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Last active May 3, 2019 18:46
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import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Ari Stassinopoulos' spot in the seating chart.
* @author Ari Stassinopoulos
* @version (a version number or a date)
public class AriStassinopoulos extends Student implements StudentAthlete, SpecialInterestOrHobby, Aburrido
* Constructor for the AriStassinopoulos class.
* @param String firstName (Student's first name.)
* @param String lastName (Student's last name.)
* @param int row (Seat row.)
* @param int seat (seat number in row.)
public AriStassinopoulos(String firstName, String lastName, int row, int seat) {
this.firstName = firstName; // Initialise value firstName as param firstName
this.lastName = lastName; // Initialise value lastName as param lastName
myRow = row; // Initialise value myRow as param row
mySeat = seat; // Initialise value seat as param seat
imgFile = firstName.toLowerCase()+lastName.toLowerCase()+".jpg"; // Construct path for actor image
soundFile = firstName.toLowerCase()+lastName.toLowerCase()+".wav"; // Construct path for actor sound
setImage(imgFile); // Set image for actor to the imgFile
} // End main constructor
* Convenience initialiser, used to initiate conveniently
public AriStassinopoulos() {
firstName="Ari"; // Default firstName to "Ari"
lastName="Stassinopoulos"; // Default lastName to "Stassinopoulos"
myRow=4; // Set row to 4
mySeat=1; // Set seat to 1
imgFile=firstName.toLowerCase()+ lastName.toLowerCase()+".jpg"; // Prepare image for Classroom environment
soundFile=firstName.toLowerCase()+ lastName.toLowerCase()+".wav"; // Set sound file for easy retrieval
setImage(imgFile); // Set actor image to imgFile, will throw error if imgFile doesn't exist
} // End convenience init
* Act - This method checks for clicks and, if there are any, performs the animation and the sound.
public void act()
if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("e")) {
Classroom.isSnap = true;
if(Classroom.isSnap == true && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("e")) {
Classroom.isSnap = false;
if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)){ // If this actor has been clicked on
System.out.println(""); // Print a blank line to create space between any student output.
getName(); // Say the name of the actor
sayName(soundFile); // Play the audio file of my name through the speakers.
mySport("I run cross country and track & field."); // Say what sport I enjoy
myHobby("I work with the Dublin SHield ");
walkAllOverYou(); //Go over all the other classmates.
} // End if
} // End method act
* Prints the first and last name to the console
public void getName(){
System.out.println("My name is " + firstName + " " + lastName); // Print first name and last name, followed by a space
} // End method getName
* Walks over other classmates as an animation
private void walkAllOverYou(){
this.getWorld().setBackground("aristassinopoulos-bg.jpg"); // Set world background to alternate background
Actor prevActor = null; // Create placeholder for actor to add back after removal
int prevActorX = 0; // Create placeholder int for prevActor's X location (seat)
int prevActorY = 0; // Create placeholder int for prevActor's Y location (row)
Greenfoot.delay(10); // Wait ten steps before continuing animation
for(int newRow = 5; newRow > 0; newRow--) { // Loop through all the rows (y-values) from 4-1
for(int newCol = 9; newCol > 0; newCol--) { // Loop through all the seats (x-values) from 9-1
setLocation(newCol,newRow); // Place actor in the iterated location
if(prevActor != null) { // If there is an actor which I have removed,
getWorld().addObject(prevActor, prevActorX, prevActorY); // Add the actor back in the world at the saved location
} // End if
Actor intersectingActor = (Actor) getOneIntersectingObject(Actor.class); // Find actors which this actor is colliding with
if(intersectingActor != null) { // If there is an intersectingActor
prevActor = intersectingActor; // Set the prevActor to the intersectingActor
prevActorX = prevActor.getX(); // Set the X location to reinstantiate at to the X location of the intersecting actor
prevActorY = prevActor.getY(); // Set the Y location to reinstantiate at to the Y location of the intersecting actor
} // End if
getWorld().removeObject(intersectingActor); // Remove the intersecting actor from the world
Greenfoot.delay(5); // Wait 5 animation steps before continuing
} // End seat loop
} // End row loop
if(prevActor != null) { // If there is an actor to reinstantiate,
getWorld().addObject(prevActor, prevActorX, prevActorY); // Reinstantiate them at their previous location
prevActor = null; // Reset the previous actor to prevent infinite copies
} // End if
sitDown(); // Reset actor location
this.getWorld().setBackground("csa.jpg"); // Set the world background to the primary background
} // End method walkAllOverYou
* Prints which sport I do
public void mySport(String mySportSentence) {
System.out.println(mySportSentence); // Print input
} // End method mySport
* Prints my hobby
public void myHobby(String myHobbySentence) {
* Randomly deletes half of the class
public void elChasquido() {
if(Math.random() < 0.5) {
} else {
* Death animation
public void agarDeath() {
public void noSupervision() {
} // End class AriStassinopoulos
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