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Last active April 21, 2021 12:54
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A simple babashka script to get a list of tasks from Todoist in a format that is easy to use in Roam Research.
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(ns stask.todoist
[ :as tools.cli]
[org.httpkit.client :as client]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(def cl-options
[["-t" "--token TOKEN" "Todoist API token"]
["-h" "--help" "Help"]])
(defn unfuck-title [content]
;; in some cases, the `content` is already a Markdown link
;; if that's that case, we want to extract the title of the link
(if-let [[_ title _] (re-find #"^\[([^\]]+)\]\(.+\)$" content)]
(defn list-tasks [token [filter]]
(->> {:query-params {"filter" filter}
:headers {"Authorization" (format "Bearer %s" token)}}
(client/get "")
(map (fn [{:strs [url content]}]
(format "[%s](%s)" (unfuck-title content) url)))
(string/join \newline)
(defn run-command [[command & arguments] {:keys [token]}]
(case command
"list" (list-tasks token arguments)
(println (format "Unsupported command [%s] [%s]" command arguments))))
;; main
(defn main [{:keys [options summary errors arguments]}]
(let [has-option? (partial contains? options)]
(seq errors) (println summary)
(has-option? :help) (println summary)
(has-option? :token) (run-command arguments options)
:else (println summary))))
(main (tools.cli/parse-opts *command-line-args* cl-options))
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stask commented Apr 21, 2021

Get your personal API token for todoist, save the script somewhere in your PATH, make sure it's executable, and use it like that:

todoist.clj --token YOUR_TOKEN list "today|overdue" | pbcopy

And then paste it in your daily note in Roam. It will paste markdown links to the tasks, with title and link back to Todoist task.
It's not a real integration of course, but it allows to have tasks in Todoist and notes in Roam.
You will need to have babashka installed.

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