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Created October 1, 2017 01:50
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api/host_test.go: minFolderSizeString (line 24) and maxFolderSizeString (line 25) are not ordered.
api/host_test.go: tooSmallFolderString (line 26) and tooLargeFolderString (line 27) are not ordered.
api/host_test.go: tooLargeFolderString (line 27) and mediumSizeFolderString (line 28) are not ordered.
encoding/marshal_test.go: testStructs (line 74) and testEncodings (line 84) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/accept.go: errNoBlockMap (line 18) and errInconsistentSet (line 19) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/accept.go: errOrphan (line 20) and errNonLinearChain (line 21) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/accept_test.go: validateBlockParamsGot (line 19) and mockValidBlock (line 21) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/accept_test.go: mockValidBlock (line 21) and mockInvalidBlock (line 25) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/accept_test.go: parentBlockUnmarshaler (line 32) and parentBlockHighTargetUnmarshaler (line 38) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/accept_test.go: unmarshalFailedErr (line 50) and failingBlockUnmarshaler (line 52) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/consensusdb.go: prefixFCEX (line 20) and BlockHeight (line 32) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/consensusdb.go: SiacoinOutputs (line 57) and FileContracts (line 61) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/database.go: errRepeatInsert (line 19) and errNilBucket (line 20) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/database.go: errNilItem (line 21) and errDBInconsistent (line 22) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/database.go: errNonEmptyBucket (line 23) and dbMetadata (line 25) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/synchronize.go: sendBlocksTimeout (line 35) and sendBlkTimeout (line 42) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/synchronize.go: sendBlkTimeout (line 42) and relayHeaderTimeout (line 49) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/synchronize.go: relayHeaderTimeout (line 49) and minIBDWaitTime (line 60) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/synchronize.go: minIBDWaitTime (line 60) and ibdLoopDelay (line 69) are not ordered.
modules/consensus/synchronize.go: ibdLoopDelay (line 69) and errEarlyStop (line 75) are not ordered.
modules/explorer/database.go: errNotExist (line 13) and bucketBlockFacts (line 16) are not ordered.
modules/explorer/database.go: bucketUnlockHashes (line 27) and bucketInternal (line 30) are not ordered.
modules/gateway/consts.go: nodePurgeDelay (line 73) and nodeListDelay (line 81) are not ordered.
modules/host/consts.go: defaultMaxReviseBatchSize (line 84) and defaultMaxCollateral (line 92) are not ordered.
modules/host/consts.go: workingStatusThreshold (line 125) and connectabilityCheckFirstWait (line 133) are not ordered.
modules/host/contractmanager/consts.go: maximumStorageFolders (line 88) and MaximumSectorsPerStorageFolder (line 98) are not ordered.
modules/host/contractmanager/storagefolder.go: errStorageFolderNotFound (line 75) and errRelativePath (line 78) are not ordered.
modules/host/host.go: persistMetadata (line 99) and errHostClosed (line 106) are not ordered.
modules/host/negotiate.go: errLowTransactionFees (line 109) and errLowHostMissedOutput (line 113) are not ordered.
modules/host/storageobligations.go: errObligationUnlocked (line 94) and errNoBuffer (line 99) are not ordered.
modules/host.go: BytesPerTerabyte (line 14) and BlockBytesPerMonthTerabyte (line 17) are not ordered.
modules/host.go: HostWorkingStatusWorking (line 32) and HostConnectabilityStatusChecking (line 36) are not ordered.
modules/miner/miner.go: HeaderMemory (line 27) and BlockMemory (line 36) are not ordered.
modules/renter/consts.go: uploadFailureCooldown (line 11) and maxConsecutivePenalty (line 18) are not ordered.
modules/renter/consts.go: repairQueueInterval (line 32) and maxChunkCacheSize (line 40) are not ordered.
modules/renter/consts.go: maxScheduledDownloads (line 49) and chunkDownloadTimeout (line 58) are not ordered.
modules/renter/contractor/allowance.go: errAllowanceZeroPeriod (line 12) and errAllowanceWindowSize (line 13) are not ordered.
modules/renter/contractor/allowance.go: errAllowanceWindowSize (line 13) and errAllowanceNotSynced (line 14) are not ordered.
modules/renter/contractor/consts.go: minScoreHostBuffer (line 52) and minContractFundRenewalThreshold (line 61) are not ordered.
modules/renter/contractor/contractor.go: errNilWallet (line 18) and errNilTpool (line 19) are not ordered.
modules/renter/contractor/editor.go: maxUploadCollateral (line 15) and errInvalidEditor (line 17) are not ordered.
modules/renter/download.go: errPrevErr (line 28) and errInsufficientHosts (line 29) are not ordered.
modules/renter/files.go: ErrUnknownPath (line 17) and ErrPathOverload (line 18) are not ordered.
modules/renter/hostdb/hosttree/hosttree.go: errWeightTooHeavy (line 17) and errNegativeWeight (line 22) are not ordered.
modules/renter/hostdb/hosttree/hosttree.go: errNilEntry (line 26) and errHostExists (line 30) are not ordered.
modules/renter/hostdb/hostweight.go: tbMonth (line 19) and collateralExponentiation (line 23) are not ordered.
modules/renter/hostdb/hostweight.go: priceDivNormalization (line 28) and minCollateral (line 33) are not ordered.
modules/renter/persist.go: ErrNonShareSuffix (line 28) and ErrBadFile (line 29) are not ordered.
modules/renter/persist.go: shareVersion (line 33) and saveMetadata (line 35) are not ordered.
modules/renter/renter.go: errNilTpool (line 25) and errNilHdb (line 26) are not ordered.
modules/renter/upload.go: pieceSize (line 19) and defaultDataPieces (line 22) are not ordered.
