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Created March 29, 2015 08:47
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olsrd dyn hna6 announcement
. /lib/
. /usr/share/libubox/
update_hna6() {
local cfg="$1"
local address="$2"
local mask="$3"
config_get interface $cfg interface
if [ "$interface" == "wan6" ] ; then
config_get cfg_address $cfg netaddr
if [ "$cfg_address" != "$address" ] ; then
uci_set olsrd6 "$cfg" prefix "$mask"
uci_set olsrd6 "$cfg" netaddr "$address"
uci_commit olsrd6
local reload=1
local wan6_prefix=1
local address=0
local mask=0
local wan6_prefix=0
local reload=0
#get wan6 ip status
wan6_data=`ubus call network.interface.wan6 status`
json_load "$wan6_data"
json_get_keys wan6_res
json_select "ipv6_prefix"
json_select "1"
json_get_var address address
json_get_var mask mask
echo "$address/$mask"
if [ $address != 0 -a $mask != 0 ] ; then
config_load olsrd6
config_foreach update_hna6 Hna6 $address $mask
logger -t "olsrd_dyn_hna6" "wan6 prefix $adress/$mask"
if [ $wan6_prefix == 0 ] ; then
#add Hna6 for auto configuration
uci_add olsrd6 Hna6 ; hna_sec="$CONFIG_SECTION"
uci_set olsrd6 "$hna_sec" prefix "$mask"
uci_set olsrd6 "$hna_sec" netaddr "$address"
uci_set olsrd6 "$hna_sec" interface "wan6"
#add Hna6 as default gateway
uci_add olsrd6 Hna6 ; hna_sec="$CONFIG_SECTION"
uci_set olsrd6 "$hna_sec" prefix "0"
uci_set olsrd6 "$hna_sec" netaddr "::"
uci_set olsrd6 "$hna_sec" interface "wan6"
uci_commit olsrd6
local reload=1
#if [ $reload != 0 ] ; then
# /etc/init.d.olsrd6 restart
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