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Created January 21, 2013 10:49
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#region Types
public class TestStep
public string Step { get; set; }
internal class Test_Int
private BindingList<TestStep> _steps;
public Test_Int()
public bool NotNullSetterCalled = false;
private void InitializeStepsList(IList<TestStep> init = null)
_steps = new BindingList<TestStep>(init ?? new List<TestStep>());
if (init != null) NotNullSetterCalled = true;
[MapField(Storage = "Steps")]
public IList<TestStep> Steps
get { return _steps; }
private set { InitializeStepsList(value); }
public class Test_Pub
private BindingList<TestStep> _steps;
public Test_Pub()
public bool NotNullSetterCalled = false;
private void InitializeStepsList(IList<TestStep> init = null)
_steps = new BindingList<TestStep>(init ?? new List<TestStep>());
if (init != null) NotNullSetterCalled = true;
[MapField(Storage = "Steps")]
public IList<TestStep> Steps
get { return _steps; }
private set { InitializeStepsList(value); }
public class TestStepRecord
public string Step { get; set; }
public class TestRecord
public List<TestStepRecord> Steps;
public void TestMapFieldSetter()
var tta = TypeAccessor.GetAccessor<Test_Int>();
var ma = ExprMemberAccessor.GetMemberAccessor(tta, "Steps");
var test = (Test_Int)tta.CreateInstance();
var list = new List<TestStep>() { new TestStep() };
ma.SetValue(test, list);
Assert.IsTrue(test.Steps.Count == 1);
public void TestExpressionMapper_Int()
var em = new ExpressionMapper<TestRecord, Test_Int>();
var tr = new TestRecord {Steps = new List<TestStepRecord> {new TestStepRecord {Step = "Test"}}};
var t = em.GetMapper()(tr);
Assert.IsTrue(t.Steps.Count == 1);
public void TestExpressionMapper_Pub()
var em = new ExpressionMapper<TestRecord, Test_Pub>();
var tr = new TestRecord { Steps = new List<TestStepRecord> { new TestStepRecord { Step = "Test" } } };
var t = em.GetMapper()(tr);
Assert.IsTrue(t.Steps.Count == 1);
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