modules/transactionpool/accept.go: errObjectConflict (line 20) and errFullTransactionPool (line 21) are not ordered.
modules/transactionpool/accept.go: errLowMinerFees (line 22) and errEmptySet (line 23) are not ordered.
modules/transactionpool/database.go: fieldRecentConsensusChange (line 41) and fieldBlockHeight (line 45) are not ordered.
modules/transactionpool.go: ErrLargeTransactionSet (line 35) and ErrInvalidArbPrefix (line 41) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/consts.go: lookaheadRescanThreshold (line 23) and lookaheadBuffer (line 31) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/database.go: keyUID (line 48) and keyEncryptionVerification (line 49) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/database.go: keyPrimarySeedProgress (line 51) and keyConsensusChange (line 52) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/database.go: keySpendableKeyFiles (line 54) and keyAuxiliarySeedFiles (line 55) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/database.go: keySiafundPool (line 56) and errNoKey (line 58) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/encrypt.go: errUnencryptedWallet (line 21) and errScanInProgress (line 22) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/scan.go: numInitialKeys (line 16) and maxScanKeys (line 31) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/scan.go: maxScanKeys (line 31) and errMaxKeys (line 44) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/transactionbuilder.go: errSpendHeightTooHigh (line 24) and errOutputTimelock (line 27) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/transactionbuilder.go: errOutputTimelock (line 27) and errDustOutput (line 30) are not ordered.
modules/wallet/unseeded.go: ErrUnknownVersion (line 29) and errAllDuplicates (line 31) are not ordered.
modules/wallet.go: ErrLowBalance (line 33) and ErrIncompleteTransactions (line 39) are not ordered.
persist/boltdb_test.go: testInputs (line 20) and testFilenames (line 47) are not ordered.
profile/timing.go: uptime (line 9) and times (line 10) are not ordered.
profile/timing.go: times (line 10) and activeTimers (line 11) are not ordered.
siac/daemoncmd.go: updateCmd (line 18) and updateCheckCmd (line 25) are not ordered.
siac/gatewaycmd.go: gatewayDisconnectCmd (line 28) and gatewayAddressCmd (line 35) are not ordered.
siac/hostcmd.go: hostConfigCmd (line 26) and hostAnnounceCmd (line 62) are not ordered.
siac/hostcmd.go: hostFolderCmd (line 75) and hostFolderAddCmd (line 81) are not ordered.
siac/main.go: initPassword (line 22) and initForce (line 23) are not ordered.
siac/main.go: initForce (line 23) and hostVerbose (line 24) are not ordered.
siac/main.go: renterShowHistory (line 25) and renterListVerbose (line 26) are not ordered.
siac/main.go: rootCmd (line 29) and apiPassword (line 33) are not ordered.
siac/rentercmd.go: renterUploadsCmd (line 25) and renterDownloadsCmd (line 32) are not ordered.
siac/rentercmd.go: renterDownloadsCmd (line 32) and renterAllowanceCmd (line 39) are not ordered.
siac/rentercmd.go: renterAllowanceCmd (line 39) and renterAllowanceCancelCmd (line 46) are not ordered.
siac/rentercmd.go: renterSetAllowanceCmd (line 53) and renterContractsCmd (line 70) are not ordered.
siac/walletcmd.go: walletCmd (line 16) and walletAddressCmd (line 35) are not ordered.
siac/walletcmd.go: walletLoadCmd (line 71) and walletLoad033xCmd (line 78) are not ordered.
siac/walletcmd.go: walletSweepCmd (line 141) and walletBalanceCmd (line 149) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: RootDepth (line 17) and BlockFrequency (line 18) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: MaturityDelay (line 19) and GenesisTimestamp (line 20) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: RootTarget (line 21) and MedianTimestampWindow (line 23) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: TargetWindow (line 24) and MaxAdjustmentUp (line 25) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: MaxAdjustmentUp (line 25) and MaxAdjustmentDown (line 26) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: MaxAdjustmentDown (line 26) and FutureThreshold (line 27) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: FutureThreshold (line 27) and ExtremeFutureThreshold (line 28) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: SiafundPortion (line 31) and SiacoinPrecision (line 32) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: SiacoinPrecision (line 32) and InitialCoinbase (line 33) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: MinimumCoinbase (line 34) and GenesisSiafundAllocation (line 36) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: GenesisSiafundAllocation (line 36) and GenesisBlock (line 37) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: OakHardforkBlock (line 45) and OakDecayNum (line 46) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: OakDecayNum (line 46) and OakDecayDenom (line 47) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: OakMaxRise (line 48) and OakMaxDrop (line 49) are not ordered.
types/constants.go: OakMaxDrop (line 49) and OakHardforkTxnSizeLimit (line 50) are not ordered.
types/currency.go: ZeroCurrency (line 31) and ErrNegativeCurrency (line 35) are not ordered.
types/filecontracts.go: ProofValid (line 12) and ProofMissed (line 13) are not ordered.
types/signatures.go: SignatureEntropy (line 22) and SignatureEd25519 (line 23) are not ordered.
types/signatures.go: SignatureEd25519 (line 23) and ErrEntropyKey (line 25) are not ordered.
types/transactions.go: SpecifierSiacoinOutput (line 32) and SpecifierFileContract (line 33) are not ordered.
types/transactions.go: SpecifierStorageProofOutput (line 36) and SpecifierSiafundInput (line 37) are not ordered.
types/transactions.go: SpecifierSiafundOutput (line 38) and SpecifierClaimOutput (line 39) are not ordered.
types/transactions.go: SpecifierMinerFee (line 40) and ErrTransactionIDWrongLen (line 42) are not ordered.
types/validtransaction.go: ErrFileContractWindowStartViolation (line 15) and ErrFileContractOutputSumViolation (line 16) are not ordered.
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