List<Flight> found) {
for (Flight flight: flights) {
// You cannot connect to your own flight
if (src.flightNumber.equals(flight.flightNumber)) {
// You must connect to a flight that sources from your destination
if (!src.dest.equals(flight.source)) {
// You cannot connect to a flight that leaves before you get there
if (src.endDate.after(flight.startDate)) {
// Add the flight we found
// Go look for some more flights
findFlights(flight, flights, found);
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