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Last active February 8, 2018 04:16
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# from:
# modified to return rounded sizes in Gigabytes
# and sorted by descending total storage size
import boto3
import datetime
now =
cw = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
s3client = boto3.client('s3')
# Get a list of all buckets
allbuckets = s3client.list_buckets()
# Header Line for the output going to standard out
print('Bucket'.ljust(45) + 'Size in GigaBytes'.rjust(25))
bucket_sizes = []
# Iterate through each bucket
for bucket in allbuckets['Buckets']:
# For each bucket item, look up the cooresponding metrics from CloudWatch
response = cw.get_metric_statistics(Namespace='AWS/S3',
{'Name': 'BucketName', 'Value': bucket['Name']},
{'Name': 'StorageType', 'Value': 'StandardStorage'}
# probably empty buckets
if len(response["Datapoints"]) == 0:
bucket_sizes.append((bucket["Name"], 0.0))
# The cloudwatch metrics will have the single datapoint, so we just report on it.
for item in response["Datapoints"]:
size_gb = float(item["Average"]) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0
bucket_sizes.append((bucket["Name"], size_gb))
for bucket, size_gb in sorted(bucket_sizes, key=lambda (b, s): s, reverse=True):
print(bucket.ljust(45) + "{:,}".format(round(size_gb, 2)).rjust(25))
# Note the use of "{:,}".format.
# This is a new shorthand method to format output.
# I just discovered it recently.
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