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Created November 29, 2019 16:41
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df <- read.table("lgd", header = T)[, 1:8]
Y <- 1 - df$rr
X <- scale(df[, 2:8])
pre.N <- 1000
trn.N <- 100
try.N <- 100
seeds <- floor(with(set.seed(2020), runif(try.N) * 1e8))
test_glm <- function(seed) {
i1 <- with(set.seed(seed), sample(seq(length(Y)), pre.N))
Y1 <- Y[i1]
X1 <- X[i1, ]
Y2 <- Y[-i1]
X2 <- X[-i1, ]
i2 <- with(set.seed(seed), sample(seq(length(Y2)), trn.N))
gm <- glm(Y2 ~ ., data = data.frame(Y2, X2)[i2, ], family = quasibinomial)
round(MLmetrics::R2_Score(predict(gm, newdata = data.frame(X1), type = "response"), Y1), 4)
perf.glm <- Reduce(c, lapply(seeds, test_glm))
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
# -0.39300 -0.10483 -0.02280 -0.05135 0.01230 0.08920
sum(perf.glm > 0) / length(perf.glm)
# [1] 0.32
test_grnn <- function(seed) {
i1 <- with(set.seed(seed), sample(seq(length(Y)), pre.N))
Y1 <- Y[i1]
X1 <- X[i1, ]
Y2 <- Y[-i1]
X2 <- X[-i1, ]
i2 <- with(set.seed(seed), sample(seq(length(Y2)), trn.N))
gn <-[i2, ], Y2[i2])
round(MLmetrics::R2_Score(grnn.predict(gn, X1), Y1), 4)
perf.grnn <- Reduce(c, lapply(seeds, test_grnn))
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
# -0.06130 0.00075 0.03075 0.02739 0.05437 0.10000
sum(perf.grnn > 0) / length(perf.grnn)
# [1] 0.76
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