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Last active February 15, 2022 13:47
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Remove Facebook Ad Posts(zh-TW)


This gist has now been migrated into it's own GitHub repo: Please visit the new repo and reinstall the script from there, this gist will no longer be maintained.

Why Migration? Using a GitHub repo allows the users to be notified when ever there is a new update to the script, since the download url would always be the same.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Remove Facebook Ad Posts
// @version 1.11
// @author STW
// @match*
// @require
// @icon
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// ==/UserScript==
// Gist Url:
// Change the threshold to match your desire, -1 will remove all ads.
const threshold = 1000;
// Change to false to switch back to Facebook's default behavior.
const forceAllComment = true;
/* Change Log
1.11 - Force comment section to show all comments.
1.10 - Update selector according to FB's changes.
1.9.1 - Update unpkg url.
1.9.0 - Auto remove ADs in the first 2 seconds after page load.
1.8 - Remove top right sponser div.
1.7 - Fix for new FB UI.
1.6 - Fix FB localStorage getting clear.
1.5 - Add block button, help msg, AD origin highlight.
1.4 - Optimize algorithm, fixing ad not being removed.
1.3 - Use rxjs to reduce resource usage while idle.
const { fromEvent, interval, timer } = rxjs;
const { throttleTime, takeUntil } = rxjs.operators;
unsafeWindow.AD_Version = "1.11";
unsafeWindow.deletedPost = [];
unsafeWindow.deletedPostOwner = [];
let blockList = [];
(() => {
const item = GM_getValue("AD_BlockList", null);
if (item) blockList = JSON.parse(item);
unsafeWindow.AD_Block = (name) => {
GM_setValue("AD_BlockList", JSON.stringify(blockList));
const deleteAd = () => {
[...document.querySelector('div').querySelectorAll('div[role="article"]')].filter(div => {
const list = [...div.querySelectorAll("a[role='link']")];
for (const a of list) {
if (a.innerText === "贊助") return true;
// force to show all comment
if (forceAllComment) {
const commentBtn = div.querySelectorAll("div[role='button'][tabindex='0'] > span[dir='auto']")[0];
if (commentBtn?.innerText.includes("留言")) {
const d = div;
commentBtn.onclick = () => {
const timer = setInterval(() => {
const selectBtn = [...d.querySelectorAll("div[role='button'][tabindex='0'] > span[dir='auto']")].find(e => e.innerText.includes("最相關"))
if (selectBtn) {;
const timer2 = setInterval(() => {
const allCommentBtn = [...document.querySelectorAll("div[tabindex='-1'] div[aria-hidden='false'] div[role='menuitem']")][2];
if (allCommentBtn) {;
}, 10);
}, 10);
return false;
}).forEach(div => {
const socialNum = Math.max(...[...div.querySelectorAll("div[role='button'] > span")].map(e => parseInt(e.innerText)).filter(n => isFinite(n)));
const name = div.querySelector('h4 a').innerText;
if (threshold === -1 || isNaN(socialNum) || socialNum < threshold || blockList.includes(name)) {
unsafeWindow.deletedPostOwner.push({name, url: div.querySelector('h4 a').href});
div.innerHTML = '';
} else {
if (!div.querySelector('button[name="blockBtn"]')) {
div.querySelector("h4 a").style.backgroundColor = "orangered";
div.querySelector('h4').innerHTML += `<button name='blockBtn' style='position:absolute;right:50px;background-color:wheat;color:navy;' onclick="AD_Block('${name}')">Block</button>`;
const sponser_div = document.querySelectorAll("div[data-pagelet='RightRail'] > div")[0];
if (sponser_div.innerText.includes("贊助")) sponser_div.innerHTML = "";
fromEvent(window, 'scroll').pipe(throttleTime(300)).subscribe(next => deleteAd());
interval(50).pipe(takeUntil(timer(2000))).subscribe(next => deleteAd());
unsafeWindow.AD_Help = () => {
console.log('%cFacebook AD Post Blocker', 'color: yellow; background-color: navy; font-size: 24pt;');
console.log(`%cCurrent Version: ${AD_Version}`, 'color: cyan; background-color: navy; font-size: 12pt;');
console.log('%cCheck Update:', 'color: cyan; background-color: navy; font-size: 12pt;');
console.log('%cOptions:', 'color: greenyellow; background-color: navy; font-size: 18pt;');
console.log('1. AD_ShowDeletedPosts() | Show deleted post origin')
console.log('2. AD_ShowFullPostByIndex(index) | Show full html detail of certain deleted post')
console.log('3. AD_ClearBlockList() | Clear the block list')
console.log('4. AD_UnBlock(name) | Unblock post from certain origin')
console.log("%cCurrent Blocked:", "color: greenyellow; background-color: navy; font-size: 16pt;")
unsafeWindow.AD_ShowDeletedPosts = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < unsafeWindow.deletedPostOwner.length; ++i) console.log(`${i}: ${unsafeWindow.deletedPostOwner[i].name}\n${unsafeWindow.deletedPostOwner[i].url}`);
unsafeWindow.AD_ShowFullPostByIndex = (index) => {
unsafeWindow.AD_ClearBlockList = () => {
unsafeWindow.AD_UnBlock = (name) => {
blockList = blockList.filter(n => n !== name);
GM_setValue("AD_BlockList", JSON.stringify(blockList));
Copy link

DF-wu commented Jun 13, 2020


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DF-wu commented Sep 24, 2020

issue report

For the new facebook theme in desktop browser, this plug-in would not work perfectly.
Those sponsor post display as well exclude the 贊助 text


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issue report

For the new facebook theme in desktop browser, this plug-in would not work perfectly.
Those sponsor post display as well exclude the 贊助 text


Fix by version 1.7

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