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Created February 24, 2022 20:21
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Retrieve the user ids of those whose ages are an even number
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
// Given an array of User HashMaps with keys of Id and Age,
// write in Dart the code to return an array of User Ids for
// users whose Age is an even number. Make the code as efficient and terse as possible.
List<int> evenAgedUserIds(List<Map<String, dynamic>> usersEntries) {
return usersEntries
// ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
.where((userEntry) => userEntry['age'] % 2 == 0)
.map((userEntry) => userEntry['id'] as int)
void main() {
// Comparing two lists in dart [1, 2] == [1, 2] with default equality doesn't
// actually work because it compares references. So instead, this does value
// comparison considering them a closed set.
Function listEquals = const ListEquality().equals;
final exampleUsers1 = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
{"id": 1, "age": 21},
{"id": 2, "age": 42},
{"id": 3, "age": 20},
final exampleUsers2 = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
{"id": -1, "age": 21},
{"id": 0, "age": 2},
{"id": double.infinity, "age": double.infinity},
{"id": 17, "age": 0},
// I didn't purposefully handle this case as requirements were for terseness.
// Although, in production I would definitely prefer complete type safety to
// avoid runtime errors:
// {"id": null , "age": null},
// I would actually use here to test but I don't think
// dartpad supports that package.
assert(listEquals(evenAgedUserIds(exampleUsers1), [2, 3]));
assert(listEquals(evenAgedUserIds(exampleUsers2), [0, 17]));
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