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Last active November 26, 2017 14:45
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LinuxBBQ Academy

Lesson 2 - Editing files

By default, LinuxBBQ comes with the GNU nano editor. It is good enough for most of the tasks, quick enough for most of the users, and powerful enough to make even editing of multiple files possible.

Let's edit the configuration file of wmii.

Open up a terminal, and type:

nano ~/.wmii/wmiirc_local

Pro tip: Make use of the bash-completion feature for longer filenames {: .callout .info}

The file is quite easy to understand.

You can set background and foreground colors, or change the modifier Mod1 (which is Alt) to Mod4 (which is Super or Windows).

When you made your changes, press Ctrl + o and hit Enter.

To close the editor, press Ctrl + x.

To see any changes you made, use the three-finger salute:

Ctrl + Alt + Backspace

In the next part we'll take a look at the ~/.xinitrc file, we'll set up the terminal environment, and we'll install some software.

Until then, move those terminals around, cowboy! ;)

Further readings in our wiki:

Command-line interface

Terminal intro

CLI tricks

GNU nano

Config file

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